♥ Alternate ending 2 ♥

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And then she was awake. 

Y/n found herself in a cold, isolated room smelling heavy of Clorox wipes. She gently lifted herself from her former position, wincing as all of her joints popped and bones cracked at once. 

Stretching her body fully forward, she gently fixed her posture so she was sitting straight up. She glanced over her arms and legs, taking note of the various tubes and needles attaching her body to the machine near her bed.

She continued to look around for anything to announce she was okay when her eyes landed on a call button a few meters away. Well, that's helpful.

She inched herself to the end of the mattress, just enough to reach the small red button. There was no noise, the button only flashed for a quick second before going back to its original state. Frowning, she sat back on the pillows, already exhausted from moving around so much.

"Are you sure you saw the call for this room? The patient occupying this one was near death."

"Yes, I'm positive!"

Her ears immediately picked up the muffled conversation from the outer hallway before shadows of feet appeared in the doorway. Slowly, the door opened and a small lamp in the corner was turned on. It was only now she realized how dark the room had been with the absence of any light from either the window or the ceiling bulbs.

Immediately the two women standing in the doorway stopped in their tracks to stare at her unmoving form. "Go get the files. Now," the older woman said to the terrified, younger-looking nurse. The girl bolted out of the room as the other woman quickly came to my side.

"Y/n? Hello, can you hear me?"

She nodded gently as the doctor began to examine her arms and legs before holding up a stethoscope. 

"Wow. You're a miracle. I really don't understand."

The younger girl came racing back in, a stack of files in her arms. 

"We're going to run a few tests just to make sure you're body is functioning correctly and there are no effects from being in a still state for so long."

Y/n nodded again, afraid that was her only response for the time being, before shutting her eyes and falling asleep once more from exhaustion.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"You're free to go Y/n. I can't explain it, but you're as healthy as a horse. Nothing seems to have taken a toll on your body. I will however need you to take one of these daily and make sure you're watching your nutrition levels and calorie count. And continue to exercise so your muscles grow stronger."

She nodded, taking the tiny bottle of capsules before turning around and running smack into an all too familiar face she had missed dearly. "Minsu!"

She jumped into Y/n's arms, and to the doctor's dismay, began twirling her around. "I can't believe you're okay," the poor girl sobbed into Y/n's shoulder, hiccuping as tiny circles were rubbed on her back. 

"I can't believe it either. It's almost like a dream."

"God, you've missed so much."

Y/n separated from Minsu, confusion clearly written on her face. "Wait how long was I out?"

Minsu stared at her best friend, eyes open wide and jaw dropped low. "How long were you out? It's been 3 years Y/n! Everybody thought you were dead! A funeral was held and everything!"

The shocked girl sat staring in the hospital lobby before her knees began to feel weak beneath her. "Oh my god."

Minsu quickly gripped the girl's arms, wincing at how light she felt.

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