Chapter 13

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The police force was met face to face with L. They really didn’t know what they were expecting but this was definitely not it, he was a man with pale skin and spikey unkempt black hair. He had really big black eyes (i can't bring myself to say orbs😭)with even bigger dark circles under them.

“I am L” he said.

“He’s L?” Soichiro thought

“He’s different from what I imagined” Matsuda thought.

Everyone was shocked. The chief brought out his ID and everyone in the room followed. And started introducing themselves.

The one with the afro was Aizawa

The tallest one was Mogi

The shortest one with a low cut was Ukita
(I won’t remember anyone gut matsuda ong)

L made a finger gun, “Bang" his voice to quiet to imitate a gunshot.

Everyone was taken aback, having doubts about L’s sanity.

“If I were kira, you would be dead, Mr. Yagami Soichiro” L expressed “You already know that all kira needs is a face and name, please don’t give out your name carelessly. Let’s value our lives”.

L insisted they all talk and asked them to drop all electronics on a table.

Aizawa was offended by L’s request, “Do you think we would make calls and leak information?!”

“Just do as he says” Mr detective spoke.

“I know he’s trying to be cautious but I still can’t tell if he really trusts us” Matsuda pondered.

L dismissed his comment, “No I just hate it when people’s cell phones go off when I’m talking”. L sat down on one of the chairs in a squat like position, “Oh yes, please don’t take notes on anything we say in this headquarters. Keep it all in your head”.

All the detectives were observing L like he was some animal. How he sat, everything, they were especially intrigued when he constantly added sugar to a mere cup of tea.

“Uh, L-"

“Please refer to me as Ryuzaki not L” L interrupted Matsuda.

“OK, Ryuzaki. If you know that a face and name are needed, don’t you think we could cut down the number of victims by censoring crime reports?” Matsuda suggested.

“If we did that ordinary civilians will die” he answered, “Because of Kira’s childishness and he hates to lose”.

The detectives were confused.

“Yeah, I’m also childish and hate to lose” he admitted, “That’s how I know”

“Could you please elaborate?” The chief requested.

L sighed, “When I declared war against Kira on television.... we thought kira was only after criminals but then he didn’t hesitate to kill my double. As soon as I said he was in the kanto region as if to say ‘what if I am?’ he started drawing most of his victims from Japan.” L analysed, “he’s met all of my challenges without flinching, what would you think would happen if we used media restrictions to hide criminals against someone like this. If you don’t give me your criminals, I’ll kill those who’ve committed lighter crimes.”

Mr detective added, “he’ll take the world hostage”

“But we can use the media to our advantage so he can see everyone as as a threat. Just add a little spice to the murders of those FBI agents from the actual amount to maybe a thousand or more”.

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