Part 28 - Worrysome

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You can tell that Camilo's voice is laced with worry. For you. For casita. For the encanto.

You tangle yourself in Camilo's arms. "Can I sleep more?"

"Sure," Camilo says. "If you need to."

You notice how Camilo is acting different. You miss that playful smirk, the kind teasing. You miss the old Camilo. He hugs you tight. "I love you so much Camilo." 

You attempt to ease Camilo's harsh feelings. His tense body posture makes you feel worried. He is worried. He twirls your hair. "I love you too, conejita."

You don't get it. What is worrying Camilo so much? You lean against Camilo's rising and falling chest, and drift to sleep.


That morning, you awake with a jolt. Remembering your painful sleep, you lean back into Camilo. He pushes you up. "We have to wake up, conejita."

You groan and roll out of bed. That morning flies by quickly. Next thing you know, you are pushing your chair in and getting up to leave. You thank Camilo and grab your bag. After being unable to find it, you notice a small closet, and open it. Your bag sits in front of you. You grab it, but hear footsteps. A strange urge tells you to hide in the closet. You obey, and slip into the crowded space. 

The door closes. "What was it you wanted to talk about, mijo?"

"Mami, I'm worried about y/n. She's been acting really stressed."

"What do you mean, Camilo?" You shudder. Camilo is worried about you, to the extent that he has to confess it to his mother. 

"She tried to break up with me, she was worried that I would get hurt because we were together. She got a fever from worry. She literally threw up  she was so worried."

"That's unusual, but not unheard of, Cami."

"Did Andres do that?"

"I don't think so. I'll look into it. Meanwhile, make sure she knows how you love her, okay? But listen to her worries. Make sure she knows you are there for her. And don't tell anyone."

"Her parents?"

"I'll deal with them."

"The prophecy has made her even more worried."

Pepa sighs. "Camilo, just listen to her worries, okay?"

"'Kay, Mami."

You hear the sound of shuffling, and doors closing. You exhale and collapse to the ground. What about Andres? You lean your head backwards, feel a crash, and slip into unconsciousness. 


You are being chased. "Camilo!" you scream, feeling your hands lunge forward. They hit something, something soft, something-

"Y/n! Open your eyes! C'mon, I'm right here."

You start to calm down as you open your eyes. Camilo is holding you with a worried look. "Camilo!" you exclaim. You bury yourself into his chest. 

"What happened?"

"I don't know," you say truthfully. All you can remember is looking for your bag. You must have hit your head or something.

Camilo voices your thoughts. "You probably hit your head," he says slowly, examining you for injuries. "What were you doing here?"

"I can't remember."

Camilo exhales, partially in relief, partially with worry. "You've been out for an hour or so."

You sigh. A strange feeling jolts through your body as you wonder how long you were inside that closet before someone found you. You can't even remember why you were in there in the first place. Leaning into Camilo, you take a whiff of that familiar warm scent. Camilo's voice sounds far away. "You hurt yourself too much. C'mon, lets go for a walk."

Mi conejita. [Camilo x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now