♥ ninety ♥

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Japan. Finally. It felt like we had been stuck in China for an eternity. And at least the tour is almost over! I noticed the boys slowly getting more and more exhausted. It really wasn't good for them but what say did I have? 

It was lovely as soon as we got off the plane. The airport wasn't very busy, it was late at night, and despite the flashing city lights, the stars could clearly be seen. I looked around, grinning at how empty the airport was. The only people here were elders who definitely wanted to be at home but had to be in Tokyo for a PowerPoint forced upon them.

I took Hoseok's hand, smiling when he squeezed it and rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm so tired Y/n," he sighed, pulling his mask down slightly so he could breathe.

"Me too but you guys are the ones who have been performing nonstop." He giggled with a bright smile before patting my head.

"That doesn't mean our lovely soulmate can't be tired. You do feel what we feel," he pointed out.

"And this whole time it felt like I had been sprinting a marathon!" We cracked up in laughter, getting a few glares and "shut-ups" from the others.

I grinned at Hobi, giggling when he made a goofy face back.

"Will you two lovebirds be quiet?" Namjoon called, patting our shoulders. I flinched at the sudden contact, responding with an elbow in the gut.

Automatically all 8 of us doubled over in pain. 

"Shit sorry Joon," I sighed, making sure he was okay.

"It's fine," he smiled before grabbing his bag and continuing to walk. 

"That's quite stupid we can all feel each other's pain. Like what if I got in a car crash or something?" I asked.

"Don't even mention that," Taehyung stated seriously. I zipped my lips as we exited the airport and to the white vans waiting for us at the empty curb. 

I hopped in my designated van, ignoring the absence of Nayeon and the very obvious presence of Sora.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

The hotel appeared quickly, astonishing me with how beautiful the outside looked. Plants trimmed to perfection and flowers only the prettiest of colors. 

We all filed out of the vans, the boys immediately being led inside, probably to eat and rest. While the staff and crew had to start unloading to bring everything inside. 

The last crate had been taken into the lobby when I noticed Sora sneaking away from the rest of our group. I glanced from her to the group of other crew members heading inside before ultimately deciding to follow her. I had yet to confront her about yesterday anyway. 

I crept away as well, keeping a good distance of space between us as she started making her way down the quiet street. The hotel we were temporarily staying at was more in the urban area, closer to the spacious venue than any of the other places. So the street was bare of any source of life besides Sora and I.

She continued down the path until she walked up to a specific vehicle that made my heart rate pick up. A black van.

I glanced back at the hotel, now getting smaller and smaller before turning back around. Sora had disappeared. 

"Damnnit," I muttered before making my way up to the black van. I looked through the windows, trying to find something. I don't know what I was looking for but I didn't find anythinig. 

I circled around to the back of the van before turning back to the hotel. I suddenly heard a loud clash of metal hitting metal before my arms were grabbed and I was yanked into darkness. I was blindfolded and gagged by a familiar material. Sequins...

Am I really being gagged with Jin's stage outfit?

I frantically started rolling on the ground, trying to kick my way out of this but it didn't help I couldn't see a single thing. 

"Hey shut it-" 

"STOP!" Sora. "We can't hit her."

"Why not?" Another gruff voice asked.

"Because," she paused as I strained myself to hear better from my spot on the ground. "If she get's hurt, it'll let our lovely boys know as well."

Damn how'd she know about that?

The man grunted before making sure my binds were tightly secured against me. I felt a heel press gently against my arm before a sickenly sweet voice could be heard near my ear.

"I can't wait to get rid of you."

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Something's wrong."

The two other members brushing their teeth in the bathroom shut off the faucet and turned to the leader. 

"Hyung what do you mean?" Jimin asked, drying his lips and exiting the bathroom.

"It's this terrible feeling I have. I can't feel or think about anything else."

Jungkook trailed his elder from the bathroom before pouncing on the bed next to Namjoon.

"Is it because you're tired?" Jimin asked, sitting on the bed across from him. He shook his head, muttering something under this breath.

"It makes me want to-" he covered his mouth before sprinting to the bathroom and puking.

"Woah Hyung! Jungkook call the others." The maknae nodded quickly before dashing for his phone on the desktop.

"Joon are you okay?" Jimin asked, entering the bathroom and crouching by the olders side.

"No," he shook his head, resting his head on his arms over the toilet. "It hurts," he groaned, panicking the younger. 

Jin immediately rushed into the bathroom, resting his hand on Namjoon's shoulder. "Hey take deep breaths okay?"

Yoongi filed in after Jin, Hoseok hot on his trail. "Can I get anything?" Taehyung asked, peeking in the doorway. 

"Some water please," Jimin asked him. He nodded before turning to grab a cup from the small kitchen in the room.

"Hey doesn anyone know where Y/n is?" Jungkook asked loudly from the beds, causing Namjoon to puke again.

"Shit it's Y/n," he coughed, wiping his mouth with a towel.

"What is?" Yoongi asked.

"She's that bad feeling. Something happened to her," he stood up and flushed the toilet, washing out his mouth.

"Come to think of it, wouldn't she have come in to hang out with one of us?" Hobi asked. "She was being all lovey-dovey at the airport."

The others nodded before Jungkook let out a tiny, startled gasp.

"Hyung I see her!"

"What do you mean? Where is she? How do you know?" 

All at once the group crowded around the youngest who was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed. 

"I-I don't know."

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I decided to split this chapter into two parts so stick around for part 2!

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