♥ twenty nine ♥

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"Guys be quiet!" Jin and Namjoon shouted at the same time. I sighed in relief. Everybody was talking over each other and I really had no idea what they each were trying to say.

"It's okay. The sasaengs didn't find out where she went so she stayed the night. I guess it totally slipped my mind to call you guys back. Sorry," I apologized.

"It's okay. Ready for you're lesson?" I tilted my head at Jin. Lesson?

"Looks like it. Let's go," Yoongi smirked, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his studio. That's when it clicked. Piano lessons.

"Have you practiced?"

"Yoongi you know I can't practice. Where am I supposed to?"

"Well you're not going to get better without practice. Get piano tiles for all I care." He opened his studio door.

"Piano tiles? Like the video game?" He nodded as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think that's going to help me at all," I muttered as he patted the spot on the bench next to him.

So far he was definitely a good teacher but he was definitely a man of few words. Which was even more nerve wrecking so...

I sat down next to him as he pulled up a music chart on his phone.

"Try playing this," he pointed to it and leaned against the piano. I cracked a smile watching him lazily relax.

"What?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing you're cute that's all." His cheeks reddened as he cleared his throat. I slowly turned back to the chart and squinted. Man years of not playing had really taken a toll on my abilities.

"I can't."

"Can't what?"

"Play this. It's too hard."

"With that attitude."

"You play it then Yoongi," I smiled and pushed the phone to him. He sighed before turning and facing the piano slowly. He squinted and placed his fingers before starting to play the piece.

He was right. It sounded easy but he made it look like it was no problem. I watched the way his fingers moved. So gracefully across their white dance floor with the occasional black tile. It sounded beautiful. Calming to my racing thoughts. Slowly I drifted my eye sight to look at him.

His arms, surprisingly muscular and his long pianist fingers. His eyes focused and mouth formed into a pout as he focused on the notes.

I didn't realize I was getting closer until the music stopped and he was inches away from my face. He met my stare and it was as if firecrackers exploded all throughout my body. It happened whenever I looked at one of them with this much love.

"Y/n..." he mumbled.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked impatiently. He gave a small nod, making me coo at how cute this lil meow meow could be.

"I'm ready to be your guys' soulmate now."

I closed the last few inches of space between us as my right hand held his cheek and my other intertwined with his.

The kiss with Yoongi was much different than the others. While Taehyung was passionate, Jin was soft and Jimins was delicate. Yoongi's kiss was full of desire. As if he had been waiting for this ever since he was a kid. This was what he had been waiting for. And I was glad to give it to him.

I let him go reluctantly but still stuck close to him. Yoongi was the one who seemed so calm at times but so lonely. Locking himself in his studio and working himself for hours. He definitely wasn't the soulmate I was closest with but he was the one I felt the most connected too.

He was like me in some ways, quiet, careful, cautious. But when around the people I love, the true me was brought out. Just like the softie deep inside Yoongi that I was just able to release in a few seconds of contact.

"Finally," he mumbled against my forehead. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his side. I was right. He had been waiting for this and I hadn't realized I had been too.

"Now do I get to skip the lesson?" I asked hopefully. He smirked before separating from me.


"Worth a try," I giggled and pecked his cheek before turning to his phone and trying to read the notes.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Y/n can you pleassssse come back to the dorm with us? I want to play games with you," Jungkook pouted as I was collecting my stuff from my desk.

He had come to visit and all of the designers couldn't help but gawk at the Jungkook showing up out of no where.

I sighed before giving up. He had been begging me for the past 10 minutes to come back with him. I guess it would give me more chances to finally tell Hoseok, Joon, Jimin and him about the soulmate thing. Plus they were leaving in two days for China.

"Okay Kookie. I'll come," I agreed. He clapped excitedly before grabbing my wrist and pulling me all the way down go the parking garage. What the heck was everybody's problem with dragging me everywhere? I can walk!

He brought me to a car and opened the back door. I slid in, almost screaming when Jimin said something from the front seat.

"Jesus Christ Lord and Savior why are you hear?" I cried, trying to steady my breathing. He started laughing as Jungkook caught on.

"Oh sorry Y/n. I'm taking him home because he wouldn't stay behind with the hyungs." I nodded, my heart beating at a normal pace again.

The ride was pretty silent beside the low humming of the radio on a quiet volume. Jimin was scrolling through his phone while Jungkook was focused on the traffic.

It was a comfortable silence though and I felt drowsy from the day at work. Slowly but surely my eyes drifted shut and I lost all consciousness of what was happening around me.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Here's another chapter! I've been trying to equally update all my books but this one has been doing the best at the moment. Please share your love to my other books as well!

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