Chapter 34

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OK, this is the actual chapter. I'm really sorry about the last one😭

Thank you for 10k (well, almost 11)💗🫶

“Y/n don’t be mad...” The man stepped out of the bathroom regret present on his face. He was getting worried, no anger, or a scream, not even a question. You just stayed there, face straight, but he looked down and saw you were hitting your thumb on your other fingers rapidly, faster than he has ever seen you do before. “I’m a detective, and I...I am working on the Kira case”.

You stared blankly, and everyone else in the room dare not utter a word. Even L stood up from his seat and went to the back of the room.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Your voice was stable, you realised you both weren’t the only ones in the room. It was a useless attempt at keeping yourself cool.

“There was no time-“

“You saw me yesterday!” You argued. A deep breath followed before you rubbed the bridge of your nose, speaking calmly, “You saw me yesterday”.

“I thought you were going to be mad”.

“Oh I’m definitely not mad! You’ve made me so fucking happy! I’m over the fucking moon! I just love being lied to by someone who cares for me!”.

“Y/n calm down”.

“What the fuck dad” you looked at him with so much disappointment. He made your bad mood even worse. “Oh my god (God), does mom know...does mom know that you’re doing all this?” You waved your hands around signifying all of this.

“She does” he looked away.

“ it’s a lie to y/n thing right? No problem, no problem at all”.

“We thought you wouldn’t understand or you were too young”.

“So I’m too young to know my dad is a detective but I’m not to young to be suspected of being Kira? A serial killer?” In all honesty, his secrecy wasn’t even the root of your anger, it was his lack of reason. The more he gave you half baked excuses the more infuriated you became. “You were there when Yagami-san was begging her husband to quit the case, you were there when the chief was in hospital. You couldn’t have told me? You told me you wanted to expand your business, have you even stepped foot inside an office since we came here?”

“I actually have been doing business” he admitted. “Not everything was a lie.”

You turned towards L, Soichiro and the other detectives. “You all knew...” then looked at L in particular “First friend my ass. It’s not your fault though, you’ve never had any before but here’s some advice, you don’t lie to friends and when or if you have a kid-“ you looked at your dad “-don’t lie to them either”.

“Could we talk about this-“ Your father was interrupted when you stormed out the room “-later”. Light rushed after you immediately.

L looked around confused. Your dad sat down on a couch his head in his palms, he quickly got up to call your mom, while Soichiro called his wife. Mogi looked outside the window to see where you were headed and Matsuda went to look for Watari so they could both talk sense into you.

“Aizawa-san” L called, “Is she also angry at me? I really don’t understand.”

“She’s probably mad at everyone, definitely you right after her dad though. I doubt she is going to come back here”.

L started to panic he went to another room to contact you or contact Watari to contact you. This isn’t what he planned at all. It was supposed to be, get mad at your dad, then your dad will ask him to talk to you on his behalf, he does it, and he fixes the relationship, your dad hates him less but still hates Light so since you both are always here your dad won’t let Light near you but he’ll let him. You’ll become close then there might be more of a chance that you’ll slip up.

“And just when I thought we were close. I need to fix our relationship before I fix theirs”. The ravenette thought.

Light continued to walk beside you, not saying a word. To anyone’s eyes it would be obvious that you were fuming, and since this was the first time Light has actually seen you angry he decided not to speak knowing any question may be met with a violent response.

Despite you walking the streets smelling like malevolence itself you were embarrassed than angry. "What the fuck is here’s some advice, you don’t lie to friends. It sounded like some fuckin Disney channel bullshit" you mentally cringed and berated yourself wishing you could have another chance to say something better, and to make it worse, the good insults were coming to your head AFTER everything happened. "I should have gone only people with good posture can understand the concept of friendships or I'm sure you store all your lies in your eyebags or some-"


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