Waterfall (Lee Know)

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Minho and Chan had been planning a trip for weeks, needing a vacation from their hectic schedules. Normally Stray Kids went on vacation together, but the company had agreed to take the younger six somewhere else and give the oldest two alone time away from their 'kids'. 

Minho and Chan couldn't be happier about that and spent a few minutes continuously thanking their manager for it. The only problem had been where. Minho had grown up in Korea and spent a lot of time travelling as a trainee and backup dancer for BTS. So he didn't really care. Chan had spent most of his time in Korea working and had seen very few landmarks so he was definitely more excited about the trip. 

Finally they decided to go the Cheonjiyeon Waterfall and would stay at a hotel nearby. They were packed, had their bags and were ready to go. 

"We'll be back in a week, just a day after you guys so don't worry. If you need absolutely anything, ask our manager and don't hesitate to call if you need to talk" Chan told his younger members. 

"You know, Chan-hyung, the whole point of this trip is to get away from all of that, not take it with us" Minho pointed out, not even noticing how much his words affected the younger idols. Chan did notice and smacked Minho's arm. 

"What?" Minho didn't see the problem. He was just pointing out the obvious, so what if it wasn't the whole point? It was most of the reason they were going somewhere else. And also because Minho had been subconsciously aware of the impending time where he would no longer be with Stray Kids because of military service(even though that was years away) and he wanted to spend more time with each of them, one on one. Perhaps that was what put him in a bad mood, the fact that he was going to have to leave his brothers behind for two years. 

"Get in the car. We'll see you all later" Chan gave Minho a gentle push towards the van and followed him. Once they were inside and the door was closed, Chan turned to a now sulking Lee Know.

"What was that about?" Chan demanded to know. 

"Nothing" Lee Know muttered, keeping his body turned away from his only hyung. 

"Watch your attitude, dongsaeng. I don't feel like dealing with any misbehavior this week but I will if needed" Chan warned. Minho didn't doubt that; Chan never said anything he didn't mean.

"Yes hyung" Minho nodded and stayed quiet the rest of the drive. Chan would try talking to him but all he got in response was short answers or just nods so he gave up and instead went to sleep. Minho did feel bad for having an attitude but he didn't feel like apologizing so he didn't. 

They arrived at the hotel and checked into their room. There was two beds, which Lee Know was grateful for. He loved Chan but the older tended to get a little cuddly in his sleep and Lee Know favored his space. 

"Minho! There's a pool, do you want to go?" Chan had seen the pool on the way up and got excited.

"Sure hyung, I probably won't swim though" Minho reluctantly grabbed a towel from his bag and went down to the pool with Chan. 

"Minho, stay in the shallow area please?" Chan knew that his younger friend wasn't the best at swimming and didn't want anything to happen. 

"Yes hyung" Minho had planned on that anyway but now having Chan tell him, he didn't want to. For some reason, he wanted to go deeper until he couldn't touch the bottom anymore. Chan didn't notice at first but after a while he did.

"Lee Minho, what did I say?" Chan raised his voice, surprising Minho. The younger turned to the leader, looking guilty. Chan waved him over and went to the edge, climbing out. Minho slowly did the same. They were the only ones in there and Chan had scanned the area when they entered so he knew that there was very little cameras. So he felt no guilt in turning Minho over his arm and giving the dancer a few spanks over his swim shorts. 

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