Chapter 31

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Thank you for 8k reads😭 *faints*

~In Light’s room~

Light watched your figure run towards your home. He sat back on his chair, having way too much to worry about, and you were immediately after the second Kira.

“She refuses to get the eyes, it took so long before she agreed to join the investigation and now she’s always clinging unto L without shame” he glared holes into the computer in front of him. “Who does she think she is....she should be worried I could replace her whenever I feel like with this new Kira.”

“Don’t you wanna kill the second Kira though” Ryuk got his own glare.

“Light!” Sayu called from downstairs, pissing Light off even more.

His anger vanished immediately when he heard something about a notebook. He quickly rushed downstairs, he saw a blonde girl waiting outside for him.

“P-Pleased to meet you” she spoke after the door was closed.

“My name is Amane Misa” she bowed. “I thought you might be worried if you were watching TV. I just couldn’t take it anymore. This notebook...”

Light stares at the black notebook. No doubt, it was a death note. He touched the edge of the book and looked up to see a white Shinigami staring him down with her eyes, the whites were yellow and her pupils looked like the ones of a snake, narrowed and purple.

He invited her in. “Mom, she came all this way to give me my notebook. Do you mind making some tea?”

“I suppose I should” After they both left, she quickly went to call your mom. (Sachiko💗)

Light offered her a seat on the chair from his desk, that he placed directly opposite his bed.

“How did you find me” Light sat down on his bed

“Ah, I thought so. You didn’t do the eye deal, did you?” The blonde started to explain. “When you have the eyes, you can see a person’s lifespan and age. But you can not see the life of a person who has a death note. I saw you at Aoyama, and both you and that girl next to you didn’t have your lifespan on your heads.”

“Y/n has used the death note?!” Light turned to Ryuk, “Did you know this?!”

“Well, the first part is new to me, but y/n, I knew” Ryuk admitted, slightly embarrassed.

“Why didn’t you tell me about y/n”

“I thought it would be fun to see your reaction. Plus, she threatened me” Ryuk shivered.

“Okay, no problem” he spoke, hiding his anger. “But what would happen if you were caught by the police?"

Misa was confident that she didn’t and couldn’t get caught. She even went ahead to say, “I will see L’s name. I shall become your eyes. So... Please make me your girlfriend!”

Light was obviously taken aback by Misa’s request and how forward she was, “If I’m not careful with her, she might kill me.” He thought, looking for an excuse.

“Not possible, there were three times the surveillance cameras, anyone is Aoyama would have been caught on camera including me” He explained. “If we remained together after that, even being here together isn’t good. Try to understand”.

“Look” Misa brought out pictures of how she disguised herself in Aoyama. “This is a picture of me when I went to Aoyama”

“This...this who y/n saw in Aoyama.” He thought, “Wait now that I think about it. She was the blonde who took y/n’s sundae. How did y/n see through her disguise? Is she some type of monster?”

“Yagami-san just let me go upstairs!” Light and Misa heard muffled protests from downstairs, “Sayu let go!”. Speak of the devil.

You ran inside Light’s room, shutting his door quickly, resting your forehead on it, letting out a huge sigh.

“Yo Light, what’s going on? Your mom and sister wouldn’t let me- Damn....who’s the pretty girl?” You turned around to see a blonde girl who looked familiar.

“Huh-“ she turned around.

“Eh? Sundae stealer?” You tilted your head sideways slightly. “What are you-“ The pictures in Light’s hand coming into your sight “I fucking knew it, I knew I saw you in Aoyama! Didn’t I tell you! So that means...she’s the second Kira”

“Thank god(God) Sachiko-San called my mom and told her about a girl coming to meet Light about some note” you thought looking at Light, who was subtly glaring at you.

“You!” She pointed an accusing finger towards you, “What were you doing holding my boyfriend like that!”

