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It felt like I was floating, but the more I was coming to my senses I felt pressure against my body like I was pressed against a wall. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was being carried, so I looked up to see who my captor was, but I relaxed when I saw the similar face of a man who made my wolf and I very happy.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." His statement made my body jolt a little from not expecting him to talk.

"How long was I out? And can you put me down?"

Julien stopped and let me stand on my feet two feet.

"Maybe two hours, three top." He said as he made sure I could stand.

I started to get my bearings around me, and I noticed we were close to my spot in the forest.

"Why didn't you take me home? I wasn't far in the forest."

Julien shrugged, "I figure it be nice to take you to your place of peace, nice way to wake up." He flashed his smile, I felt my knees go weak.

"Look at you being a sweetheart." I playfully nudged his shoulder with my fist.

We both laughed a little, but it stopped when I caught him staring at me and my eyes locked with his.

It felt the world stopped turning, he slowly crept closer to me and I felt his breath gazing along my skin as he started to lean his head towards mine. I closed the distance between us by pressing my lips against his. I could feel the fire within me burning of desire for him. I wrapped my arms around his neck to where my hands got tangled in his hair, he instinctively wrapped his arms around my waist to where one hand was on my upper back and one was resting on the waist line of my pants. Our gentle kiss went into a power move by trying to over rule each others mouth as our tongues danced around each others. I felt Julien's hands move to where they were under my rear end and I felt him pick me up and I wrapped me legs around his waist. We continued our passionate making out when I could feel something hard against my back, in response I pulled away from the kiss to see to the side, I was against a tree. Julien kissed down from my lips, my cheek, my neck till he reached the  spot in the crock of my neck. He was breathing heavy as he was taking in my scent, I growled slowly as he left wet kisses against my skin.

"I want to." He said in between the kisses.

I knew what he was talking about, I was his mate, he wanted to mark what was his.

"Do it." I said with such seriousness that without me finishing my statement I felt Julien's fangs dig into my skin.

I moaned but growled in response, it hurt like hell but it was also so pleasurable. Without hesitation, I leaned my head against his neck, found the spot, and marked him. His response was the same as how I reacted, but be pushed his hips more between my thighs.

When we finally took our fangs out of eachother, we stared at eachother for what seem forever.

"I want you." He growled.

"Take me." I growled back.

In no time, we were undressed and he was on top of me. We made love into the darkness of the night.

I woke up to the sound of the wind breezing around me, and the sun was just starting to shine through the thick forest. I tried to get up when I felt something holding me down, I turned my head to look over my shoulder and saw Julien sleeping while spooning me. I slipped out of his grip, and grabbed my clothes that were scattered around us.

"Do you have to get dressed? I am enjoying the view very much." Julien said in a husky voice from just waking up.

I smiled as I threw on my underwear and bra. "Yes, the pack may come looking for us and catch us like this would not be a good look, I'm trying to make sure dad doesn't kill you. So catching you naked with his daughter, may just send the wrong message." I finish getting dressed.

"Why do you have to be right?" Julien groaned as he got to his feet and started getting dressed.

"What does he think will happen, we are mates."

I giggled at his statement, "I am daddy's little girl, alpha or not, he still thinks I'm 15 years old."

Once we were both fully dressed, I sent a mind link to my father saying we fell asleep in the forest and we will be home soon.

I was in no hurry to go home, so Julien and I took our time walking back home.

"Was that your first time?"

I felt myself blush at his question.

"Yes, what it yours?"

He seemed hesitant, "Do you want the truth?"

"I would really appreciate the truth." I shook my head at his question.


I shrugged my shoulders, "That's fine." I heard a quiet sigh of relief from him.

"When will I join the pack?" He was definitely full of questions this morning.

"Once I feel it is safe for us, this war thing has me on edge, I want us to be in a good place before we go through the ceremony and everything."


I am glad he understood.

We asked each other normal questions after that, like favorite food, favorite color, stuff like that. Once we had arrived back at the house, I decided to take a shower because I was muddy and my clothes were wet from the forest floor. I told Julien I would meet up with him later after he got cleaned up in one of the houses we had on the property.

Once I had cleaned myself, and put new clothes on I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"Honey I am going to make breakfast if you feel like waiting?" My mother asked as she went over to the pantry.

I nodded and got myself out of the fridge.

"Oh, your father has a meeting that he would like you to attend."

I leaned against the counter with my arms crossed over my chest, looking at my mother who was getting pans out of the cabinets.

"When is the meeting?"

She looked at her watch, "Now."

My eyes felt like that got wide as plates, and I took off for my fathers office.

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