Chapter 23

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As soon as you all arrived at the room, Soichiro was admitted, you were met with Light’s mom and both your parents consoling her and Sayu. Sayu clung unto you, and it hurt you to see her like this. The only thing you could do was hug her back. Sachiko got up and gave you all time to talk with her husband, not before prying Sayu of you before leaving you three in the room with him.

“You’re sure it’s just fatigue?” Light asked his father.

“Yeah, when I first collapsed, I thought it was Kira, but it seems I’ve just been pushing myself a bit hard lately.” Soichiro assured his son.

“Especially since your son has been suspected of being Kira” L said bluntly.

“Why would you tell his dad that?!” Your voice raised slightly glaring at him.

“I told him everything” L confessed, “Even the fact I’m L”

Light looked at his dad, trying to get anything from him, so he was met with a nod. “That’s right. He’s L. We call him Ryuzaki so the other’s can’t find out, but there’s no mistaking it. He’s L.”

“Y/n was right. He’s really L. If I get rid of him and the investigation team....No it’s not that simple. There’s no need to rush. I’ll have time to spy from here on.”

“Y/n dear, I’m really sorry to inform you, but you’re also a suspect” Soichiro told you, you could see the guilt and regret in his eyes. Truly, he didn’t want you to be involved. He was sure you did no wrong, and he left disgusted at the fact you were spied on.

You only gave him a smile, “I know, I’m just glad you’re alive.”

Soichiro turned towards L, “So Ryuzaki, has talking with them cleared away your suspicious?”

“I still suspect them, but only a little bit”

“What can can be less than 1 percent Ryuga, oh no, I meant Ryuzaki” you glared at him.

He didn’t like the way you looked at him and it was really clear. You almost felt bad, almost. Your glare didn’t falter getting harder by the second. He looked away, shrugging the feeling off.

“I’ll make it clear, kira killed twelve FBI agents who were in Japan. They were tracking those connected to the Japanese police, one of them was Raye Penber”. He began explaining, “There were many suspicious things surrounding his death-“

“-And we were one of the people he was investigating” Light completed the sentence. “No wonder we’re suspects”

“There’s literally no one else to suspect” you huffed.

“We will cooperate with you on this investigation. My father has vouched you are L. Also, I would like to catch kira so I can prove I’m not him”

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t speak for-“ you muttered before you were interrupted.

Sayu came in and said there was someone waiting outside for yo. You quickly excused yourself.

Soon after, your parents Sachiko and Sayu came in. Your dad immediately put his ear to the door, eavesdropping on what was going on outside the room.

“F/n!” Your mother tried to pull him away from the door, “Give them privacy!”

“Who’s there?” Light asked to no one in particular. Ryuk took this as a chance to snoop before he came back to Light’s side, cackling more than he usually does.

“Its her boyfriend” the shinigami cackled.

“Her boyfriend?!” Light exclaimed, unable to comprehend the news.

“BOYFRIEND?!?!” Sachiko, your mother and Sayu exclaimed.

“That hooligan is my n/n’s boyfriend?!” Your father was ready to be in the same state as his dear friend.

“Y/n has a boyfriend?” L muttered .

You opened the door overhearing the commotion inside, “Who’s boyfriend?”

“YOUR BOYFRIEND!” Everyone except Soichiro yelled.

“You have a boyfriend?” Nakamura walked in very confused.

“Y/n don’t do this” Sachiko held unto your side.

“Yes, yes, don’t do this” your mother latched to your other side, “You’re supposed to marry Light!”

“Why Light though?” L spoke up.

“Y/n dear, your mother and I have been planning this before you were both born!” Sachiko tried to reason with you.

“Excuse me, what!” You wished they would let you speak, “Wait! How about if I was a boy or Light ended up being a girl?!”

“We don’t judge!” they both yelled together

“Yeah Y/n-nee, you’re supposed to be my sister. Don’t let this guy stop you from true love!” Sayu whined as she latched unto your waist, “See his hair is already turning white!”

“But Sayu, I am your-“

“Excuse me, it’s dyed” Nakamura touched his hair.

“Forget that!”Yourr dad spoke again, “Look at his ears. Why would you get them peirced, and what is that earring?”

“This may come as a shock to you, but your daughter just loves those earrings of his” Light shared.

“Damn it, Yagami!” You stuck a middle finger towards him.

"You like my earrings?" Nakamura asked, slight pride in his voice.

"N-not the point!" You spoke your voice high.

“My love, didn’t you have your ears pierced before we got married?” Your mother asked.

You pointed an accusing finger towards your father, “Hypocrite!”

“Let’s calm down. He seems like a good kid. I’m sure he cares a lot for our y/n”. Soichiro defended.

“You’re acting like you know him dad” Light was getting suspicious of his father, causing your dad to also look at him with suspicion.

“N-no it’s not like that!” he quickly dismissed the accusations. “Having a good judge of character is a part of my work, and I just feel that he’s a really good kid”.

“Thank you, Yagami-san, but we’re not-“ You once again tried to say something.

“Doing that is also a part of my job, and I feel he’s a bad match, and so is Light” L said bluntly.

“Exactly” Your father agreed immediately.

“Who do you think you are to judge my future son-in-law like that!” Your mom waved her slippers in a threatening manner at the ravenette.

“Wait it’s my son you’re talking about right?” Sachiko muttered to her friend. Your mother mouthed a ‘yeah’.

“No way in hell my little princess is going to be with any of these imbeci-“

“MY FUCKING GOD, I DO NOT HAVE A BOYFRIEND! ME AND NAKAMURA AREN’T DATING!” you let out a sigh, “He heard what happened and came to see if everyone was doing alright”

Silence.....pure silence. Everyone stopped arguing and let out a sigh of relief. Everyone’s sigh different from the other.

“I mean.....if you wanted to we could....”

Nakamura was met by glares from everyone in the room. All different kind of glares, some slight and some so harsh he could feel it on his skin.

“I-it was a joke...” he laughed nervously. “Um....I’ll be going now...”

He reached out to hug you but was stopped by a slipper being flung right in the middle of you both.

“ hand slipped” your mother gave the same closed eye smile you usually give before giving Sachiko a high-five.

“Bye bye Takashi..." You waved before he left.

“Smh already on first name basis” you father muttered.

“It’s because of the American upbringing! I’m telling you, she should have been here from the start. If she grew up with Light, they would have been head over hills for each other by now!” Sachiko told your mother.

You dad sighed and started pushing everyone out, “They were discussing something before that delinquent interrupted. My apologies Soichiro” and with that, you were all free to speak again.

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I’ve had the whole boyfriend fiasco in my head for a while. This was the perfect time to execute it. Hmm.....I wonder what L’s deal is🧘‍♀️ I really hope you liked it.

And thank you all so much for 2k reads♡

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