Part 19 - Funeral Vibes

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You just crashed your own funeral.

Camilo runs forward, enveloping you in the tightest embrace you have ever felt. "Y/n," he whispers. You hear people gasp and shuffle around. 

"Camilo," you pant, pulling away from the embrace, "They're coming." Camilo looks at you with worried eyes.

He pulls you closer. "You're just overwhelmed. You were gone for ten days, we thought you were dead." Seeing the look on you face, he adds, "Julieta, we need something!" You study the tear tracks on Camilo's face.

Ten days?

"Camilo. You have to listen. We only have ten days until they get here. Time goes slower in the cave. We need to set up defenses." Camilo nods. He rushes off into the crowd to find his abuela. She appears.

"Y/n," she says. Her black mourning dress hardly looks out of place amongst the crowds of black. You quickly glance at Camilo. His outfit is all black. You blink to keep the tears from falling. 

"Senora Alma, I didn't-"

"I know. I'm sorry. We were so worried when Mirabel came back, we thought we had argued with you for no reason, and it was our last-" her voice broke at the last words. You nod. 

"We need to defend the village. Mirabel's kidnappers are coming." Alma sighs, and turns to instruct villagers on what to do. Your vision blurs, and you lean backwards, crashing into Camilo.

"Woah," he says, holding you upright. "C'mon. We have ten days. Let's relax, at least for today."

You nod and spot your parents in the crowd. Camilo follows your gaze. "Wanna talk to them?"

"Not yet, I'm not ready."

Camilo nods and leads you through the village, determined to find a safe spot.

You have ten days. You can relax for just one.


Author's Note:

Eyy! Who should I kill off? (just wondering, if i feel i need to)

That was random lol...

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