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Thankfully, no more traveling had to be done to retrieve the last superstar, and it wasn't far from reach as you led everyone out to the outskirts of the Mushroom Village. 

With random pipes sticking out in various parts of the grassy green fields riddled with flowers and mushrooms, one specific one didn't stand out too much but was easy to point out. 

You climb halfway inside it, and by a great miracle, the shining entity is still at your disposal. Carefully grabbing it, you pull it out and show everyone its full glory. 

Everyone looks at it in awe. 

Donkey Kong chuckles. "Isn't it ironic you have the last thing that Bowser needs to complete his plan?"

"For sure." You smile. "We'll keep it safe for now, but we won't use it until necessary." You display closer for better viewing. "The power of the superstars is more significant than anyone thinks. One single can make the individual who uses it invincible for a long time depending on how they use it." Your smile turns into a plain expression. "Imagine what three can do..."

"We'll make sure nothing bad will happen to it, (F/n)." Peach states in a comforting manner. 

The group nods, agreeing with her. 

"You've worked too hard for it to fall into the wrong hands for all the wrong reasons." The blonde smiles at you, which settles your nerves. 

Mario smiles at the princess, liking her assurance and confidence while being sweet at the same time. 

"Thank you all..." You exhale and carefully put the star in your bag. "With this, our plan is officially in motion."

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

The Kong army and the valiant forces of Sarasaland and the Mushroom Kingdom converge at one of the entrances to the secret passageway that leads to the Dark Lands. 

The sense of urgency is inflexible, so Daisy swiftly jumps on Peach's motorcycle, and the blonde rallies everyone to action with a resounding call to arms: "This fight begins now!"

The atmosphere is charged with excitement as all the troops accelerate toward the road in their vehicles. 

You slap on bike goggles and trail behind Peach and Daisy, taking a deep breath and trying to quell the jumble of thoughts racing through your mind. 

A part of you hoped you wouldn't have to face Bowser again so soon, but another part is eager for the thrill of the unknown. 

You keep pace with the two princesses; Peach suddenly diverts next to you and speaks loudly so you can hear her over the roar of engines. "Are you okay?" 

You shake your head, momentarily escaping the tumult of your thoughts, and nod in response. "Absolutely!" 

Peach beams. "Awesome! Because we're approaching the main road. Get ready and be careful!"

With that, the trio races forward, hurtling past multiple karts as they charge toward the start of Rainbow Road. 

The road the group is driving on is a magnificent sight. It's a vibrant and colorful route. It's as if the road is alive with energy and joy, making anyone who rides on it feel at home. 

However, the situation is grave, and there's no time to enjoy the scenery.

The road splits into multiple paths leading to different destinations in the distance. 

Peach previously conversed with everyone and informed them that the left path would lead to the Dark Lands.

The group drives in that direction; you hear yelling and screaming behind you. Glancing back, you see that the Koopa army is one step ahead, wreaking havoc on the karts and leaving several stranded in the middle of the road.

The New Monarch (Human! Bowser X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now