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A blur is all I could see. The trees zoomed past me as I ran across the forest floor, it also felt like I was flying from how fast I was going. Dodging trees, giant rocks and jumping over fallen trees. I slid to a halt when I realised I was close to the border line of the territory, my heavy panting was the only thing I could hear, even miles away.

It was a crisp, Wednesday morning. The sun had barley even rose, a light fog was covering the forest floor in patches. As I had been running through it, the fog danced around me as each step I had taken. Making it open like a trail to my stopping point.

I didn't have training today, but that didn't mean I could stop and take a day. I still had to be top of my game, I had a image to hold being Alpha, or soon to be alpha.

Some days I think to myself why I was the one chosen out of my older brothers, then the question of why am I even allowed to transform follows soon after. You see, only male werewolves can shift into a wolf, female or she-wolf, can not. They can carry the wolf bloodline so that it can continue in the heirs to be full blooded wolves, but it was deemed that she wolves could not handle the transformation, their bodies are not built for that kind of stress. The story or legend that goes with how the werewolves were made or born was that a man was so in love with a woman but she had become so sick, she was dying, he had begged to the moon goddess to save her, let him take her place, let him make her stronger. In return the moon goddess have him the power of the wolf. Gave him strength, and the power. He then saved the female by biting her neck, also known as leaving his mark, and it gave her the wolf blood as well. Saving her, then it came to be known the moon goddess had done this for other people as well, and soon there were hundreds up to thousands of werewolves running around. If people prayed enough to the moon goddess she gave you the power of the wolf. I have asked her so many times why me, what's my purpose but I have yet to get an answer.

I started my way back to the location of my pack, my mind still in deep thought.

I knew from the basically day one of my life I was a wolf, or had the wolf blood line. I come from an alpha family, the family bloodline of alphas that has continued for centuries. It was chosen that when my brother Kade was born being the oldest of us, he was chosen to be leader when he came of age and father was ready to step down. Most wolves do not find their inner wolves until they hit the age 13, then it's like something wakes up inside of them and they transform immediately. So when my brothers went through the transformation at 13 no one expected any different. I was 15 when I had transformed. I remember waking up at 1am, I was burning up and sweat beaded off me leaving a body imprint in my bed. I thought I had the flu or something was really wrong, I was right something was definitely wrong. I had called out to anyone in the house to help me, and it was my father's second in command, Rocky, who barge in my room. He was asking a million questions, and all I could was scream in pain, he called out to my parnets and they came rushing in aswell. My brothers transformation were not no where near this bad, so when this was happening it never crossed my mind this was happening. I remember my father picking up bridal style and rushing me out of my bedroom with Rocky behind him. He was trying to take me to the pack doctor. We didn't make it there, not even half way when it happened. I had yelled at my father to stop, and for some reason he listened to me, I told him to put me down and give me some space, and he actually obliged which in result Rocky was asking him questions on why we stopped. It was like everything around me faded away, and I could hear nothing but silence until I heard this voice, a sweet but calming voice.

"I am here, do not be afraid."

I thought I had died, and this was some voice from wolf heaven or something.

"This is going to hurt."

I wanted to ask what but then it was like everything in my body broke, I screamed in pain which then turned into howls. It seem like the pain went on for hours, but it had only been a few minutes. When I was able to come to myself and actually know what was going on, I saw my father staring at me with a very shocked expression. It took me a moment to realize that here I was looking at him at his eye level which his height it 6'5, I could feel my face turn into a shock expression to match my father's.

"Dad." I tried to say but it came out as a bark.

"What in all that is mighty." Rocky mumbled as he walked up beside my dad and close to me.

I was very confused on why they were looking at me like the way they were, like deer in headlights but worse. I tried to take a step to them, that's why I noticed my leg or I guess my arm was now furry and my hand was a paw. To say I flipped out was an understatement. For some reason, unexplainable on my 15 birthday I had transformed to a wolf, my inner wolf, and now I had to learn to transform back which was kind of interesting due to the fact how normal male wolves transform back, did not work me. I had to learn my own ways to turn back.

I remember being under fathers watchful eyes and under great protection for months after that, everyone had questions, but no one had answers. It took a long time for me to able to be one with my inner wolf, she helped me the best she could but she had limited answers herself. She was born into me, it didn't just appear out of no where. When I had turned 18, my father had a meeting with us, which included both parents, myself and my brothers. He had broken the news that he wanted me as Alpha, which in return, no one had issue with that. My brothers saw it as a opportunity to make our pack the best, and with the first shewolf alpha, no one had any doubts it couldn't be done. I had my doubts of course, but now being 21 I knew I was more then ready to become alpha and change the world, well maybe not to that full extend.

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