♥ eighty ♥

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Anyway guess who's back for chapter 80 cause I found more free time :3

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I sat staring at my apartment wall, wondering why exactly I was still sitting here and not taking my only chance to repack. Because Spain was crossed off, we got to spend the week in Korea until we boarded our flight this Saturday evening.

So basically I was off work until then and stuck in my apartment for a few days. I looked at the calendar, falling off my bed with a thud once I saw the date. 

"Shit how is it already Namjoon's birthday?!" 

I scrambled back to the calendar to make sure I read it right. If I was correct, we would be in China for his birthday. Which was almost less than a week away! Why do Jungkook and his birthdays have to be so freaking close?! 

As I was complaining, a new thought hit me that almost made me fall again. WHAT AM I GONNA GET HIM?!

I stumbled to my closet, throwing random objects around my room until I found my computer buried beneath a pile of clothes. I quickly jumped on my bed and flipped it open, watching as it slowly powered on. Immediately I started to do my research on "What would Kim Namjoon of BTS want for his birthday." Not that I had to add BTS. I mean there is no other Kim Namjoon I guess.

It wasn't a very fruitful search so I had to figure something out based on his obsession with research, books, and uh his passion for nature I guess?

Suddenly someone knocked on my door, making me flinch. I got off my bed and padded to the door, peeping through the little hole before my breath hitched and I backed against my kitchen counter. How the hell did Seojun figure out where I lived?!

He knocked again, this time making me crouch behind my counter, fear overcoming me completely. My phone started ringing from the living room couch, startling me. I crawled over to the couch, another more urgent knock sounding.



"Hobi how does he keep finding me!" I cut him off as the handle to the door started shaking.

"Woah calm down! The waves of panic are making me shake! Who keeps finding you?"

"Seojun!" I hissed, peeking over the couch and making sure the door was completely locked.

"What?! Where is he?" 


"I'll be there in less than 5. Stay locked in your bedroom until I call you."

He hung up, leaving me once again in the filled silence of pounding on the door.

"Y/n, I know you're in there! I saw through your window. Let me in!"

I froze dead in my tracks. What does he mean right through my window? I slid into my bedroom and planted myself in front of the window. Sure enough, the lack of sunlight from outside made it clear to see into my second-floor bedroom window. Well shit.

The banging suddenly stopped, leaving me in an eerie silence. I shut the curtains and hid under my bed, hugging a pillow close to me. A few minutes later my phone started urgently ringing again, making me jump and hit my head on the bed boards above me. I groaned, reaching for my phone. Hobi!

I jumped out from under the bed and answered while heading to the door. "Is anyone out there?"

"No not a single person in sight. Are you sure he was here?" Hobi answered before hanging up as I unlocked the door for him.

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