Part 22 - Let Me Explain

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"Alright. Let me tell you everything about the prophecy, that I know."

Camilo gasps and looks at you. You shrug and turn your head back to your father. "Well?" you ask, "Start talking."

Your father chuckles. "Always the sassy one."

"We didn't always live here. You wouldn't remember it, but we actually used to live in a different town, outside of the encanto. Your uncle was always the sort to gamble. He got in with the wrong crowd. He made a bet. He lost. He owed a lot of money. He couldn't pay it. Well, the man who won the bet was cunning. He told your uncle that if he couldn't pay with money, he could pay with his service. Your uncle, being your uncle, accepted. He thought it would be something simple, like setting up a date for the guy. But he was wrong. The man wanted your uncle to become his evil bidder. They signed a blood contract, and it was binding."

You inhale sharply, anticipating what will come next.

"The man is who you call the seeker. He is looking for something valuable. I cannot tell you, for I do not know. It is up to you to figure it out. Anyway, he told your uncle about the prophecy. He said that one of the two in the prophecy would be born with the marking. You had it. Your uncle was forced to tell the man. However, your uncle managed to get us out of our village and into the encanto. He hoped the seeker wouldn't find you, and you could live a happy life. He was wrong."

You blink rapidly. "What about Camilo? Why was it him?"

Your father looks at you. "You, my girl, are superior to everyone, even the Madrigals. That's how we knew you were in the prophecy. However, when you allowed Camilo to help you solve the prophecy, you marked him as equal. You gave him a bit of your superiority. You won't understand, but you have powers beyond your imagination."

"It was you who chose Camilo. You could have chosen anyone. You are the reason Camilo is in the prophecy."

Camilo looks at you, his face contorted into an unreadable expression. Tears burn your eyes. "I'm so sorry, Camilo. I'm sorry I did this to you."

Before Camilo can respond, you run up to your room.

Let the seeker do whatever he wants to me, you tell yourself. I deserve it for putting Camilo in danger.

It's your fault. All of this is your fault.

Mi conejita. [Camilo x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now