♥ eighty seven ♥

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I would have loved to say I didn't freak out...however unfortunately that was not the case. My mind immediately started turning its gears at max speed, trying to make sense of this stupid situation I found myself in. In fact, I've noticed I have tended to find myself in a situation like this often. Ever since my 21st birthday, I mean. How long ago was that? A week? A month? Two? 

The problem with my brain moving at a speed like this is it gives me no time to even think about what I'm trying to think about. So me shoving my phone back in my pocket and racing backstage? Not my intention. But telling the boys about this and making them panic, on tour might I add, was definitely not my intention. 

So I did the next best thing, locked myself in a bathroom and meditate. Yeah no. You might be thinking- "are you actually an idiot? You have security for this exact damn reason!" Well uh- I told you, my brain isn't braining right now!

I sat on the sink counter and calmed my breathing before taking my phone out once more to stare at the message and pictures. Good shots I might add. You could perfectly make out my stunning features and the boy's spot-on visuals.


That's a bad thing, isn't it?

I read the text over and over again as if it would unlock some sort of clue. I had no doubt it was my stalker back at it. The sudden recollection of the man stalking me made me flinch. Was he in the bathroom right now? Was a picture suddenly going to be posted on Instagram in the next few days with the caption, "young girl attempting to be an amateur spy and failing miserably"?

I groaned at the thought and hit the side of my head lightly. I need to focus. Obviously, it was somebody who could get close enough to get a picture of ME AND YOONGI IN A FUCKING HOTEL ROOM!

It had to be someone who worked at BigHit. And if not, somebody who had an accomplice in BigHit.

The sudden post of Seojun and Sora re-entered my mind. Then seeing Seojun in France while out with Nayeon. And all the scandals before I was even officially the boy's soulmates? Then Sora suspiciously mixes up the vans and costumes. And now, this? 

I could either be Sherlock...or Y/n. Or maybe...Y/n is Sherlock? I sighed, rubbing my temples. My thoughts were getting out of hand. I needed my pills. They should be in my bag. 

I jumped off the counter before making my way back into the venue and grabbing my purse. I dug through it but couldn't find a single trace of my much-needed medicine. I groaned, searching through it again until I was sure they were not in there. I decided to retrace my steps from exiting the van this morning. I knew for a fact I packed them right before we left.

I made my way back to where the vans were parked and started retracing my steps. I kept my eyes to the floor, scanning every possible square inch in my peripheral vision. I continued on until I rain into a woman, a sparkly pair of silver, 2-inch heels meeting my view. I sighed, looking up to meet the eyes of none other than Yuna.

"Hey, sis! Looking for something?"

"Yuna, what are you doing here?" I snapped, crossing my arms. She stepped back with a slight teasing smile on her face.

"Wanted to say bye before we left China and I probably never saw my dear older sister again."

I stuck out my tongue, her returning the favor. "I know that's not it at all. Why are you really here?"

She smirked before fishing in her large, tan coat pocket for something. IT WASN'T EVEN COLD OUT?!

However, my thoughts were interrupted when she pulled out a familiar orange bottle. My prescripted pills.

"H-how do you..." I trailed off, matching her intense gaze.

"You deserve to suffer," she muttered before uncapping the bottle and dumping it over the parking garage drain she was standing next to.

"NO!" I cried, jumping for the pills but I was too late. Every last one was down the drain, lost to drug the rats beneath the surface. I crumpled to my knees as tears built up in my eyes.

"Why?" I asked, my voice shaking. She tutted, adding a small pout to her features.

"Because. This is how life works sweetheart," she pat my head before her heels clicked away to a nearby car. For an 18-year-old...she was ruthless. And the sad thing was, I couldn't even do a thing about it. Unless I wanted to be thrown in jail for assault on a worldly-loved celebrity.

She drove past quickly, offering a small wave before disappearing. I turned my eyes to look back at the gutter in utter hopelessness. 

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I don't know how long it was. Time seemed to be moving quickly. I knew I couldn't have stared down at that gutter for long.

Which I why I was surprised when I was suddenly scooped by a pair of arms and held tightly against a body. Mine fell limp in his own. I turned carefully to meet Yoongi's worried features. He had a slight wrinkle between his two brows, signifying his intense worry.


"Y/n?!" Immediately six other shouts were heard and I blankly turned from Yoongi to the others, snapping out of my daze once I saw all their terrified expressions.

"What's wrong?" I asked gently, rubbing a finger over Yoongi's worry lines to smooth his skin. He leaned into my touch, exhaling softly.

"What were you doing down here? The concert's over! We were worried sick about you!" Namjoon sighed, gracing me with the presence of his arms around my waist.

"The concert's over?!" I asked with widened eyes. The others nodded quickly, trying to calm their racing hearts. Suddenly everything hit me like a truck as my eyes gazed at the gutter. The tears returned as Yuna's words suddenly appeared in the front of my mind. My knees buckled as I tightly gripped Namjoon's arms for support. My sobs escaped, sending my soulmates into an even further panic.

"Y/n. Y/n calm down," Hoseok smiled, wiping my tears. I sniffled, trying to calm my crying. When I eventually stopped, I let go of my deadly grip on Joon, apologizing softly.

"Baby why the sad tears?" Taehyung asked, leaning his head atop mine.

I sighed before answering. "Yuna."

"Yuna?" Jimin repeated before it clicked.

"Wait are you talking about ITZY's Yuna? What about her?" Namjoon asked, leaning away to watch me.

"She's my sister."

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.


And...that's- all I had to say :(


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