Chapter 8

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(I'm just posting the 8th chapter and I've written up to 23 chapters on word)

The stalker was very close to the 4 of you.

“On weekdays they both go to school and the boy does prep classes. An occasional date on their days off, I assumed they were dating with how close they were it seems they are both just family friends as I was told”. He thought “they’re both pretty normal, basic students”.

“Both Yagami and L/n are cleared, no reason to suspect them” he wrote down “Mr detective would be happy to learn about l/n, he was quite disturbed when she was declared a suspect”.

The four of you got into the bus, with the stalker going in as well. “I’ll finish my surveillance of them today”.

“Light didn’t you say that you weren’t going out till entrance exams are over?” the girl asked.

“Yeah, but I did score number one in the practice exams” He replied.

“You’re awful!” she whined “ How about you l/n-san? Nakamura-San?”

“Eh~, um the same score but It can’t be counted seeing as I’m not from here” you said.

“Mh I’ll rather not say, it’s kinda embarrassing” Nakamura laughed.

“10th is not embarrassing, it’s quite impressive compared to the ones you get in class” Light said.

“Ah I’ll get into whatever college I want with a scholarship anyways” he told Light.

Light’s date sighed, “you guys are making me look so bad!”

The bus trip was quite fun, The sky clear. Nakamura would point at places and tell you all about them as well, you both ended up sharing an earpiece listening to music together. Light and his date we talking about school and the universities they might go to before Light slept off. You stalker was simply......stalking.

The bus stopped at the next stop and a man came in,

Light saw him “ Its him, he’s here”.
“Aside from him there are nine passengers, everything will go smoothly” Light thought.

The man went to the driver’s seat and pointed a gun the driver's head.

“I’m taking control of this bus!” he threatened.

Everyone was in a state of panic, the stalker didn’t even expect this to happen. “A bus jacking? At a time like this?”

He looked at the passengers “Hey, don’t make a fuss! I’ll kill anyone who moves” he warned “Driver you know the number for space land’s offices don’t you? Call them!”.

The driver agreed to his demand, “T-this is sasaki, the driver of bus number 174!”

As all of this was happening Nakamura held unto you in a protective way, you glanced at light and he gave you a nod. You let out a sigh of relief knowing that it was just apart of his plan. You gave Nakamura a pat on his head.

“Don’t worry Takashi, it’ll be okay”.

“Could you not say that you’re hurting my masculinity” he whispered holding unto you tighter.

The driver had informed the office about what was happening and the driver was arranging to get their money a few bus stops away and to have a woman bring it by car alone and to do it before he arrives.

“If you try any funny business, I’ll kill all the passengers one by one!” he threatened before breaking the phone.

Light gave Yuri, his date (that’s her nameeee😭😭) a note.

Dont worry I’ll look for a chance to grab his hand with the pistol”. She read.

The stalker behind both of them saw this, “Don’t do it it’s dangerous, if it comes to that I’ll do it” he whispered. “It’s all right we don’t have to pass notes, as long as we’re quiet he won’t hear us over the sound of the bus”.

Light kept the paper and pen back in his pocket, “Do you have any proof that you’re not an accomplice?” Light asked.

The man showed his ID, it stated he was from the FBI, his age, everything, including his name.

“His name is Raye Penber” Light thought.

You on the other hand was watching everything unfold, you were stunned. How long was light planning this? And how?

Light looked at you and a smile came across his face. He quickly gave Raye his ID back, “I trust you, I won’t ask why an FBI is on this bus with us” he said “Do you have a gun?”

“I do” Raye confirmed.

“So if something happens, I can rely on you, right?” Light’s asked.

“Yes” Raye whispered.

It seems the criminal on the bus heard, “Shut the fuck up, you wanna die?!”

You finally got a good look at him, “That’s the guy that Light was talking about he was on the news two days ago” you recalled “If I’m not mistaken, he’s was the drug addict who tried to Rob a bank, hurt the civilians and ran away”.

“Tsk, scumbag” you muttered “he’s even harassing the elderly”

He looked at you, “Did you say something bitch?”. You shook you head no.

“No I’m sure you did” he pointed his gun at you.

“Look see, calm down she didn’t do anything just relax” Nakamura stated calmly.

The gun was now touching your head, Nakamura started to panic “Open your pretty little mouth and repeat what you fucking said or I’ll blow your fucking brains out!”

Light looked at you with subtle panic gracing his features, “No, he’ll never shoot at us” he tried calming himself down. He looked at you and mouthed ‘It’s fine’.

You saw this and kept your eye contact with the man infront of you. Light dropped his paper and tried to pick it up, this made the criminal alert,
“Hey you! Don’t move! What is that piece of paper?!” he screamed “you were planning something with those notes, huh?!”

“Damn it, if he sees that note from earlier.....” Raye panicked “He’ll discover what light was planning!”

The criminal picked and opened up the note, he laughed “Plans for a date? How stupid”.

You recognised that peice of paper.....Light had a proud expression on his face.

The criminal looked back fear evident on his face, “What?! Who the hell are you?! You in the back, the fuck are you trying pull” Everyone was confused  “How long have you been there?!”

“Huh, you mean me?” Ryuk asked, “You can see me?”

You were trying so hard to hold back you laughter the whole situation was hysterical.

“Don’t move!” he yelled “I’ll shoot you, you damn monster”.

You took this as a chance to make the situation worse, “My god, h-he's hallucinating!” You yelled, this made everyone start to panic and become restless.

“Y-yes he’s the drug addict on the news right? This is bound to happen, its a side effect!” an old lady screamed.

“We’re all gonna die!!!” a man cried.

This sent Everyone to start screaming. Raye had no other choice......

“Everyone get down!” he ordered.
And so everyone did, with Nakamura holding you and Light doing the same to Yuri.

Ryuk finally understood what was going on, “I see, that not dropped was from the death note.” He cackled “this guy touched it, now he can see me, that's brilliant”

Ryuk started to approach him, “Don’t come near me!” the man screamed fearing for his life. He started shooting at Ryuk, but of course it didn’t do anything. He let out a blood curling scream still shooting hoping it would do something. Bullets were doing through the bus, windows shattered until finally, he ran out of bullets.

Raye ran to the front of the bus to catch the criminal but he ran outside before he could get him, in mere seconds he was run over by a car. Silence......pure silence as everyone saw what was remained of the man on the street.
Light looked at the time....”Exactly 11:45, just as I had planned”.

“Osoreda Kiichiro, Accidental death. At 11:31 am, he will get on a bus heading to space land from the bus stop near the Eastern entrance of the park. He will enter with gun but will see a phantom from another world and fire all his bullets at it. Then, he will flee from the bus then at 11:45 on the same day, he will die in an accident”.

You stood up to go to the window seat at the last row of the bus to get a better view of the man’s body. You looked in admiration

“Ah~ the death not never fails” you whispered enough for only Light to hear you.

“It never does” he whispered back smiling at you. He looked towards the door of the bus, “You’re next, Raye Penber”

And done.... I finally know her name Yuri.... I was so tired of writing the girl😭😭😭

So how are y’all doing today.
Have you eaten don’t forget to drink water. (Me writing this at almost 4🕳🚶‍♀️)

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