[54] Conflict Among Brothers

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The Koopa army orchestrated a cunning rescue plan, disguising it as a fierce attack on the former castle's front gates. While the chaos ensued, they stealthily dropped off their leader at the back entrance. 

Despite his size, Bowser moves cautiously, taking extra care to avoid detection. 

They strategically chose the back entrance as no guards were posted there, making it an ideal entry point. 

The sounds of the soldiers attacking the front gates mask any noise the Koopa King made while he searched every door he could find, using his immense brute strength to break down the locked ones. 

But despite his efforts, he could not find any trace of you. 

This made the man increasingly weary and furious, not only with himself but also with his brother, blaming him for all the pain and problems he had caused in their family and home, both in the past and present.

At the last door, Bowser enters the enormous throne room, his thoughts consumed by the desire to find and punish the one who had wronged him. The room was devoid of any life, and the only sound was the echoing of his giant footsteps against the cold stone walls. 

It reminded him of the throne room in his castle, only this one was ten times worse.

As he walks deeper into the darkness, memories of his childhood flood his mind - memories of a time when he was small and weak and others had looked down on him with contempt. 

But now, he's the King of the Dark Lands, and no one can stand in his way.

Suddenly, the door behind him slams shut with an ear-splitting bang, causing him to whirl around in surprise. "What the-?"

The room is now completely shrouded in darkness, except for the faint light that filters through the closed doorway. 

With a growing sense of unease, Bowser realizes he's not alone.

"Not dead, huh, little bro?" That familiar yet haunting voice speaks up. 

"Show yourself, you coward!" Bowser snaps, standing his ground, unsure if he could take another step in the darkness. 

"Don't be like that! Let's talk before that temper of yours gets out of hand!"

Bowser burst a fire trail from his mouth straight ahead, illuminating Aoi at the very end of it, not too far away from where the man stood.

"Too late, I see."

At the same time, the fire glows; for a split second, Bowser sees unlit torches hung on the walls around the room. With that knowledge in mind, he fires again, aimed at their direction. Immediately, almost the entire room lit up with flames. Getting a better look at each other. 

"If you don't want me to lose my temper even further, I suggest you tell me where she is, and I may consider not stomping your throat in." Bowser threatens, not a single hint of lies in his words.

"Your attitude hurts me so, brother!" Even after our second reunion, you treat me like I'm the scum of the world-!" 

"Don't give me that! He retorts angrily. "You haven't been my brother since you abandoned your offspring! What kind of father-." Bowser pauses, biting his tongue and rethinking his words. "What kind of person does that?!"

The man rolls his eyes at his sibling. "Oh, please! You make me sound like I'm the bad guy! I'm not the one trekking around the world and decimating kingdoms so that I can get the slightest ounce of attention from a princess who doesn't want him! Now, instead of kidnapping one, you're trying to save another!" He laughs loudly. "How the world surprises me indeed. While you were off playing babysitter with kids that aren't yours, I've been honing in on my skills and strength so that one day, I can take you on and be the rightful ruler of the Koopa Kingdom. So, if you want to leave in one piece with the girl in hand, you'll have to go through me first." Aoi declares, taking a fighting stance. 

"I knew this wouldn't be easy, and I am fortunate enough to be prepared. You may have learned things in the absence of being there for the Koopalings, but I, too, have learned other things far greater than yours." Bowser removes his cape, spiked collar, thumb rings, and any accessories that could detain him from better movement. "Show me what you got then, and I'll be on my way with (F/n)..."


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