Part 29 - Moonlight Sonata

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"You hurt yourself too much. C'mon, lets go for a walk."

"Um.. actually," you start to say, "Can we go later?"

Camilo furrows his brow. "What do you mean?"

"I haven't talked to Mirabel since before... well... you know. I wanted to catch up with her."

Camilo helps you up. "Alright. We can go for a moonlight stroll."

You giggle. Thanking Camilo, you head to Mirabel. She welcomes you with open arms. "Mejor amiga! It's been so long!"

"Yeah," you say, feeling your voice take a wistful tone. "Mira, how you feeling?"

"As good as ever!"

You smile at Mirabel. "Soo," you say.

"Soo. You and Camilo?" Mirabel giggles. You sigh.


"Thought you didn't like him."

"Long story."

"Alright. So, somethings bothering you. What's up?"

You take a deep breath. "Camilo's being weird. He's treating me like I'm a porcelain doll, bound to break any minute now."

Mirabel shrugs. "I dunno what's up with him."

"He said something about Andres?"

A look of recognition dawns over Mirabel. "Oh. Oh my gosh."

"Mira?" you ask gently.

"Andres, remember him? He had stress issues. Long story short, something really bad happened to him while you were gone."

"Ohhh," you say, understanding what Mirabel meant. So that's why Camilo was so worried. "So that's all of Camilo's worries?"

"No," Mirabel confesses. "I can't believe he didn't tell you. If I were you, I would have demanded answers."

"I tried, Mira, I really did."

Mirabel shrugs. "Well, with you missing and presumed dead, not to mention the whole family having a wrong assumption about you, my kidnapping and Andres, the villagers were in chaos. Abuela was so worried."

You shrug your shoulders with sympathy. Pour Alma. She had been through so much in her life, you truly didn't blame her. "Hey, Mira? What happened when you were, you know..." Your voice trails off seeing Mirabel's cold look.

"I was sleeping. I woke up to a bang. Then this guy with glowing eyes and a mark on his forehead was standing overtop of me. Then everything went black. I can't really remember the rest, only that it was dark and cold. I was in a drugged haze I guess."

"That's surprisingly kind of them to prevent you from feeling any of the torture."

Mirabel blinks. "Torture?"

You nod. "Burn marks, all over your skin. Cuts, bruises. Julieta healed 'em before you could see, but I thought since you gave me answers I would give you some."

Mirabel shudders. "Dude, you are like, psycho sometimes. Since you're giving me answers, tell me, why me?"

You freeze. "I honestly don't know, Mira."

But you do know. It's your fault. Mirabel reads your expression. "Oh," she says. "Dream. Telling me. Damn, you like to ruin lives."

You look down at your feet. "Sorry, Mirabel." Mirabel puts a hand on your shoulder.

"I was joking. You're my bestie. I love you."

You glance up at her. "Love me?"

"Yeah, totally. I wanna marry you."

You shove Mirabel and she giggles at you. The two of you laugh and talk for the rest of the day. You notice the sun start to set. "Gotta go," you explain. Mirabel smirks.

"You're going on a date. With my cousin. Hehehe."

"No," you say. "Not a date. Stroll."

"Eh, same thing." Mirabel hands you a flower. You pin it in your hair. 

"I'm so hot, no one will resist me." Mirabel laughs.

"Yeah, you wish."

With one last playful shove, you leave the room. Peeking over the balcony, you notice Camilo waiting for you. You jump down into his arms. Startled, Camilo catches you. You laugh. "You can't be so reckless, conejita," Camilo scolds you. You raise both hands. 

"Geez, live a little."

Camilo shrugs and clasps your hands in his. "Let's go, conejita."

The two of you walk a little, through the forest area the opposite side of the cave. "Camilo?" you ask. "What if Alejandro's here?"

"No. He was on the other side."


You walk in silence. Camilo's hand reaches over and touches the flower in your hair. "Who gave you this?"


Camilo looks puzzled. "Mirabel?" he repeats.

"Yeah. As a friend, c'mon," you add. "Mira likes someone else."

Camilo smirks. "Who?"

You giggle and lean over towards him. "Don't tell anyone. Juan."

"JUAN?!" Camilo yells. You shush him. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you close your eyes.

"Hey, Camilo?" you ask. "Mirabel told me about Andres."

"She.. did?"

"Yeah. I swear I'm not going to end up like him. The stress I have is different. It's from the prophecy. Please, Camilo, please understand what I'm trying to say."

Camilo seems to, as he relaxes. "Great. I can tease you again?"

You groan. "If you must." But you like it. You know you do. "Hey," you say. "I've got an idea."

"Tomorrow, lets question Juan."

Camilo laughs. "That's not ominous. For Mirabel or the prophecy?"


So the two of you devise a plan to interrogate Juan the next day. But, you feel more relaxed for the rest of the night, knowing Camilo knows that you are safe. You've convinced him.

Now you need to convince yourself.

Mi conejita. [Camilo x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now