“Your what? I was only holdin-“ realization dawned of your face. You could see Light looking at you sternly through the side of your eye, “Ohhh Light? Light is for everyone. He’s a whore” You ignored Light and the blonde’s glare walking over to meet Ryuk before something caught your eye.

“Hey Light isn’t this your death note” you picked up the note to see that it wasn’t Light’s, but before you knew it the nostalgic wave you felt a months ago found it’s way to you once again. The feeling that started it all.

“Oh my.....and I thought all Shinigami were ugly” you studied Rem admiring the unfamiliar creature’s features. “You’re quite stunning...”

“Rem” The white and purple shinigami completed the sentence, looking at you blankly.

“Ah~ even your name is breathtaking. Rem” You hummed, “I guess you’re the only ugly Shinigami Ryuk.”

“I’m waiting for the day I’ll kill you” He laughed.

As her and Light kept on talking, you started thanking your stars that you met the second Kira so soon. All you had to do was find a way to kill her as soon as possible.

“Yes, she has Shinigami eyes, but she’s not invincible....or sensible either. Her Shinigami shouldn’t care if she dies anyway. Worst case scenario, Light will get mad. I can handle that”. You thought, still making sure your ears never left their discussion.

“What about the fingerprints on the tapes you sent to the television station?”.

She quickly explained that the fingerprints on the tapes weren’t hers but her friend’s. She claimed to haven’t touched the tapes at all.

“And what is that friend doing now?” Light asked.

“If you want me to kill her, I’ll kill her right now!” she tried her best to make Light trust her.

You were ecstatic about this. She would do anything for Light without regard for herself. You could just kill her and blame it on Light. She would die happily.

Misa was even willing to give Light her death note. “Now there’s no way I can kill you. If I’m of no use, you can kill me”.

You dug your nails into your skin in an attempt to keep a straight face. It was painful, and you could already feel a scar forming, but it was worth it. If you started laughing now, you would bring unnecessary trouble.

“But you might have still removed several pages from the death note.” He eyed you, “You might be hiding them somewhere.”

Misa completely lost it, “Why are you so suspicious of me?! I don’t mind if you just use me! Believe me...”

You felt quite irritated with the blonde. She fell on the floor in a really dramatic-hilarious-manner and started narrating her origin story of how her parents were murdered with in front of her and she became the batman (Kira killed her parents' murderer and she became a fan).

“I just....I just wanted to meet you and thank you”.

“She’s been here for so long saying everything but a thank you” you thought, running a hand through your hair. You were just very fidgety ever since you entered Light’s room.

Light remained completely silent. You didn’t know what was going through his mind, and you didn’t like it one bit. Your mouth tasted bitter as you watched him walk towards Misa and embrace her.

“I understand. I can’t be your boyfriend, but I can act like I am....”.

Whatever happened after was blocked out by you. You just stared at them with blank eyes, one resembling those of a corpse.

“Jealousy is a terrible feeling, right?” Ryuk hovered above you,  surprisingly not cackling at your misery.

“No. It’s quite disgusting, yes but nice. Its motivating” you glanced up at the Shinigami, “I’m never gonna feel this again, but I’ll make both of them feel it though. I can’t deprive them of such a feeling, can I?”

“Oh? What are you gonna do?”

You simply kept quiet watching them so you could fuel your rage. The more you saw it, the more you had a reason to set whatever horrific plan you had in mind into motion.

Misa asked to see Light’s Shinigami, and he agreed, not like he had a choice though. The black death god appeared right in front of Misa’s face - because personal space wasn’t something Shinigami were taught- and he said a small “hi”

“He’s a different type of Shinigami from Rem, isn’t he?” she waved, “I already know your name Ryuk, it’s a pleasure to meet you”.

He waved back, “Pleased to meet you too”.

“Woah, Ryuk has manners?” You couldn’t believe your eyes.

“Yeah, unlike you” he spoke, turning to you, “I advise you fix your manners”.

“Fix your posture and face first bitch” you made a face which he replied with a middle finger.

