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It a few days later when I was able to actually get out of bed, and move around. My ribs had healed but the area of both my sides was still very tender. My shoulder blade was still recovering, I basically wore a sling when it bothered me to much.

I was walking to the back porch when the scent of my mate caught my attention. I happen to see him with my father, so I made my way quietly out to the back porch. Any time Julien and my father were around eachother, I kind of avoided it. I didn't want to have the mate talk, or how hes a lone wolf, all the judgment talk a father would say. I avoided it as long as I was able to.

I slipped out the sliding door, and sat down in a chair, the same chair I was in before when I was out here with Angel. I sighed and leaned my head back a little, I wanted to run away, far away.

When I became alpha I thought I would rule an awesome pack, my mate would be another alpha or beta or something and stand by my side, and in a few years I would be raising pups. Yeah, the goddess really wanted to shake up my plans.

The sliding door opened, I could smell the scent of my mate and my wolf happily whimpered.


Julien's voice sounding worried, and sincere caught my attention to where I look in his direction which was him sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

There was a few things bothering me, which Julien could tell something was off. So I took this opportunity to ask him a few things.

"Do you feel the distance between us?"

My questioned seem to surprise Julien, hell, it even surprised me

"I can feel something between us, I'm not sure distance would be the word." He said as he ran his hand through his messy reddish blonde hair trying to comb it back, which failed due to some strands of hair falling over his eyes.

"I know that sounded harsh, but I don't know what else to call it. I thought when you found your mate, neither one could keep their paws off eachother. Then here is us and we just hug, or kiss, or cuddle. That's it. I don't understand."

I growled in annoyance, and in return he gave me a small sigh.

"Aurora, I want nothing more then to be near you. To have my hands all over you, at all times. The thoughts I have when I am with you, they are not the cleanest of thoughts." He joked, which in return I smiled.

"But, I have noticed you seem so far away. I do not want to push boundaries, and we barely know eachother. I have been waiting for us to find each other. I am in no rush, you are my mate. We have the rest of our lives to get you know eachother."

His words comforted me, but then I was uneasy due to asking myself why was I being so distance? My wolf wanted to be near our mate more then anything, but it was like she was being held back. No matter how bad we wanted to be near our mate, something was holding us back.

"I think I need to have a talk with dad." After I stating the situation of talking to my father which I did not want to deal with, I gave Julien a quick peck on the lips and started tracking down my father.

Turns out, not that hard to do. I found him out in the day room, reading a book with a glass of whiskey on a stand that was next to his chair.


My voice came out scared, after all I have been through on how to stand tall I felt like I was a child. Small and helpless.


His voice was stern, yeah this isn't going to go well.

I slowly made my way over and sat in the seat next to that was on the opposite side of where his whiskey was sitting.

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