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It's been a few days now. I've spent most of my time helping train anyone who wanted to train, with a war brewing I've made sure to get in time to train anyone that would like to learn so they had a better chance to protect themselves, my brothers have been helping me as much as possible. Julien has been spending most of his time with his brother, I don't blame him. I love having him around but after finding his long lost brother, I always root for him to spend at much time with him as possible. My father has been in contact with other alpha's as far as who ever he can reach, preparing for the meeting that was in two days. My mother has been very busy keeping up with the pack house, making sure everyone has everything they need, and she has been helping my father out when or how ever she can. Angel has been my savior when the sun goes down, soon as the moon is up she is there on the porch with a case of beer, and we drink till we are laughing out asses off or we are just straight up drunk, it helps me relax after doing what I need to do.

With the pack meeting being two days away, we needed to do some traveling so the morning of the second day before the meeting Julien, my father, Rocky and myself were packing things up into the SUV that we would use for the trip.

I threw my last bag into the hatch of the SUV, "There we go." I stated before I went into the pack house.

I walked into the kitchen as Julien and Rocky passed me to finish putting things into the SUV.

I opened the refrigerator door and grabbed a juice from the door. Twisting the lid off and taking a swig.

"Is that everything of yours Aurora?" Juliens voice caught my attention.

I threw up a thumbs up with the hand that was holding the lid as I took another drink of my juice. Once finishing my drink, I threw it away and start to grab a small bag of snacks and drinks for trip.

"Truck is already to go, let's hit the road!" My father yelled from the front door.

"Coming!" I hollered back as I finishing packing the snack bag.

My mother gave me a quick hug and wished us luck and to be safe also to call her when we got where we were going. I told her we would and hopped in the SUV, every body got comfortable because we would be driving at least until the evening then we would stop and stay some where for the night.

Rocky was driving, my father was in the passenger seat, then Julien and I were in the second row seats.

I opened one of the chip bags I got and started to munch, my father and Rocky were talking about who was going to be there at the meeting, and what would be the best approach to start the meeting, while Julien and I cuddled and snacked on the open bag of chips.

After a few hours on the road we had pulled off at a gas station to fuel up the SUV, and grab any drinks or food we wanted. My father also picked a hotel we would stay at for the night, it was at least 4 hours away. I couldn't wait to get off the road, it was so much easier to run as wolves and a lot quicker, but the meeting would hold for a couple of days as we made sure every alpha that was suppose to attend would be there and that we could get a plan in order from everyone, so it was easier to take a car and stay at a hotel then to just go as wolves.

I think I must have fallen asleep either at the gas station or a little bit after leaving there, because when I woke up the SUV was stopped and I looked out the window to see we were in a small town and at a hotel. I leaned up from my spot against the door and window and saw Julien grabbed a bag that was next to me, he saw I was awake and smiled gently at me.

"I was about to wake you up, we are here for the night, need help getting out?"

I shook my head and stretched my arms up with my fingers touching the roof of the vehicle and my back popped in a few places as I stretched. Once I finished my stretch, I opened my door and climbed out. I took in a deep breath of fresh air, it smelled so good and fresh. The smell of a diner being open, and the smell of fresh pine trees stirred my wolf a little and she was getting excited.

"Let's get comfy for the night and I'll go pick up dinner from the diner. That work?" Julien asked, he must have noticed how happy I got to the smell of food.

I looked at him, with a smile as I nodded. I grabbed my bag and one of the bags Julien was carrying and we made it up to our room. My father and Rocky had their own rooms, so Julien and I shared a room. When we reached to our room I sat a bag down and used the key card the person at the front desk gave us and unlocked the door, I opened the door and let Julien go in first I followed him after picking the back up the bag I had sat down. Once we were inside I could see how pretty the room was, it was more of a modern room compared to the rooms you would see if you would go to a hotel that was dirt cheap but it wasn't like it was made from gold like you could see if it was an expensive place. It was nice middle line.

"Finally out of that car." Julien said as he collapsed face first into the bed.

I giggled at his actions, "I didn't think it was that bad."

Julien raised his head and looked at me, his mouth opened like he was about to say something but a knock at the door caught our attentions.

I went and opened the door to see my father standing there.

"Hey dad." I smiled at him.

"Hey sweetheart, I'm just letting you know we will be leaving close to noon tomorrow, so get some good sleep." My father looked wore out even with a smile on his face.

"Okay pops, go get some sleep you look like you need it."

He chuckled, "I will." He placed a kiss on my forehead and turned to walk down the hallway to his room.

I shut the door, locked it and then made my way to Julien who was already fast asleep.

I smiled, kissed his cheek which caused him to stir and open one eye.

"Let's get ready for bed honey, we still have snacks to eat if we get hungry in the middle of the night." I said before grabbing some clothes out of one of my bags and changing into my night clothes.

Julien changed into some shorts as I changed into a tank top and a pair of night shorts.

We both climbed into bed, I turned the desk lamp light off then Julien pulled me close to him so that my head was resting on his chest. It wasn't no time when I could feel Julien's body rest and his breathing slowed meaning he had already fallen asleep, I closed my eyes and it wasn't long before my body and mind followed suit.

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