“Ouch, I’m wounded” the Shinigami spoke with a blank expression.

“Bleed out”

“Oh Light, do you know how to kill a Shinigami?” Misa asked, trying to get Light’s attention.

This was something that piqued your interest. You ignored Ryuk’s death threats and started listening in.

It was obvious Light was already getting irritated by Misa’s presence, “You’re already calling me by my first name?” his eye twitched

“Then should I call you ‘Knight’ instead?” she asked, “Because you’re like my Knight in shining armour”.

Snickers were heard from the back as both you and Ryuk were trying desperately to not laugh, “pfft, Light the knight” you mumbled. Ryuk lost it and started cackling immediately .

“Knight Light!” Ryuk fell down, causing you to laugh, then start coughing after you choked on spit.

“Light is fine” Light’s lips twitched despite them being formed as a frown

~In L’s hotel room~

L was studying all tapes from Aoyama on the 22nd, and all the detectives were quite concerned about him. He still continued to watch them, knowing that both Kiras made contact on the day. He just needed proof.

“Also Mr. Yagami” L’s eyes didn’t leave the screen as he spoke to the chief. “I would like Mr Mogi to keep watch over both Light and L/n’s activities. I’ve already spoken to the detective, and he has no problem with it. He should be telling her that he’s working with us as we speak”.

“I thought they were cleared” the chief didn’t understand the ravenette’s train of thought. He was never against them, but he would just like to understand why.

“In the event that either one of them is Kira, the second Kira would try to contact them”.

~Back at Light’s room~

“So when a Shinigami has feelings for a certain person and kills someone in order to extend that person’s life, the Shinigami dies?” Light pondered.

“Sorry Ryuk, you might die soon trying to save me from something” you teased.

“I’m definitely the something you need saving from y/n” He chuckled, “The closest thing to care I have for you is definitely because of your mom’s tree”

“Awww love you too” You kicked him only for your leg to pass through like he wasn’t even there. Stupid bitch.

“It really doesn’t seem like something you would do Ryuk” Light added.

Light asked about the tapes and how Misa mailed them. She explained the tapes were all from different addresses, and she always used the bullet train so she couldn’t be traced.

“You should dispose of everything you used to create the videos” Light told her, “But only after sending one last video from yet another location tomorrow”

“what should I say”.

“Oh I know, I know” You raised up your hand like a little kid, “I’ll stop trying to meet Kira. And I’ll pretend like this never happened, then I’ll disappear and never come back again. To make it more believable, you should actually leave and not come back!"

“Oh...” she nodded her head, “Got it”
Light hit your head and sighed, “Say, I will stop trying to meet Kira. I’d like to thank the police for their advice but I’m going to help Kira erase evil from the world. I’m going to cooperate with him and get his acceptance by punishing criminals that Kira hasn’t punished yet. I will also make the world a better place by sharing this power among those who are worthy”

It's literally the same thing you said, but whatever.

“Share the power?” she asked.

“It’s a line to throw off the investigation. There are already two people with this power. Theree might be more, and if they believe that they’ll multiply, it’ll create a panic.”

“huh~, for that to happen, a Shinigami needs more than one death note, and for that to happen, a Shinigami has to die...” you thought out loud.

“I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon” Rem -finally- spoke

Misa nodded, “I’ll do it, I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Another important thing” Light’s stare hardened. It was the most serious you’ve ever seen him look. “If you’re caught by the police...If you’re arrested as a suspect, don’t say anything about us or the notebook. There’s no proof against you as long as they don’t get a hold of the notebook and verify it. Can you promise me that much”.

“I promise!” her eyes formed crescents. “So then we’re officially boyfriend and girlfriend, right?” Misa asked Light.

“I guess so” Light sighed.

You bit the side of your cheek hard the metallic taste of blood coming soon after, getting rid of the bitter taste that refused to leave.

“Now, for my conditions!” she raised her finger up, “Go on a date with me every week”.

