♥ fifty six ♥

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Let's aim for that 50k!

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The next morning I woke up with a start. My breathing was ragged as I had just woken up with a nightmare. I had forgotten to taken my sleeping pills last night. Peachy.

I snuck out of the bed, realizing the two exhausted boys were still asleep. They had a free day today and New York has a lot of places to see. Or at least in the books I've read.

I left the room with a small click and tip toed back to my assigned room.

I opened the door quietly and entered. The room was dark as I glanced at the bright clock. 5:03. I peeked through the balcony curtains at the small sunrays coming through the trees near the window.

"I don't think I've ever gotten up this early," I thought quietly to myself as I sifted through my suitcase.

As I pulled out a folded shirt, a small packaging dropped out of it. Tilting my head in confusion I glanced behind me at the still body in the bed.

I turned back to the small purple bag that was tightened shut with a bow at the top. Picking it up gently, I untied the bow and opened the frilly top.

Looking inside I gasped quietly. I pulled out a small box and opened it. Inside lay a dainty necklace with a simple rectangle charm on it. I turned it over and my jaw dropped.

Engraved in small diamonds were seven tally marks and the date we all met which I remembered as clear as day.

I held the small box and necklace close to my heart as I shut my eyes tightly. When did they find the time to do this? And why?

A set of arms around my waist made me flinch as I began to turn.

"Like the gift? I'm sorry it's not much and you're probably disappointed but I promise to spoil you everyday till you get sick of saying thank you," Jimin promised.

I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Jimin it's incredible. No one has ever done something like this for me. You guys are my stars and I really don't need anything from you," I mumbled, capturing his lips in a soft but sweet kiss. He returned it quickly, his fingers grabbing the necklace and slipping it around my neck before pulling away slowly.

"Baby turn around," he smiled. I pulled my hair to one side as he clamped the necklace shut. I looked at the mirror in front of us as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, leaving a lingering kiss on my shoulder. I blushed warmly, grabbing my outfit before giving him a hug and running to the bathroom to change.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Ah hyung she found the necklace!" Taehyung announced as we joined the others for breakfast. My hand unconsciously went to rest on the small piece of jewelry resting on my neck.

I sat down in between Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Thank you all for that. I'll treasure it," I smiled, folding my hands in my lap.

Hoseok's hand slipped onto mine as he separated them and intertwined his with my right hand.

I turned to him and pressed a kiss against his cheek. He smiled, small dimples appearing as we all served ourselves.

"Hey! No fair I want a morning kiss," Jungkook pouted. Jimin smirked.

"Oh I got mine," he grinned as Taehyung and Jungkook shot him glares.

"Shut up," Taehyung grumbled. Sighing I got up from my spot and walked over to Jungkook, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey wait now I want one!"

"I want one too!"

"Y/n me next!"

Giggling I went around the chairs of the table, giving them each kisses somewhere on their faces. Ending with giving Joon a kiss on the lips.

The others voiced their arguments but I was smiling at his flustered expression.

"Whatever. Once we propose I get the first kiss," Jin rolled his eyes.

My eyes widened as my jaw dropped. The others broke out in laughter as my cheeks heated up.

"You guys are so mean!" I scolded, sitting back down and burying my face in my hands.

"But he wasn't lying," Hoseok agreed, making them laugh louder as my cheeks grew too hot for my hands to handle.

"Guys you're just embarrassing her. If she gets anymore flustered she'll be too cute to handle," Taehyung stopped laughing and suddenly grew serious before giggling again.

Throwing my hands up in defeat I quickly ate my small portion of breakfast.

"Plans for today?" I asked, throwing my plate away.

"Sight seeing and-"

Jungkook and Taehyung cut off Namjoon by shouting, "shopping!"

I shook my head with giggles as the rest of them stood up.

"Y/n? Are you coming with us?"

"I'd love too guys but I have a few outfits errors I have to fix. Enjoy you're day," I motioned for them to leave.

"No. I have some work to catch up on anyway. You guys go and I'll stay with Y/n," Hoseok answered, following me to the elevator. The doors shut before any of the others could argue. Hobi fistpumped the air in happiness as I giggled.

"Lame excuse Hobi. But its cute," I grinned, giving him a tight hug. He stood with one arm around my waist, his hat low in case someone stopped to get on.

"You don't have to stay just for me Hobi. I know how interesting New York is," I smiled as we got off on the seventh floor. He followed me to me and Jimin's room with a triumphant grin on his face.

"Y/n, if I didn't want to stay with you I wouldn't have made up that superrrrr lame excuse." I cracked a smile as I grabbed my bag and pulled out some folders. He pulled a corner chair over to the small desk that was sitting against one of the walls. He sat at one side as I took my seat on the other.

"Hobi you're gonna get bored really fast," I told him, getting my pencils out and a paper of his own silhouette.

"Is that me? That looks like me," he asked, ignoring my warning.

I sighed before nodding. "Yeah."

"I'm going to wear that?"

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Ooooh will Hobi like her design or not? Also I feel like I was doing a bunch of bonding with the others so I'm adding some special Hobi time here! Love ya! 💕

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