[35] A Dire Situation

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A week later...

"Hello, children!" You exclaim, sliding into the dining room where the Koopa family sat for breakfast.

Bowser at the head of them.

"(F/n)!" All the Koopalings shout out in unison, getting up from their seats and engulfing you in a giant group hug. "We missed you!" They all express.

"I missed you too, kiddos! It wasn't that long, but it felt like forever!"

"You said it!" Junior's the last one to release you from the hug.

"How do you feel?" Wendy asks.

You flex your right arm and grin. "Amazing!" Your eyes look up and land on the Koopa King. "And it's all thanks to your father..."

Bowser chuckles, finishing his meal. "Don't mention it." He goes over to the kitchen counter and prepares a few things. "Sit down and eat. It'll help further your recovery."

You walk over to the table, sitting happily as the kids do the same.

"Right after we finish with breakfast, we're going to go out and explore the jungle! Do you want to come with us?" Junior questions eagerly. 

"I love to, but since I'm feeling better, I have to finish my duties-."

"No, you don't," Bowser interjects, setting a bowl down before you. "You never got your day off because you got sick. Either you can continue to rest, or you can go with the Koopalings."

You laugh nervously. "I'm going with you guys then!" You reply, making the siblings cheer. As soon as you start eating, they finish their meals. 

They clean up after themselves and get ready to leave.

In the meantime, they let you finish your food. 

Leaving you and Bowser alone.

"Can we talk about what we had planned before Junior's party happened?" He began first, catching you off guard. 

You pause, eating a spoonful of soup. 

"As I've mentioned, I'm trying to better my temper, but that's how I am. I say things that are out of line and do things that don't appeal to the common folk. But as a king, I do what I must. And the topic considering Princess Peach, view the fact, she's on the list too."

You set your utensil down. "It's okay. There's not much to say about that situation. We don't have to accept it but understand particular actions to some degree." You assure the man of any lingering resentment you had toward him. "And this is a good time to thank you for nursing me back to health. You did a lot, and I turned out better than ever."

"It's no big deal. I developed the skills over time. I think being a dad helped it."

You smile at the man. "I bet."

"I hate repeating myself, but thank you for brightening the place. The castle has never looked cleaner, and the kids have never been happier."

You nod through a blush forming on your face. "My pleasure. But since I helped, you have to consider my side of the story too..." You say, knowing full well what you're referring to.

The man's mouth moves to one side, and he bites his lip. "I'll get back to you on that." 

You finish your meal joyfully. Knowing he opposes when you want to clean your plate, you give it to him. "Delicious as always, your majesty!" You compliment. "Such as yourself~." You add on, giving him a wink.

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