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I could feel the warmth from the sun that was shining through my windows, so I started to stir from my slumber. Once I had opened my eyes I looked down to see Julien was still holding me in the same position from a few hours ago, I looked down at him and gently ran my fingers through his messy bed hair. A small smiled appeared on my face, I then slowly slipped out of his grasps so that I was standing beside the bed. I watched him wrap himself around my pillow, thinking I was still laying next to him and he was smelling my scent. I smiled again, and then went to freshen up in the bathroom. I always only there for a few minutes but by the time I came back out Julien was awake, and staring out the window.

I sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You know, if you want to talk I am here for you."

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around things." He mumbled, not taking his eyes from the window.

"I know, I was just letting you know I am here. You don't have to go through this alone." I kissed his cheek.

"I knew my brother was out there, I never tried to find him because I knew me carrying the lone wolf title, it would cause nothing but trouble for him." Julien stayed as he sat up in bed, sitting on the edge next to me.

"It's kind of funny you know." He started out.

I raised my eyebrow, trying to figure out the humor in any of this.

"In just about a month, I go from living in the wild being on my own, to having found my mate, living amongst one of the most powerful packs, and finding my long lost brother. Just funny how things work out I guess." He lightly chuckled.

"It's crazy how life works, huh?" I asked.

He smiled at me, and kissed my cheek.

"You know, we should go for a run together." He said with a wide grin.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled, and got up from the bed.

"I'll meet you outside." He said as he opened my bedroom window and jumped down to the ground. I giggled, and made my way out of my bedroom the normal way.

I knew why Julien took the window because it seemed like every person on the way out of the house wanted to talk, kind of annoying but one of the great perks of being alpha or soon to be alpha.

Once I was outside I saw Julien watching the forest line, I walked up beside him and he looked over at me.

"Ready?" He smiled.

I nodded with a smile in return to his.

We started off running to the forest but when we almost pass the tree line we transformed into our wolves.

We ran for what seemed like hours but it had only been an hour and half before we had almost traveled the whole pack territory. We ended up rounding back to my spot, well I guess our spot now.

I trotted down the hillside and into the stream. I was panting pretty hard so I decided to roll around in the water. Once I was soaked I heard a couple of huffs so I looked to see where it was coming from and Julien was looking down at me from the hill too, I could see the smile that was growing across his muzzle. I shook a little bit, slinging water every where. Julien didn't move from his spot, he just continued to watch me. I tilted my head and smiled like I was panting, then I started to paw at the water trying to get him to come in the water. He huffed at me and shook his head. I growled playfully, then I smiled again. I turned on my heels and ran up the other hillside to where I was on the top looking over at Julien. He took a few steps back, took a kind of a running go and jumped so that he landed right next to me. I started walking when I heard him start to follow me I turned in a 180 degree turn and tackled Julien where we toppled down the hillside and into the water. I quickly got to my feet and shook myself a little, Julien got to his feet and glared at me. He shook himself and walked out of the water. I rolled my eyes at him. I transformed back to my human form, and walked out of the water. Julien was still in wolf form so I walked up to him and wrap my arms around his wolfs neck.

"Your no fun you know that." I said as I massaged one of his giant ears.

He huffed at me, then leaned into my touch. I smiled, I let go of Julien only to climb up on his back. He looked back me with a head tilt.

"I figured you could carry me for a while." I smiled, he returned a smile back.

He looked straight forward and pawed at the ground making some huffing noises, basically asking me if I was ready. I leaned down onto his back a little and gripped on to his fur. Once I had a good grip that he could feel, he took off and from the scenery he was headed back to the pack house. Which was probably a good idea, seeing we had been gone a few hours now and we didn't want anyone to worry.

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