♥ fifty nine ♥

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"Sweety you'll catch flies," Yoongi joked, closing my mouth.

"320 locations?!" I was beyond blown away.

She smiled proudly. "Yep! We have one in every country and U.S state. And some other places that I can't really think of right now. All the hotspots really," she fanned the air with a shrug like it was nothing.

"Wow...so cooking isn't just Jin's thing? It runs in the family?"

Our food came out just then, served delicately to all of us. She made the pizza I ordered look like a gourmet dish.

She laughed at my statement and expression of shock. "I guess you could say that but please...my baby brother cooking is just the basics. He has a lot to learn," she shrugged, rustling his hair. He scowled at her as I giggled.

"This looks great Rin. Thanks," Hoseok grinned. She smiled back with an eager clap.

"I have to get back to work now but how long are you guys in New York for?" She asked, rummaging in her apron pocket for her phone.

"We leave tomorrow at noon," Namjoon informed her. She bit her lip.

"Well I've hung out with you guys a lot. Y/n? How do you feel about coffee tomorrow morning? Bright and early?" She suggested.

"Sure," I smiled, giving her my phone to put her number in.

"8:00 sound good?" She asked.

"Perfect," I answered, taking my phone back and putting it back in my pocket.

She waved goodbye to us before walking back to the kitchen. I stared at my pizza like it was the last food on earth before digging it.

However all through dinner I noticed Jin's strange behavior. He would poke at his food before taking a bite and then he'd take long drinks of water. However the boys were too distracted to notice.

He seemed upset and distracted all through dinner. And I couldn't help but know why.

Once the bill was paid we said our goodbyes to Rin once more as she had come out to hug her brother and the others. Once she got to me she gave me a side hug.

"Bye Unnie," I smiled, waving as we left the restaurant.

We walked back to where I had parked. I guiltily noticed that in my rush to catch Taehyhung, I had done a horrendous parking job.

"So who's dri-" I started to ask but was cut off by Jin getting in the driver's seat and starting the engine. I frowned and dipped my head, following Jimin into the back of the van. Once I closed the door we were off and straight to the hotel.

Turning to Yoongi who was sitting by me on his phone, I tapped his shoulder.

"Hm?" He hummed, putting his phone down.

"Um. Somethings wrong with Jin," I mumbled, cutting straight to the point.

I turned to make sure none of the others were listening.

Yoongi looked up into the front of the car and frowned.

"I did notice he was quieter than usual. Want me to talk to him?" He asked sweetly, turning to me. I shook my head quickly, pressing a finger to his lips.

"First, you're talking too loud. And second, all I want you to do is go to mine and Jimin's room for awhile. I'm taking you're spot for a few minutes to talk to him," I explained, whispering as quietly as possible. He nodded curtly before pushing me down firmly into the seat beside him.

"Idiot we could get in a crash and you'd go flying," he murmured, reaching over me and making sure I was buckled. I shuttered at the feeling of his fingers across my waist.

Once he got back up, I was thankful for the darkness in the van. He was inches from my face and staring right into my soul.

That stupid poker face will be the end of me. I wasn't this flustered with Hobi only because he was easy to talk to and get along with. Yoongi, besides last night, didn't show his affection much.

Smirking, he poked the inside of his cheek very clearly. The small action made me gulp, heat rising to my cheeks.

"We're in the car Yoongi," I mumbled, placing my hand against his chest.

His smirk grew as he saw my flustered state.

"Why should I care?"

I internally groaned as he leaned closer and closed the few inches between us. His lips locked onto mine in a soft kiss. My arms firmly wrapped around his neck, my body frustrated at the constraint of a seatbelt holding me from fully getting on the man in front of me.

His tongue grazed my lips, making me gasp, giving him direct access. I gave in, not having the energy to fight him for it.

Once out of breath he pulled away slightly but stayed close. Close enough for his hot breath to fan across my lips.

"You're lucky we're in a car or else I'd have you're lips devoured in a second," he growled. I sighed in relief now that I was in a car but once I looked up I realized the maknaes were smirking at us and Hoseok had his phone out, probably taking a picture. I thanked the heavens that Namjoon and Jin were in the front. At least not everyone saw everything.

Blushing, I turned and planted my face against Yoongi's arm, trying hard to hide my blush.

We parked at the hotel sooner than expected and as we all piled out, I noticed Jin had stayed in the car.

"Let me handle it," Namjoon started but I held him in place.

"Give him time to come out. I have a feeling it's because of me," I told him. Reluctantly we all turned from the car and went back to the lobby of the hotel.

However I sat at the curb of the loading and unloading zone, waiting for Jin.

"Baby if you're going to be out here I don't want you alone," Jungkook voiced from behind me.

I looked up and smiled at the worried boy.

"I'm okay Jungkook. I can run inside if I have to," I assured him. He sighed before taking off his large baby blue hoodie he was wearing and handing it to me.

"Wear it before you get sick," he mumbled before crouching down and giving me a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Alright. Goodnight Jungkook," I smiled.

"Goodnight love," he mumbled against my hair before slowly getting up and heading inside.

A few minutes later and I heard a car door shut. Looking up I saw a familiar figure, eyes cast to the ground.

Did I really make him that upset? The thought distressed me.

I guess I'd find out.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I'm really bored tonight so I guess you'll find out too

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