♥ sixty nine ♥

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Euphoria started playing guys I cried.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

In short the boys never let me hear the end of it for missing dinner.

I woke up earlier than Jungkook and decided to go down to the breakfast lounge for a small bite.

"DID YOU GUYS EVEN EAT?" Jin scolded, raising a fork.

I shook my head, grabbing an apple from a fruit bowl.

"Ugh you kids will be the death of me," Jin pouted.

I grabbed his chin and pecked his lips. "Sorry Jinnie," I apologized, turning away from Jin's red ears and to Beau who had just entered.

"Ah Miss Y/n was it? How is everything suiting you?"

Is this guy the only worker here?

"Ah everything is quite amazing. In fact we're all enjoying our stay. Isn't that right guys?:

They stared blankly at me, their jaws dropped to the floor. All except for Taehyung who was smirking proudly.

"They mean yes. I'm sorry for their behavior. They don't understand French. I forgot," I laughed lightly. He did as well.

"Well if I can do anything for you, please let me know. Now if you'll excuse me," he bowed and quickly exited through a side door behind the buffet table.

I took a bite from my apple and turned to the others.

"Guys your food is getting cold," I furrowed my eyebrows.

Yoongi's silverware dropped while Namjoon's juice cup almost slipped from his hands.

I turned, confused and made my way back to our room.

I opened the door and snuck inside, surprised when somebody wrestled me in a tight hug. I looked in the full length mirror beside me and almost passed out.

Jungkook was freaking shirtless.

"Baby you're getting red," he giggled like a kid while his bunny smile could visibly be seen.

Well I was glad he was in a good mood but this was too much for me to handle.

"Jungkook put a shirt on," I wined, trying to run from his arms. He backed me up into a wall, placing his arms on either side of me.

Now is when I noticed his wet hair, dripping onto his forehead and down his torso.

I was praying thanks to my guardian angel this kid actually had pants on.

Still though I couldn't help scanning up and down from his abs to his fierce eyes.

"God," I mumbled.

He smirked. "Like what you see baby?" He teased, closing in on me.

"Ugh you're so lucky it's your birthday," I muttered but smiled anyway as his lips captured mine in a soft kiss.

My fingers smoothed over his collarbone and up his jawline to tangle themselves in his cold, wet hair.

His lips moved in sync with mine as my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him against me and the wall.

He pulled away, quietly panting, our lips only a centimeter away from eachother.

"Happy birthday," I whispered. He smiled brightly before pecking my lips.

"You have no idea how amazing you are," he sighed, resting against my shoulder.

I giggled, reaching to the side of me where my suitcase was. He separated from me and turned around to grab his hoodie, giving me just enough time to grab his present and hide it behind my back.

He turned back to me but stopped when I started sweating madly.

He eyed me suspiciously before stepping closer. "Y/n? Why are you sweating? Is it that hot in here?" He asked.

I shifted before shaking my head.

"Then what?" He asked, inches in front of me.

"I d-dont think you'll like your gift."

His eyes lit up before he smiled.

"You got me a gift?"

"Well...made you a gift."

I didn't think it was possible for his smile to get any cuter but it did. By 10 times.

"Of course I'll love it! It's from my forever soulmate and girlfriend," he smiled, assuring me.

I took a breath before telling him to close his eyes. He did so with a soft grin on his face.

I pulled the present from behind my back and held it in front of him.

"Okay you can op-" he opened his eyes quickly, surprised at the gift in front of him.

"Y-you made this?" He asked, his hands slowly reaching for the gift in my hands.

"Yeah...do you uh like it?"

He grinned. "I think I'll let all of ARMY see it."

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Hehe I love my cliffhangers don't you?

What do you guys think his gift is?! Any guess is a valid one!

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