[19] Shell, Bomb, And Spirit

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Human! King Boo fanart above by Starrforge/promsienn on Tumblr. Please go check them out! :3

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Bowser arrives first at the villain meeting inside the same place, which has always been held for the past few years. A giant ancient castle in the desert plains. He assumes he's the first to arrive, but as always, he's proven wrong as King Boo appears out of thin air and greets the Koopa King.

"Long time no see, Bowser." The ghostly monarch greets, almost reaching the height of the Koopa King once his feet are above the ground. "It's been forever since we've all seen each other like this! But we all know if you're not at your kingdom, you're most likely loitering around the Mushroom one instead." He teases, not earning a single reaction from Bowser. Besides the usual scowl, which seemed to grow by the second. "What? Still no luck with the Toadstool Princess?" He floats in front of him, only to be swatted away.

"I prefer not to talk about personal matters. Let's get this meeting over with."

"You're never this eager to leave so soon, Koopa King." An older tone of voice breaks into the conversation of the two. And from the shadows appears King Bob-omb, who enters from another entranceway.

"Where are the rest of the crew?" Boo questions, lingering around the giant conference room table in the center of the room. "They're busy at the moment. It'll be just us three for now." The old man says, motioning to the table. The three each took a seat, sitting far apart on each side. "This won't take long since a few of us gathered." Bob-omb comments. "Cool, Cool Mountain and its citizens have been decimated and stripped of their superstar."

The two kings look over at Bowser, knowing full well that this was his doing without getting a clear confession from him.

Bowser stares back at them, arms folded. "Yeah? And?" He gets comfortable in his seat. "If their kingdom and army are so weak, they shouldn't be wielding an item of that strength." The man brutally states.

Boo and Bob-omb glance at each other, mild concern on their faces.

"Bowser, that makes two. One more of those and..." Boo pauses, then sighs. Knowing it was practically useless to talk sense into the Koopa King. "Are you still going to go through with your plans with the Toadstool Princess and her kingdom?" The old man questions, twiddling with his mustache. "You know what will occur if you do complete your conquest..."

The two men fell serious for what they were about to say.

"If you want the princess for other values, so be it. But if you conquer the Mushroom Kingdom, who's to say your next stop is to dominate other kingdoms?" Bob-omb leans closer to the table in the direction of Bowser.

The man turns away, avoiding the old man's gaze.

"Man, forget that!" Boo interjects, breaking the tension in the air. "What about his sneaky link he's hiding from the public eye?!"

Bowser turns back at the Ghost King and glares at him. "What are you talking about?" Aggression laces his voice.

He sets his feet up on the table, resting his arms on the back of his head. "The other day, your kids flew past the Spooky Woods in their little 'clown car' when something caught my eye." He smirks slyly before continuing. "Or more like someone..."

Bob-omb glances at Bowser but stays silent, letting Boo try to interrogate the Koopa King.

"As to who, she's none of anyone's business, so don't bother getting anything out of me." He states angrily.

"On the bright side, you finally gave up your unhealthy obsession with Princess Peach. Who would have guessed?!" Boo says, staring at the other side of the room, whistling a tune, awaiting the reaction he expected from the man. He got what he wanted when Bowser stood up immediately, knocking over his chair behind him.

"Oh, here we go..." King Bob-omb mutters, witnessing the scene unfold.

"I don't need your pathetic excuse of an input about that!" Bowser shouts, his eyes glowing brighter than their usual red fiery color. "Don't you dare interfere with my plans, and don't you ever get close to that girl!"

"Oh, my! Don't hurt me! I was merely joking!" Boo pleads somewhat jokingly, covering his face up to avoid Bowser's harmful words.

He scoffs and brushes past the chair. "This was a waste of time. Why did I even bother?" Bowser scolds himself out loud on his way out.

King Bob-omb whips to Boo and glares at him. "Why do you do that every time?"

"Oh, come on!" He exclaims. "With that temper, how could I not tease him?!" King Boo mentions getting up and floating around in the air. "Either way," The man falls back to the floor with a devilish smirk. "We may have found what might prevent his proposed plans..."


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