[60] A Scorching Wish

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You keep muttering, "Ow..." as you carefully attend to the burn injury that reopened and started bleeding during the dance with Bowser. Crimson droplets trickle out of the wound and down your fingers, staining them dark red. You shake your head in frustration, berating yourself for not wearing the gloves Peach gave you. Reaching into your dress pockets, you retrieve the wrist-length satin gloves.

"(F/n)?" The Koopa King calls out to you from outside of the bathroom.

His voice erupts with a sudden boom, a jolt of surprise that trembles your hands. You drop the gloves, and the first aid products on the counter become the unfortunate victims of your shock, cascading onto the floor in a chaotic mess.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerningly, not wanting to enter but will if he has to.

"I'm... fine!" You reassure Bowser, quickly setting the items back on the counter.

The sounds of struggling make the man warn his entrance before he does completely and finds you on the quartz countertop, in pain as you attempt to put on the hand accessories while being careful not to disturb your injury again. "Uh... I can explain?"

The clumsy sight of you should have lightened the scene but it only brought a frown on Bowser's face, seeing he unwillingly caused your current toil. "Kamek is here; he can heal you-."


Bowser blinks several times, surprised by the rapid answer, almost like you knew what he would suggest.


You shake your head slowly, the memory of the incident still fresh. Reaching for the gloves, you admire their soft texture and elegant appearance, sliding them onto your hands. You take a deep breath and explain. "It's not just a wound. It's a reminder of everything that's occurred, caused by what many may consider as 'foolishness'." You gently grasp your injured hand. "But to me, it's a notable souvenir, a symbol of my strength and resilience." You look up at him, your eyes meeting his for a moment before you drop your gaze back to your hand, lost in thought. "So, I'm keeping it..."

"But..." The Koopa King glances away, consumed with guilt again until you approach him.

"I know you meant no harm towards me..." You voice soothingly, rubbing his muscly arm up and down.

He puts his hand over yours. "Why are you like this?"

You grin and pat his arm. "No idea."

"Um, can I talk to you about something?" Bowser swallows a lump in his thick throat.

"Yeah, of course." You reply. "Just give me a minute." You clean up the mess you made, store everything away in its rightful, follow the man outside of the bathroom, and walk alongside him.

You and Bowser lightly talk and walk past the crowds of people still in the ballroom.

As you both walk through, you quickly glimpse at Mario and Peach dancing together while Luigi and Daisy do the same next to them. The sight brings a smile to your face, and you continue to follow Bowser to another side of the castle.

He leads you to a set of wide-open doors that reveal a balcony area. Bowser steps aside and lets you go first.

You step out and are greeted with a breathtaking view of the starry night sky, which seems to shine brighter than any other night you've witnessed.

The twinkling stars above seem endless, and the air is cool and crisp. You take a moment to soak in the beauty of it all, feeling a sense of peace in the quietude of the night. You continue to marvel at the sight. 

The New Monarch (Human! Bowser X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now