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Six months. Six long months I have been gone. I had learned everything I could learn from my alpha training. The rest I would learn when I became alpha, I would have my own experiences and techniques.

I stayed awake the whole flight back home, I was wondering if anyone would recognize me. My waist length hair was now barley below my shoulders, I cut it off when I finally had enough if it getting in my way with training, now I just prefer it this short. My petite body that I had inherited from my mother now had some muscle tone I never had before, it wasn't body builder muscle tone but you could tell I had more muscles due to my biceps.

My thoughts were knocked from me when I felt the plane jolted as it landed on the runway. It wasn't long before we were able to get off the plane, I grabbed my bag from the cabinet above me and made my way off and into the airport.

I stood over by some chairs and looked around for anyone I could recognize, it took me a minute but someone did stand out to me. I slowly made my way over, the person was on their phone and not paying attention, but as I got closer I could see it was Michael, one of the warriors. I smiled as it was nice to see someone I knew.

"Michael!" I hollered while waving my hand above me.

He looked up at and smiled, "Hey!" He said as he ran up to me and hugged me, picking me off the ground.

"It is so good to see a fimilar face." I said as he put me down so I was standing again.

"It is so good to see the alpha, you look good by the way."

"Thanks." I fixed the bag that was my shoulders but Michael took it from me and threw it over this shoulder.

"Let me help you, it must have been a long flight."

"I am a bit tired, can we go home now?"

Home, it felt so nice to say that.

He smiled and nodded, I followed him out of the airport and to his car. He opened the door for me and I climbed in the passenger seat, he threw my bag into the truck then climbed into driver seat and started the car up.

"You ready?" He looked at me, I smiled and nodded.

"Let's go then." He stated as he backed out of the parking spot and started driving back to the pack.

It maybe took about 45 minutes to get home. I filled Michael in what Canada was like, and how training was. He said there was something different about me, and I told him blame the training.

I could tell I did change, I feel like I became more of a leader I guess. I could feel like I didn't want to do much partying or doing things that I guess an alpha wouldn't do. I could tell I was more stern and serious, like my jokes were more dry then before. I felt like an alpha ready to take their place.

When Michael parked the car in front of the pack house, and I stepped out of the car. I took in all the smells, it was midsummer now so it was muggy due to the heat and all the spring smells were gone, which kind of sucked because spring was definitely my favorite season.

"Everyone is waiting for you inside, go ahead I'll catch up." Michael said as he grabbed my bag from the truck.

I nodded, and made my way into the house. The smell of food cooking was making my mouth water, and different smells from the pack members was overwhelming.

I crept my way into the kitchen which was connected to the dining room, but before I could even step into the kitchen.

"She's here! She's here!"

"Damn it" I muttered.

Then it was like a herd of horses, well pack of wolves came running at me. Then I was basically pushed from the hallway into the living room. Question after question was being thrown at me, I wanted to yell but then it fell silent not even a cricket was making noise. A small path opened enough for my father to make his way through. He walked up to me, beaming with pride, I could tell by his smile. He proceeded to wrap me in a tight hug.

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