Part 27 - Fever Chills

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You ponder this for a minute. "Camilo, I-"

"I love you, Camilo. I really want to stay with you. But what if that funeral was yours? And you didn't come back."

"Then I would have died happy," Camilo reassures you. You nod.

"I love you," you whisper, leaning sideways into Camilo, forcing him back down onto the bed. He closes his eyes. You rest your head on Camilo's chest and sleep, ignoring Camilo's hand twirling your hair. Syncing your breathing with his, you fall asleep.


You open your eyes. You start to sit up, but Camilo keeps you down. He strokes your hair. "You're drenched in sweat, conejita."

You shrug. "What time is it?"

"Like, four. You last woke up at one, and it's been about three hours, so yeah, I'm guessing four."

"How come you're awake?"

"I couldn't sleep."

With a pang you realize why. Camilo was worried you'd run off, so he stayed awake, just in case. You attempt to imagine that scene. "I'm sorry," you whisper. You can feel Camilo resist the urge to fidget.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about. I love you, okay? And um... earlier.. when I said you might become a Madrigal, did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry if I did."

"No! I was embarrassed, that's all. I'm only fifteen."

"Three years and you can marry."


Camilo twirls your hair. "Sorry," he says meekly. You feel uncomfortable. 

"Hey, Camilo. You don't have to treat me like I'm going to break. I'll be fine. We'll be fine."

Camilo's tense breathing relaxes. "You're cute when you sleep, conejita."

You giggle. "Do I snore?"

"Nah, it's more of a light breathing. A cute light breathing."

You snuggle against Camilo, ignoring the sweat pouring down your face. Camilo, however, doesn't ignore it. He wipes some of your sweat. You cough as Camilo holds your body upwards with his hands. "Stop," you whimper. Camilo drags a finger along your forehead.

"Now  you feel warm. Are you alright?" Camilo asks you as you cough into your elbow. Your body does feel really tired.

"I think I do have a fever," you say, allowing Camilo to drop you back onto his bed. He starts to freak out. Camilo pulls the blankets all the way up to your chin, ignoring your protests. You break out into a cold sweat. Eyes half open, you feel your condition get rapidly worse. He closes his eyes shut and schools his face into a look of concentration. The shelf over in the corner of the room shifts into a ice bucket. You forgot Camilo's furniture could shapeshift into whatever he wanted. He also had a mirror room, but it creeped you out so much that Camilo had covered all the mirrors with black crepe leftover from your funeral. That also creeped you out.

Camilo places some ice on your forehead. "Let me get Julieta," he says, "Just stay there."

You motion to the blankets around you, wrapping you up. "Not like I can go anywhere. And just get an arepa please." Camilo runs out of the room. You close your eyes, willing yourself to stay awake. The door opens with Camilo, he hands you an arepa. You bite on it, filled with fatigue. Nothing happens.

"Why aren't the arepas working!" Camilo panics. "You're flushed like mad!"

You feel something come up your throat. "Camilo," you groan, "That didn't sit well. I need-"

Camilo shoves a bucket under your face. He helps you sit up and gently holds your hair behind you. You lean over and throw up. Camilo freaks out. "Conejita! Just hold on, you'll be alright."

Camilo strokes your hair in a soothing gesture. "Camilo," you whisper, "I'm fine. It's worry, not sickness."

Camilo slows down. Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion. "Do you want to talk about it?"

You shake your head. Camilo nods and pulls you close to him. "Camilo," you whisper. "I'm scared for everything. For what's going to happen. Alejandro said there were others. And-" you hesitate. Camilo gently plants his lips on your forehead. "And I'm scared for our relationship."

You start to cry. Camilo rubs circles on your back. "Why, conejita?"

"I don't know! I just am."

Camilo tries to calm you down. "Just relax, okay? I promise everything will be okay."

"Everybody says that!" you complain, "But it's never true."

Camilo kisses you. "I'm sorry. But this time, it is true."

"Camilo, remember what Elena said? You looked worried. What is it you're not telling me? What is it everyone isn't telling me?"

Camilo hugs you closer to him. He hesitates, but answers you. "People were talking when you were gone. But, trust me, they know that you are on our side. That was Elena being Elena."

You can tell that Camilo's voice is laced with worry. For you. For casita. For the encanto.

Mi conejita. [Camilo x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now