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After my emotional breakdown Julien held me in his arms for over an hour, I started to feel very tired due to the pain and the medicine that had given me so I sent Julien home and to go see if any of the trackers and warriors had found more information on the grizzly who tried to kill us.

It was around 4pm when a knock on the door caught my attention from the TV that I had been scrolling through channels trying to find something to watch.

Before I could say anything the pack doctor, Dr. Smith or as he perfers to go by his first name Blaine, came into my room.

"How are you feeling Alpha?" Blaine spoke as he walked over to the side of my bed, checking my vitals on the machine.

"Rough." I said as I switched the TV off.

"Is this suppose to be a joke?" Blaine smiled while looking at me from the corner of his eye for a brief moment.

I smiled in return, "No, I feel like crap is that better?"

Blaine chuckled.

"How bad is it doc, honestly." I asked, I needed to know the feel full extent of my injuries because I wasn't healing like I should be.

Blaine sighed, "Well what ever I tell you, they are things you are not going to want to hear."

I narrowed my eyes, "What you mean?"

"Well, your injuries are more severe and are taking longer to heal."

"Why isn't my wolf helping? Not only that but Julien was here, shouldn't he be helping the process along." I tilted my head.

Blaine sat down at the desk in the room on the stool.

"Your wolf was hiding during your date, which means you were basically human when the accident happen. Your wolf is also hurt, even with your mate being near you your wolf is just taking a long time to heal, which is why your healing process is taking so long."

Blaine looked at his clipboard, flipping through a couple of pages.

"Are you feeling any pain right now?" He looked over at me.

I arched an eyebrow.

"I mean is the pain any worse or any better."

I shook my head, "Just constant, what exactly is wrong with me?"

"Broke ribs, cracked sternum, three vertebrates dislocated, cracked collar bone, a bunch of bruises and alot of cuts."

Damn, I really was messed up.

"Your handling the pain quiet well, but with alpha blood the pain may be a little more tolerable."

I sighed, "How long am I stuck here?"

"A week." Blaine said nonchalantly.

I groaned and threw the covers over my head, but whinced at the pain.

"Fuck my life." I groaned again.

Blaine left a few minutes later after examining my wounds and sending me off for another X-ray, and when I was taken back to my room all three of my brothers were there waiting on me.

"Oh boy, this can't be good if all three of you are here." I said as I sat up slowly in bed.

Bryce came over and offered his arm, which I took as I could put some of my weight on him as I got comfortable.

"We wanted to see how you were doing, for being a big tough alpha you seem to be in a bit of pain." Kade said as he sat on the stool at the doctor's desk.

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