[22] Taming A Scaly Beast

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After leaving, you go to where the Koopalings were.

Stepping out of the base, the warm glow of the nearby lava illuminates the rocky courtyard. The area is vast and free, with no walls or barriers. Feeling the heat emanating from the volcano, though the cool breeze blowing through the area, kept the temperature comfortable.

Chompy chased the kids around as they playfully ran from him in circles. All the siblings came to a halt when you showed up.

"(F/n)! Back so soon?" Wendy comments while approaching you.

Soon, everyone joins the group, including Chompy.

"Yep!" You beam proudly. "Got done early! So if anyone's hungry, I made sandwiches in the kitchen!"

The kids cheered and ran in that direction.

Junior was the only one left behind with you. The boy picks up the dog and asks, "Do you know if my papa is back from his meeting?"

You nod. "Yes, he returned not long ago and is currently resting in his room."

"That's strange. He rarely does that during the day."

"I suppose the work has finally caught up to him. Even royalty needs to rest, is what I once told him."

He smiles. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who's told him that. And after everything, he still has time to spend with all of us..." Junior hugs Chompy tightly. "He's the greatest, isn't he?"

You gaze at the volcano's top base as it sprays lava occasionally. Turning back, you smile. "Without a doubt, kiddo."

Later that night...

You peacefully crochet halfway into your project in your room after a long day's work. Too deep into your craft, you don't realize as you reach for more yarn, you run out of what you need.

Oh, no.

I forgot to bring more?!

But everything is back at the Mushroom Kingdom...

A knock on your door startled you out of your dilemma.

You got up and went to answer the door.

Upon doing so, Bowser stood there.

Without saying a word, he grabs your hands and stares at them carefully as if searching for something.

"What are you doing?" You question without pulling them away.

"You are magic, aren't you?!" He asks loudly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I fell asleep while you were working; how do you explain that?!" The man seems serious but not at the same time.

You couldn't understand what was happening, only seeing two sides of him while living here. "Your highness, I hate to say it, but you're mistaken again. Like I told you before, I have no such gift as magic or otherwise."

He lets go of your hands as you speak.

"My only guess is simply exhaustion catching up to you. And sleeping at night doesn't completely count as rest." You state.

"Hm..." Bowser doesn't want to admit you're right or wrong about the statement. "Touche." He folds his arms. "I'll have to try to believe you then."

"Also, I don't mean to sound brute, but is there something you need?" You ask the man, who barely realizes how odd it was to disturb you in your room at night.

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