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The following morning was kind of busy. We were able to get some sleep but I wanted to be up early so we could get breakfast because we wouldn't have time to get lunch due to having to be at the meeting before 5pm.

By noon we were ready to hit the road, our destination was a couple of hours away and it would also give us time to get set up at the hotel in the town as well.

The drive there was easy going, I was cuddled up to Julien most of the ride other then when we would start talking about the meeting. I was nervous to say the least. One being me being the first female alpha, well next in line alpha. Then two my mate being a lone wolf. My father has not accepted him into the pack due to the war, it be one less worry for now which Julien and I understood. Our formal ceremony could wait until all this is said and done.

The town of Norwood came into view, it was a decent size town but it was also surrounded by trees. As we drove through the town I rolled down the window to take in the smells of the town which mainly smelt like wet dog. Norwood was notorious for a bunch of rain, and with all the wolves being around it smelt like wet dog.

"We are going to the meeting first, then we will go to the hotel." My father said as he was typing away on his phone.

"Be prepared for the looks, and the whispers." Rocky stated as he looked in the rear view mirror to look at me.

"The both of you."

I looked over at Julien who gave me a reassuring smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

We drove from town down a dirt road that came to a small clearing that had poles in spots meaning you could park there. When Rocky parked the vehicle, we all climbed out and started on a path that led away from the dirt road and into the forest. My father was in front with rocky behind him to the side a little, then Julien and I were following behind hand in hand.

It wasn't long before I saw this mountain side come into view, I almost stopped at the site before me. The path lead right up to the opening of the cave and the trees were almost in perfect line along the path. I could feel the history of all the wolves that have passed through here, it was an overwhelming feeling. Julien must have sense a change in my emotions as he wrapped his arm around my waist and held me to him.

As we entered the cave the walls were line with torches, there were also cave drawings that the wolves from the past had left. As we made our way through the cave system we ended up in this room that had a large stone table in the middle of it, it looked like the table and the chairs were more like stone benches that was carved up from the cave. The table had an engraving of a wolf howling with some circles and engravings around it. I reached out to feel the table when a voice caught mine and my companies attention.

"Welcome, Alpha Eli and members of the Takota Pack."

The owner of the voice was an older gentleman who looked to be in his late 70's, had a slim figure with a slight hunchback, he had a long beard that came down to the middle of his chest and his long snow white hair that was tied into a high ponytail, his beard matched his hair in color.

"Elder Nicolas, it is good to see you my friend." My father said as he took the mans hand and shook it.

"My friend you have raised a beautiful daughter." Nicolas's voice made me look in his direction and I saw him and my father looking at me, both had genuine smiles on their faces.

"She is definitely my pride and joy." My father commented.

I slipped out of Julien's grasp which he didn't seem to mind as he saw me walk over to the elder and my father.

"Don't let the boys hear you." I joked.

"Hello Elder." I said as I bowed my head.

"Please my dear, you are an alpha there is no need for that." Nicolas commented as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled up at him, and nodded my head in response.

"Is there still time to prepare the meeting?" Rocky asked as he approached us.

Nicolas nodded his head, "Yes, there is still time. I hope nothing but goodness is to come from this meeting, especially in such a sacred place."

I mentally agreed with Nicolas as I was hoping for the same, but with so many alphas coming from so many different places there was bond to be a few arguments and disagreements. I just hoped everyone would come to their senses and see the bigger picture here, but time will tell for that.

I helped my father and Nicolas sit up the meeting table as Rocky and Julien helped sit out some refreshments and prepare for everyone to arrive, well more or less Rocky was preparing for that as I had said I wish for Julien to stay beside me due to his current title, which was understood. When the alphas started to arrive my father made sure that I was close to him at all times due to having to introduce myself to the other alphas or they may not respect the decision that made for me to be there in the first place.

I lost track of how many alphas had come after 30, my father really went above and beyond to summon as many as he could. I was surprised this many bothered to show up.

It wasn't until my father used his alpha voice over the crowd to let people know it was time to start this meeting. My father and Nicolas were the first to take a seat then myself, then Rocky, and then Julien. The rest of the alphas and took a seat while their betas or deltas or who they may have brought along stood against the walls.

"This meeting is now in session."

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