Light closed his eyes as his jaw tightened. “That’s impossible”

“Wh-why?” She whined.
“Look see, L already suspects that I’m Kira” Light explained.

“L is amazing, Everyone’s saying that he doesn’t understand or that he’s stupid” Misa spoke in awe, “So he’s actually figured out that much”

“But thanks to that, I’ve also been able to get close to L”

“Huh? L and Kira are in contact with each other?” She was finding it hard comprehending the situation, “You’re both amazing! It’s making me kind of excited. You too, y/n?”

“I’m not going to ask why you already know my name but- Oh...” You pointed towards your eyes then her own.

“They’re both outstanding”. You recalled the time they were both deducing the second Kira, it was truly a sight to behold.

“So..” Light began, “In order to make sure that our meetings in school don’t stand out, I’m going to see other girls.”

“What does that mean? It means you're going to date other girls” Misa asked. “Y/n was right, you’re a whore!”. The news also surprised you.

“Well pretty much”

Misa completely lost it, “I don’t want you to!”. “If I see you with any other girl I’ll kill her” she turned to point at you, “She’s already first!”.

How was no one hearing the commotion?

“Hey, hey listen” your honeyed voice attempted to calm her down as you held her shoulders, “You need to think about what’s more important here. The new world, huh?”.

This was the one time you agreed with what Misa did. You would have acted the same way if you had the balls to do so.

“Yeah but....I love Light more than I love the world”

“I know, but....” You pulled her in for a hug. “Fuck off, Amane. I was here first”. You whispered into her ear.

“I’ll kill everyone you love L/n” she whispered back.

“You’ll have to kill Light first then”

“Everyone you love....except for Light” She held your upper arms tightly.

“Its a good thing I’ve come to love you so much in the little time we’ve spent together Mi-sa-chan”. You dug your nails into her shoulders.

Rem was approaching you slowly stretching her hand to touch you.

“Hey Rem” Ryuk called.


“Have you ever had an apple” Ryuk asked. “You know what, it’s time for you to have your first apple”. Ryuk dragged Rem away from you towards the shelf he his apples in Light’s room.

The situation was getting out of hand, and Light knew what ever you were telling Misa wasn’t words of comfort. He was fed up and had no other option.

“I have both notebooks. If you don’t obey, I’ll kill you” Light threatened.

“Perfect we’re all on team kill blondie” you thought.

“I won’t let you do that” Rem came out of nowhere, “L/n Y/n, Yagami Light . If you try to kill her, I’ll write your names in my notebook and kill you. I can see her lifespa. If she dies before that date, I’ll assume both of you conspired to kill her”.

“I guess we all die then” you grinned, keeping eye contact with the death god

“That’s true. But I couldn’t care less” Rem admitted.

“Awww that’s sweet. But, what makes you think the thought of dying will stop me, huh?” Your gaze fixed on the Shinigami and her gaze fixed on yours, “None of that will matter if she’s already dead...”

“This Shinigami can’t be serious” Light thought, sweating. “Y/n can’t be serious”

The tension in the room vanished as Light’s mom knocked on the door.
“What is it, mom?”

She came in, “It’s already 11:30. It’s not nice to have a guest stay out so late”.

“It’s true, we all lost track of time” Light scratched the nape of his neck.

You were outside of Light’s house, Misa saying her goodbye, but Light’s mother insisted he walked her to the station.

“Oh I’ll do it it’s no problem” You suggested, surprisingly with no evil intentions in mind.

Sayu whined, but she let you go after a long hug.

“Oh it’s alright! Goodnight!” she sped off without any warning.

“You better not be snooping around with that girl behind y/n-nee’s back” Sayu threatened.

“And....that’s my cue to leave”. You waved a goodbye and strolled to your home once again.


The chapters have been longer than usual. Is it an excuse for the reduced updates? Yes.

And Misa is finally here, I love her, but people never include her in fanfics. There’s was one that killed her off as soon as she appeared😭

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