♥ seventy one ♥

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To say I was creeped out would be an understatement. This girl terrified the crap out of me.

I shuttered at the thought of her following around the boys at such a young age.

I mean debut time he was only 15...

The thought made me want to puke and call every service against the woman.

I glanced behind me at Jungkook who was absolutely dead to the world in our bed.

All doubts and fears suddenly disappeared as I admired his soft features. The small moles on his face and the precious scar on his cheek.

I remember reading somewhere he thought the scar made him look ugly but I think it made the opposite impact on me. It didn't make him ugly, it made him human.

I bent down and pressed a kiss onto his cheek before putting my hat on and shrugging a coat over my shoulders.

I grabbed my phone and purse before leaving the room and entering the empty hall.

I looked left and right before turning and making my way to the elevator. I pressed the lobby button and pulled out my phone, calling Minsu.




My nose wrinkled in confusion at the unfamiliar voice. There was a small crash before I heard Minsu's voice.

"Y/n? What's up?" She panted as if she just ran a marathon.

"Uh who was on the phone?"

She went silent before chuckling.

"T-that was my cousin."

"Hi! I'm Woojin!"

"Shut up!" She hissed at the man next to her. I froze in shock as the elevator doors opened to the lobby.

"R-right. I-is that K-kim Woojin?"

I held my breath. Please don't say yes.

I entered into the lobby and noticed Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin were standing near one of the windows, talking.

But currently I wasn't worried about that. Minsu still hadn't answered me.

"Li Minsu you better answer me this instant or you have a huge whooping coming for you," I ordered. Somebody started laughing as Minsu sighed.

"Yes its Kim Woojin."

I screamed.

Every single person in the lobby snapped their heads towards me as I passed out.


.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I woke up in the arms of...Jimin? I squinted to make sure I was seeing right.

"Jimin?" I asked groggily.

"Y/n?! She's awake!" He shouted to who I'm assuming was the others.

"Wait what happened?" I groaned.

"Y/n? You passed out in the lobby after screaming," Namjoon informed me, the others gathering around the bed. I now noticed Jungkook was awake and so was Taehyung.

"Huh? I don't-" and then I remembered.

"Where's my phone?!" I shouted, sprinting off the bed and practically rolling to the door.

I ran out and across the hall to my room, making a mess as I searched for the cursed device.

"Looking for something?" Taehyung asked, appearing at the door with something between his fingers.

"My phone!"

I reached for it but was held back by his other arm.

"Why do you need it?" He asked suspiciously as the others caught up with us.

"Give it back! It's an emergency." I pouted.

"What emergency?" Jin asked.

"I'll tell you if you give it back!" I stamped my foot on the ground, throwing an absolute tantrum.

"Uh she's gonna blow," Yoongi pointed out as I tried my breathing exercises.

"Taehyhung give her the phone! Quick!" Hoseok said frantically. Tae practically threw my phone at me, calming me instantly.

As soon as the device was in my hands I dialed Minsu.


"Minsu tell me I wasn't dreaming!"

She sighed. "No. My cousin is Woojin."


"Because I knew you would act like this!"

"Let me talk to him!"

There were a few shuffles before I heard the angelic vocals of Kim Woojin.

"Hello? Is this Minsu's friend from earlier?"

I screamed. Right after I muted myself of course.

The boys hands flew over their ears as I cleared my throat and smiled apologetically.

"Yes this is me. I mean- I am her. Or- yes this is her friend from earlier." I mentally facepalmed at my awkwardness.

"Oh cool! I'm Woojin it's nice to meet you."

"I'm y/n. It's good to meet you too!" I chirped then internally cringed at myself for acting like this.

"Are you a fan of Stray Kids?" He asked curiously. 

"Am I?! Has Minsu never talked about me?! God this girl. Yes I'm a huge fan!" I smiled brightly, turning to watch the city beyond the window as I talked.

"Who's your bias?"

I pursed my lips. Shoot.

"W-well it changes a lot," I lied.

"NO IT DOESN'T ITS FELIX!" Minsu shouted from somewhere on the other line. I made a mental note to smack her upside the head.

Woojin laughed. ".A lot of my friends bias if Felix," he chuckled. I sighed a breath of relief.

"Oh thank goodness. Well you should probably get back to whatever you were doing..." I told him regretfully.

"Probably. But sometime when you're back in Korea we should all hang out!"


"With the other 8? They'd love to meet you."

I screamed again. Into a pillow obviously.

"Wow really? I'd love too! Just ask Minsu for my number if you ever need it. Bye!" I smiled happily. He hung up and I grinned, falling backwards onto the bed.

"Hyungs I'm concerned," Jungkook said to the others.

"And I'm wondering who the hell was on that phone with her," Jimin growled.

"Ooh jelly monster."

"Shut up hyung you were feeling the same way."

"What?! No."

"He's not lying. You were."

"You have no room to talk Namjoon!"

The seven boys started arguing and before I knew it they had all dispersed into seperate rooms angrily.


Jungkook turned to me, a glint in his eyes.

"Oops?" He asked in disbelief. I had a feeling he was a tad upset.

"Oops?" He repeated with a small chuckle before trapping me against the bed.

"Who was on the phone Y/n?"

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

The long awaited chapter! Hope you enjoyed my loves ❤️

Also yes Woojin left stray kids but I loved him which is why I included him in the chapter.

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