[7] Her Assistance

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Bowser chuckles, then lets out a mighty laugh. "Is that so? How can someone like you possibly assist in such a big duty?"

"How does being the right-hand person for Princess Peach sound?" 

Bowser pauses to listen attentively.

"Yes, that's correct. I'm also her best friend. I'm well acquainted with her likes, dislikes, thoughts, emotions, and everything in between. We're super close as if we were sisters, but the universe didn't allow it when it came down to the final draft." You boast proudly, knowing you had more on Peach than Bowser, considering he was obsessed with her. 

You sense a hint of jealousy seething from the man. 

"So?!" He folds his arms angrily. "That doesn't mean anything..." He mumbles. 

I got you right where I want you. 

"And there's more! I can put in a good word for you if your future advances fail, and if it all goes downhill, I know everything there is to know about the kingdom and its citizens. Where the resources are, its weaknesses... and it can all be yours if you give me a chance!" 

Bowser paces back and forth. His eyes fixated on the floor. He contemplates the various scenarios you deliberately presented to sway his opinion. 

Suddenly, he comes to a realization.

"That sounds beyond incredible, but..." Bowser's eyebrows furrow as he stares at you. "What's in it for you? Why come all this way and leave behind a 'perfect life' at the Mushroom Kingdom?"

You gulp, not thinking this far into the plan. You thought he'd be a himbo and fall for your offer upon hearing the princess's name, but he had a brain when it came down to it. "I needed a new change of pace?" 

The man scoffs. "You don't sound quite sure of yourself..." 

"It's true! And we had a falling out..." You frown, trying to convince your situation more. 

Bowser raises a brow, slowly falling for your act. "Is that so?" 

You nod slowly. 

"Tough luck," He states, pointing to a couple of Koopas and then to you. "You can resolve your issues somewhere else. Farwell." The cage was unexpectedly pulled away from the Koopa King. 

Separating you from him, causing your hopes to start crumbling rapidly. "No, wait!" Your eyes shift all around the place, trying to think on your feet once more. "I can cook and clean too!" 

"Anyone can do those things, woman. Don't get your hopes up." He says, walking away. The distance is too far now. 

Think, (F/n), think!

"I love you!" You shout, professing your love as a last resort. Covering your mouth immediately, unknown to what you admitted in front of him and his fellow subjects.

Bowser abruptly came to a halt and turned around. He marches over with loud, aggressive stomps and leans in. "What did you say?" He questions with a menacing growl.

You gulp nervously and straighten up. "I said I love you! What are you deaf, old man?"

"Old man?!" He yells, shaking the cage violently, causing you to tumble backward and fall flat on your butt. "I'm only thirty-three, I'll have you know! So, you better watch your words!"

"Ooo! Thirty-three? You don't look a day over twenty! That's amazing!" You cheerfully say.

Bowser takes a step back, unable to comprehend your comment.

It's been far too long since anyone besides his subjects has complimented him.

"What's your secret to staying so good-looking then?" You stand up, unfazed by what happened previously. Any fear or regret inside you disappeared as the helpless victim act was no longer controlled by him. You have nothing to gain or lose in your current position, so you don't hold back on anything.

"Well, I, um..." He scratches the side of his face, unable to come up with a proper response.

"Psst, sire." Kamek flew over Bowser's shoulder to get him in the right state of mind. "This girl is crazy. Should we toss her back?" The magician proposes, seeing his master confounded.

Bowser raises a hand. "No, at least not now." He chuckles slightly. "She's quite amusing." The man admits and dismisses Kamek's suggestion. "Okay, woman, You got yourself a deal. You've caught my interest in the process. Consider yourself lucky. I don't mind the free compliments either." He adds, walking back to his throne. "And release her from there. She's one of us now." Bowser says, turning back in your direction. "Right?"

You nod without a second thought. The shy guys set you free, and when they did, your intrusive thoughts won when you grabbed the red one and squeezed them tightly. "Thank you! I've been wanting to do this since we met! You, shy guys, are just too cute!" You squeal delightfully, the one in your arms struggling to escape your grasp, but to their surprise, you were too strong. Or they're just too weak.

"Hey!" Bowser shouts, making you stop. "Don't get chummy with my minions. They're not toys."

You pout. "You're no fun..." You murmur, setting down the shy guy.

"I frankly don't care, woman. Just prove yourself useful like you promised." He retorts back.

"I have a name, you know!"

"Do you? Share it." He replies sarcastically. 

"It's (F/n). Burn that in your brain because you'll never forget it even if you tried." You express confidently. 

"You're bold thinking that way." Bowser falls back on the throne, the ground beneath shaking for a split second. "We'll see how long that attitude will last..." Bowser rests his head against his hand as an elbow rests on the armest, a slight smirk on his face. 

Oh, he's good...

"Take her to the empty bedroom in the west wing. You'll be shown around after that. There are things I need to attend to first."

"Thank you... your majesty." You bow and follow the red shy guy, leading you out of the throne room, and before you exit entirely, you peek over your shoulder, catch one more glance towards Bowser, and give him a quick grin. 

The doors shut soon after. 

Making him question your true intentions again. "Sire, I don't mean to interject your decision, but is this the best course of action?" Kamek asks with Bowser in front of him. "What if she's not able to do as promised? Or even worse, she's a spy from the Mushroom Kingdom wanting to destroy your plans?!" 

Bowser slams a fist down, silencing the magician. "I'll know what to do if either of those events were to occur." He gets comfortable in this seat. "But for now, let's sit back and watch this unfold."

Kamek nods. "Understood, sire." He pauses. "Do you want us to show her around not to disturb you?" 

The man shakes his head. "No, I can handle that myself. You may all leave me in peace." He says, dismissing his army with a wave of his hand. Kamek and the rest disappear, leaving Bowser alone as ordered. 

Shy Guys, huh? 

He thought, letting out a sigh and rubbing his temples. 

It has a nice ring to it...


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