Revenge (Hyunjin, Han, Seungmin)

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It had been almost two weeks since the painting incident and things seemed to be going smoothly. I.N. recovered fast and was his usual self, especially after replacing everything he had ruined and getting a promise of forgiveness from Hyunjin.

His conscience seemed completely clear and he felt no guilt, except for when Felix snapped at him and reminded him of his actions but the group's sunshine could not stay angry long, even when it came to Hyunjin, and apologized to I.N. for being rude.

After that, everything was fine. Everyone was doing good in practice and Chan kept his promise that if the members gave I.N. trouble, he would deal with it.

Until I.N. was woken up in the middle of the night by loud footsteps going back and forth outside his door. Pulling the covers up to his face, he looked over at Felix's bed. The older idol was still there, fast asleep.

"Lixxie?" I.N.'s voice sounded like a shout in the quiet and he closed his mouth. The footsteps had not stopped; in fact they seemed to be getting even louder.

"Felix!" Jeongin screamed when the knob started to turn. Felix jerked awake and ran to the maknae. The footsteps stopped and the door opened, Seungmin entered.

"What's the matter?" Seungmin walked over to the maknae's bed and sat on the other side of him.

"Don't know" Felix answered, threading a hand through I.N.'s hair.

"G-ghost" I.N. pointed to the door, his eyes wide and fearful. He wasn't really the superstitious kind but he was scared out of his mind now.

"Honey, there's no ghost. It must have been a dream, I'll stay here as long as you go to sleep" Felix laid down beside I.N. and cuddled him. Seungmin climbed to his bunk and they went back to sleep.

Two hours later, I.N. was awake again. This time due to a small tapping right beside his ear. It sounded like it was in the wall and it was freaking him out. This continued for days, the footsteps, the tapping, and even feeling someone's breath on his face or a shadow walking around outside the door. He was losing sleep and he wanted to cry.

"I.N.! Pay attention, you're about to fall asleep in your breakfast" Changbin held the maknae's head up as Jeongin was dozing off.

"Sorry" I.N. picked himself back up and tried to continue eating. Chan felt his forehead but it wasn't warm.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked, concerned. Everyone else looked just as worried and crowded their youngest, comforting him. Hyunjin seemed to hold back a little but I.N. didn't blame him. He knew things were going to be a little strange between them for a while.

"Yeah, yes! I'm fine" Jeongin shook his head, trying to regain semi-consciousness. He had to get through the day and then he could try and get a few hours of sleep in before the horrors of the night woke him again.

He woke up, screaming again but this time he caught sight of who was torturing him with these nightly occurrences. Hyunjin caught his eye and they stared at each other. I.N sighed and laid back down, he didn't even care anymore.

"Goodnight, hyung" He whispered, tugging at the older's heart. Hyunjin ignored that and leaned over I.N.

"Tell this to anyone and I will make your life miserable" He threatened, his voice full of anger. I.N. shuddered at the tone of his hyung and shut his eyes.

Hyunjin slipped out the door and went back to bed. His 'shift' was over so someone else in the trio of chaos would take over.

Chan could tell something was wrong. I.N. seemed to be avoiding Hyunjin like the plague and he was falling asleep every five minutes. It was affecting their entire schedule and everyone was getting irritated.

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