[32] An Aphrodisiac Mishap

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"(F/n)... are you okay?" Bowser asks in genuine concern, holding onto your shoulders.

You sway back and forth, trying to maintain your balance. "I'm... fine..." Your voice trails off, and your mind becomes drowsy.

Oh, no...

As the warm sensation spreads through your body, you realize the aphrodisiac given to you by King Boo is starting to take effect.

Feeling a strong urge to stay, you knew you must leave before it's too late. The last thing you want is to do something you'll regret, especially in front of Bowser. You try to gather your composure, hoping to escape before anyone notices your change in demeanor.

He lets go, and you brush past him.

"I just need to rest..." You lose your balance and are caught by Bowser's hand grabbing yours.

"Let me help." He pulls you forward and helps escort you to your room.

Once you both arrive, you open the door and immediately collapse on your bed.

"You can tell me what happened later." As Bowser starts to leave, you quickly grab his wrist. Turning back to face you, his red eyes meet yours, seeing your face flushed a bright shade of pink.

Your mouth hangs agape slightly. A hint of eagerness flickers in your eyes as you gaze up at him. "Please stay~."

The sound of your voice reverberates in his ears. It's soft yet alluring; it sends shivers down his spine. He tries to pull himself away from your grip, realizing your strength is far greater than he anticipated. Remembering past events on how you displayed this fact.

Your fingers make it almost impossible for him to escape.

Bowser is both impressed and intimidated by your power, and for a moment, he forgets why he's trying to break free in the first place. "(F/n), you're acting strange..." The man voices, not trying to remove himself. "It's best I go-."

"Nooo!" You whine, pulling him down, making him lose his balance and fall on top of the bed.

"(F/n)-!" He exclaims, trying to sit up, only to be brought back down by your hands.

You gently lean your head towards his, feeling the warmth of his skin, nestling your nose and cheek against the side of his face, taking in his firey scent. You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him in as close as possible. Despite his giant figure, you manage to find a comfortable position. "Stayyy..." Your breasts in between his arm where you held onto him and your leg trailing up and down his body—wanting to be closer to him than you already were.

The man found himself in an interesting situation that made him extremely nervous, at a loss on how to escape. He struggles and squirms to break free but stops as he feels your grip on him loosen. Slowly pulling away, he notices you passed out. "Geez..." As he rises, he casts a concerned glance in your direction. Bowser's attention is drawn to a detail that fills him with worry. Despite being unaware an aphrodisiac was influencing your behavior, he concludes you were unwell due to the heavy panting coming from you as you sleep.

Your face is red and sweating bullets.

Bowser runs out of the room and gets Kamek.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

The magician works his magic and analyzes what is wrong.

Bowser stands behind him, watching the process with a worried look.

It brought back haunting memories.

Your body temperature is dangerously high, which explains the heat emanating from you when you had Bowser in your grasp.

Kamek's voice quivers as he nervously clears his throat. Making a discovery he knew would not sit well with his master, and he braces himself. "Not only is she sick from a sickness she's been fighting against for over a week, it appears she has an aphrodisiac floating in her system..."

His words linger until they hit Bowser with full force. "What?!" The man exclaims loudly. "How?! When?!" He frails his arms around in frustration. "Why?!"

Kamek gathers more information to the best of his ability. "Less than thirty minutes ago? It hit her system earlier than anticipated and stronger than expected."

You groan and roll to your side.

The two lower their voices and try to calm down.

"It's hard to say if she took it by her own free will or by force. Either way, it did its job." The magician comments, trying to put a cold wet cloth on your forehead.

"So, that explains her bizarre behavior..."

You turn back to lay flat on your back, your breathing stabilizing.

"We should let her rest, sire..." Kamek suggests, placing the cloth on your forehead carefully.


The two walk out, and Bowser takes a glance at your sleeping figure, not  having the same feeling as before, like the first time he carried you to your room when you collapsed from exhaustion, as he still believes.

Only this time, sadness and guilt glass over his tired eyes.

He closes the door and plans something to make it up to you.


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