♥ seventy five ♥

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Guys the chapter was almost done when the whole app glitched and deleted everything but the first sentence. There was no undo button. I'm pissed rn like I can't even with this app.

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5 minutes before we were about to board and suddenly we were stopped by the managers.

Apparently they were notified only 15 minutes prior that the boys were needed back in Korea.

So the outcome was, Spain was canceled on the tour agenda, leaving millions of army upset and giving the boys an extra burden.

"Wait so why do we have to go back?" I asked one of the managers.

"Because the issue at hand is so urgent it could cost them their jobs if they aren't there." And then he was gone, ordering others around.

I had to keep my mouth shut in order to not let out a string of curses only threaded by rage.

"They can't just do that?! Where is this generations patience?!" I fumed. Nayeon pat my head in an attempt to soothe the burning anger I had for whatever problem needed the boys soo badly.

"So help me if it's something dumb like an interview I'm going to bitch slap somebody," I grumbled, boarding onto the plane.

Because it was a last minute change, the multiple planes we were taking to Spain had morphed into a single plane that at least was big enough to harbor all of us back to Seoul.

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The flight back to Korea was mainly silent. Nobody was really in the mood to talk or laugh about anything.

I tried to cheer the boys up but it was proving to be no use when not a single one of them kept up small talk for more than a minute.

So I sat silently, eyes glued to my computer screen in front of me at the current movie that was playing. Though my eyes were set on the screen, my mind was preoccupied with the current soulmate sitting beside me. He had seemed extremely on edge this whole time, making me feel guilty my dumb butt was watching a movie.

I shut off the movie and closed the computer before shifting in my seat to face Jimin.

"Love?" I called, hoping the small pet name would at least get his shoulders to relax.

He turned to me, a concerned look on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, flipping up the arm rest between us and taking off my seatbelt despite the many signs telling me not to.

He didn't answer but his eyes were stuck on mine. I climbed softly onto his lap, resting my legs on either side of his on the seat.

My hands slid from his wrists, up to his shoulders and jawline until they stopped in his soft blonde locks.

"I'm just worried. That's it," he murmured. I leaned forward as he nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck. His arms came around my waist, leaving me in the perfect spot.

"Don't be worried," I smiled. Though I was worried myself, I couldn't bring myself to share my feelings.

His gaze locked on mine as my hands moved back down to his shoulder. I rubbed small circles on them before ultimately giving him one of my Y/n specials.

Instantly his muscles relaxed, shoulders dropped, and head rested back on the headrest.

"Right there," he groaned as soon as I hit a pinched nerve. I kneaded my hands perfectly in order to help him out.

"God y/n...what else can your hands do?" He smirked, making realization hit me before my cheeks inflamed.

"N-nothing," I stumbled over my words, embarrassed. He chuckled, making his entire chest vibrate. I leaned forward into the warmth, pressing kisses to his neck.

His eyes closed at the sweet sensation before I pecked his lips.

However that wasn't enough for him when he pulled my head forward again, crashing his lips on mine.

Our lips moved in sync before I felt the presence of somebody above us. Looking up I noticed Taehyung leaning on his elbow, gazing at us dreamily.

"Tae?!" I hid my face in my sweaterpaws in order to hide my cherry red cheeks.

"Can I have a massage too?" He grinned boxily at me, only making me blush more if that was even humanely possible.

"How come it's always me when one of you need her?" Jimin groaned, pouting slightly.

I giggled, glancing back up to Tae.

"Maybe later TaeTae. Jimin really needs the relief right now. He's all knotted up," I smiled, ruffling his hair. He grabbed my hand and pressed a soft kiss to my knuckles before letting go and returning his bottom back to his seat.

"I always knew you liked me better," Jimin teased. I rolled my eyes, lightly smacking his arm before smiling.

"That's a lie," I shook my head.

"What? So who's your favorite?" He pressed, sitting up straight once more.

"None of you!"

"Right it's that Woojin guy isn't it?" He grumbled.

"Sounds like jealousy." He flashed a guilty smile before leaning his cheek into my palm.

"Sorry baby. It's hard to not get jealous over you. I don't want anyone else to have you. It's already hard enough to share between seven greedy men," he put emphasis on the last part, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.

I giggled, resting my forehead against his. "You guys are so cute. I'm more of an OT7 girl. You know?" I asked, shutting my eyes at the feeling of warmth.

"Yeah I know. But you seem to have a special spot for me." He smirked.

I wrinkled my nose. "How would you know that?"

He pointed to his head before pointing to mine. My eyes widened before I grabbed his wrist and clutched it close to my heart.

"I have a special spot for all of you in your own unique ways. And stop reading my mind if that's even possible," I hissed. He smiled before pecking my lips again.

"No promises."

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Happy reading! 😊

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