Part 39 - Broken

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Then you go to your room, sit down and cry.

You whisper a song, one that your mother used to sing to you at night: but this time the lyrics are broken.

Your broken melody floats up in the air, fractured by your equally broken sobs. You lean your head back against your wall, staring at the glass bottle in your hand. You had drank all the water to make up for the liquid pouring out of your eyes, so the bottle was empty. Crying, you smash it against the wall opposite to you. 

Pieces of glass scatter across the room and lie there. You stare at them and wonder what it would be like to be glass. "I need to get myself together," you whisper to yourself, "I'm going mad, wondering what being glass would be like."

Either way, you bury your head in your hands as a fresh round of sobs leaks out of your mouth. Broken, broken, broken. The sun starts to set, only reminding you you've been crying for hours. You close your eyes and fall asleep, a broken mess.


The next morning, you awake to a knock on your door. "Mija," a quiet voice asks, "Mirabel is wondering if you want to go over to Casita?"

You groan. "Sure, mama." Even though you don't want to go anywhere near The-Madrigal-We-Shall-Not-Name, you don't want to neglect Mirabel because of that. You look over at the time and realize it is noon. "How long did I sleep?" you whisper to yourself, pulling yourself up and throwing a new dress over your head.

Your dreams were broken. Your room is broken. Your heart is broken. You are broken.

You open your door and walk slowly towards Casita, dreading your every step. When you get there, Mirabel cheerfully opens the door. Noticing your still-red eyes, Mirabel furrows her brow. "Camilo?" she asks. After you nod, Mirabel shrugs. "He's locked himself in his room since yesterday."

"We- er- had a fight."

Mirabel nods and leads you to her room, suspecting nothing. Brushing it away as if it were just a normal fight. But it wasn't. "So," Mirabel whispers, "I've heard rumors."

She sits down on her bed and pats the bed next to her. You sit beside her, stretching your legs and resting your feet on the wall. "Rumors?" you ask, intrigued. 

"Yeah. About you."

Panic overwhelms your senses as you blink to wave it away. "What about me?"

Mirabel leans in, resting an elbow on your stomach, "That something happened, that night you went to visit Juan. You discovered something."

Your eyes widen. "What do you mean?"

"Something about," Mirabel leans in more, "your powers. Like what makes you so special."

You lean your head down, burying your face into the bed. "I'm immortal, and I can read minds," you say, your voice muffled.

"Oh my GO-"

"Shhhh!" you interrupt Mirabel. "No one except my family and Camilo know."

"Is that why you had an argument?" Mirabel keenly asks. You turn away.

"None of your business," you say, trying to keep the coldness out of your tone. Mirabel shrugs.

"Well, now that you can't die, you should jump off of the roof!"

You facepalm. Really? So much is happening, you're in danger, and that's what Mirabel thinks about? Either way, you shrug. "Sure, why not."

Mirabel chuckles and grabs your hand, leading you to the roof. "WAIT!" she says, "It would be more fun at night."

You sigh and retreat back to Mirabel's room, waiting for dinner with the Madrigals. 


Dinner was an awkward encounter. Camilo wasn't at the table, and many questions were asked about that. You dodged them and safely made it. 

Then came night time. 

Everyone, excluding Mirabel (and Camilo, who didn't even know you were there, or so you thought), had bid you farewell and thought you had gone home. Instead, you went to the roof of Casita. Now, Mirabel stands in the courtyard of Casita, giving you a big thumbs up. 

You prepare to jump off, worried but excited to feel the wind at your back. You edge your feet towards the ledge of the roof. But something grabs your arm, pulling you back, holding you.

"Please - y/n-"

You look up to see Camilo, his face a mixture of worry and sadness and guilt. Camilo's eyes are rimmed with raw red, fresh tears threatening to escape. "No- Camilo- I," you stutter, realizing what he thought was happening. "I wasn't-"

How did he even get up here?

"Y/n- I'm sorry."

"No- no- Camilo. I wasn't gonna- I was doing it for fun-"

Camilo looks down at you, confused. "For fun?"

"I can't die, remember?"

Camilo steps back, his hands flying to fix his hair. "Estúpida." His face is red with embarrassment, and he jumps down, back to his room. 

"Wait-" you call, but another voice startles you back into remembering.

"Y/n! What's taking so long!" 

Shrugging, you jump off the roof. The wind pushes you down, giving you ultimate thrill. When you land on the ground, you relive that moment of beauty, wishing you could jump again.

"That was fun!" you tell Mirabel.

She smiles. But the smile is eerie. Fake.

It's midnight.

4 more days.

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