♥ forty nine ♥

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Calling this place busy would be an understatement. Scratch that- a mistake.

This was worse than a bull in a China shop. Excluding Ferdinand. You couldn't walk 5 feet without somebody running into you or a box being pushed into your hands.

I gingerly pressed the seven beginning stage outfits to my chest as I strategically avoided the ongoing traffic of crew workers and staff members.

I curved off to the changing rooms before quietly knocking on one marked Bangtan.

"Come in!"

I opened the door with my elbow and entered, kicking the door shut behind me.

"Y/n? Need help?" Namjoon asked. I shook my head, gently laying the pile of beaded outfits onto the table.

Now. Who's were who's again?

"Line up tallest to shortest please. I need to figure this out," I told them, sorting the hangers. They shuffled around silently until they were lined up.

Looking up at them I frowned. "Jimin what are you doing in front of Namjoon?" He pouted as the others cracked up in laughter.

"Back of the line," Jungkook giggled, pointing to the empty spot after Yoongi. He stuck his tongue out before unvoluntarily taking the spot.

I smiled before holding up each outfit to myself and handing them to their rightful owners.

"Change into these for me," I told them, grabbing my notebook. I looked up and tilted my head.

"Why are you guys just standing there and staring? Change!"

"I mean- did you want to watch us?" Jungkook asked. My eyes widened once I realized what I was doing and currently where I was standing.

"No! Sorry!" I scrambled out of the room as I began to turn into a cherry red tomato. A few chuckles came from the enclosed room but I didn't stay long to find out what else they were saying.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

During the concert, there was never a single moment of peace. Fans screams filled the venue and probably more, giving the boys energy to continue dancing.

I know I barely even knew who they were before...but even being a fairly new army, I knew the struggles they tried to hide from their fans. Which is why I made it my goal so when they came back I would have water and everything ready for them.

The concert went smoothly, ending with the famous Butter that left the venue screaming and crying for more. They left the stage with smiles but as soon as they stepped foot backstage, 3 of them collapsed while the others started hyperventilating.

I immediately grabbed the cold waters and rags before running back. Jungkook, Jimin, and Hobi had been carried to the couches while the others were struggling to stand.

"You guys did so well. I'm so proud," I congratulated them gently while pressing the rags onto their forheads.

They dropped into cushioned seats, catching their breath as breathing machines were pressed to their mouths. It made me want to cry. Seeing how bad of a condition they were in.

I sat next to Jin on a small sofa. He laid his head on my lap automatically, his eyes closing. I cooed at how adorable he looked while folding the rag nicely.

I pressed it onto his forehead as he sighed in relief. He opened his mouth to say something but I pushed a finger over his lips.

"Shh you can tell me later. Just rest okay?"

He nodded softly before completely passing out. Looking up, I noticed the others were too.

"Man their first concert and they're already out," Nayeon giggled, leaning on the arm of a cushioned chair Yoongi was currently unconscious in.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked, rubbing circles on Jin's cheeks. She shook her head quickly.

"I've been traveling with these boys for awhile and every first concert they give it their all to kick off everything y'know?" I nodded, watching Jin's chest rise and fall softly.

"They give their all every concert though. Right?"

"Well of course! They love army. Unlike some groups, their fans are everything to them. If you couldn't tell already," Nayeon smiled, patting Yoongi's head gently.

I smiled at the friendly affection. "Are you close with Yoongi?" I asked her. She looked up from him and jumped off the arm of the chair.

"Did I not tell you?! I'm Yoongi's cousin!"

My jaw dropped.

"You're Yoongi's cousin?!" I whisper shouted as to not wake any of them up. She nodded with a cheeky grin as I suddenly started to notice the similarities between the two.

"Oh wow. I had no idea," I mumbled.

"Yep! It's funny we're complete opposites but I guess what are cousins for if they don't annoy you?" I chuckled at the face she made at Yoongi who had no idea of our conversation.

"Well we should probably get them to the hotel, right?" I asked as I stood up, laying Jin's head with the towel on a plush pillow.

"We have people who will handle that. I don't have the muscles to even lift a milk gallon," she pouted. I snorted, trying to bite back my laughter.

"Yeah yeah I get it. Come on, let's get our stuff and we'll meet them at the hotel," she motioned for me to follow her into the changing room.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I entered the dark hotel room, welcomed already by Jimin's quiet snores. I tiptoed inside, shutting the door quietly behind me.

Traffic had taken longer than expected and the designer team stopped for a little dinner on the way back so the boys must've beaten us.

Deciding to see if any of the others were still awake, I ventured back out into the hall and across to where Namjoon's room is. Quietly knocking I waited outside for a response.

"It's unlocked," his voice echoed from his room to the door. I clicked it open and entered to see Namjoon leaning against one of the beds headboards. I now noticed Hoseok's sleeping form in the other bed, barely moving.

"Y/n?" He whispered. I flicked my eyes back to Namjoon before sitting next to him on the bed.

"Why are you still up? I didn't wake you did I?" I asked quickly. He shook his head, yawning.

"No. I was actually going to come to you and make sure you got back from the venue okay. I heard some of the crew went out to dinner."

I smiled sheepishly, now feeling bad I kept him waiting.

"Yeah sorry. What'd you want to talk to me about?" I asked, getting comfier by criss-crossing my legs.

"I think I might have found something about what's been going on," he started, getting out his journal. My eyes widened as I realized what he must've been talking about.

"The space?"

He nodded. "I don't think Taehyung was entirely crazy. I think he knew what he was talking about."

I waited patiently for him to continue as he flipped pages.

"Have you ever heard of a soulmate spark?"

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Here's another chapter! I hope you enjoyed.

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