♥ Alternate Ending 4 ♥

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[Reader discretion advised. Mention of: Suicide and Self harm]

And then her eyes were open again.

After a long while, she was finally able to gaze upon her own being once again. 

Her arms advertised purple and blue bruises. Her legs bared the deep gashes that proved she had fought for her life.

She forced herself up from the bed, groaning at the agonizing pain that spread through her body like needles piercing her skin. The intense throbbing in her head made it quite impossible to pinpoint where exactly she was. 

A coffin? A funeral home? Dead? 

No...a hospital room maybe? Yes, that was it. Y/n was in a hospital room. It was dark and almost impossible to see but she could clearly make out the dead, wilted flowers on her windowsill and nightstand. The curtains were shut and the tv was off, leaving a clean blanket of dust over the room. 

Y/n slowly pushed herself forward, inching closer until her legs were dangling off the side of the bed and the faded blue gown hung over her legs like a second skin. Mustering all the strength she had, she pushed off and stumbled forward, her legs giving out like jello beneath her. She desperately grabbed for the nightstand and held on tightly until she felt confident enough to try again.

Slowly, she made her way toward the door, moving at a pace even a snail could beat. Eventually, she grasped the handle, opened it gently, and stepped out into a dark hallway. Her eyes read the different signs until she finally found one marked "Lobby" with an arrow pointing down. 

Well, that's helpful.

She made her way to the right until she found the elevator, pressing the Lobby button. She waited impatiently as she stared at the slow red numbers. Almost teasing her. A small ding sounded once she reached her intended destination, the doors opening widely.

This floor was much different than the one she woke up to. It was bright and bustling, giving a sort of overwhelming anxiety to the newly awakened girl. She stepped onto the cool tiles, the absence of her shoes near her bed rendering her barefoot. The fluorescent lights beamed down at her, blinding her temporarily and causing a small headache to form in the back of her head. 

She exited the elevator, making her way to the front desk. A woman in her mid 30's looked up, raising an eyebrow in question when she caught sight of the blue gown only patients wear. "Can I help you, Miss? Are you supposed to be somewhere?"

"I don't know," the girl answered, her fingers fumbling with the plastic tie around her slim waist.

"Well, what's your name?"

"Y-Y/n. Yun Y/n."

She waited patiently as the woman began typing away on her keyboard, making constant clicking noises. The noise temporarily distracted the girl who seemed to find comfort in the little things. When the clicking stopped, she looked up to meet the distraught eyes of the nurse. 

"You said Yun Y/n, correct?"

The girl nodded once again. 

The nurse began typing again before looking up at her. "I don't know what to say besides...h-how did you survive?"

Y/n's lips parted in confusion as she tilted her head. Survive? Wasn't that normal?

"Didn't I get into a car crash?" Y/n asked the woman who nodded quickly.

"A large truck collided with your unprotected body at a deadly rate. Your body flung at least 15 feet from the collision. I don't know how you survived...your soulmates didn't..."

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