No hyungs pt 2 (I.N., Seungmin and Felix)

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"I think we really messed up" I.N. pointed out the obvious.

"Heh, you think?" Seungmin rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah, which is why I said that, idiot" I.N. retorted, yelping when Seungmin smacked his arm. 

"Both of you, shut up. Your going to get us in more trouble" Felix snapped at them. He didn't know what Hyunjin's intent had been to send all three of them to the same room but he was getting tired of listening to the younger two bicker back and forth. 

"Your one to talk! You got yourself in trouble for pushing me!" I.N. argued. Felix covered his ears and flopped down onto his bed; he was going to go crazy if he spent one more single minute in there with those two. Without thinking, he got up and left the room, standing just outside. 

"What are you doing out here?" Hyunjin wondered when he walked upstairs.

"Avoiding you know who and his mortal enemy" Felix answered, crossing his arms. Hyunjin almost laughed. He wasn't sure who 'you know who' was but with the way I.N. and Seungmin were at the moment, it didn't really matter. 

"Come on, I talked to hyung" Hyunjin went back into the maknaes' room. I.N. and Seungmin backed away from each other, pretending that they had not just been about to get into another argument. 

"That doesn't sound good" Felix sat beside I.N. and took the maknae onto his lap.

"What doesn't sound good?" Seungmin wondered. 

"He talked to Chan-hyung" Felix answered, making the younger two go completely silent and their faces to pale. Hyunjin smiled a little to himself at their reaction; they knew why he had called their oldest and they were aware what it meant for them. 

"So, want to tell me what happened down there?" Hyunjin sat back and waited. 

"He was in my space" I.N. pointed to Seungmin. 

"I was just getting water for like a minute. I think you could suffer for one minute so we had all parts of the dinner Hyunjin took the time in preparing and getting ingredients for" Seungmin argued.

"Seungmin, Jeongin is talking right now. Can you wait your turn?" Hyunjin interrupted, sounding a lot like he was talking to kindergarteners instead of a grown adult. Seungmin turned red and curled into himself, embarrassed. 

"That's it. I just wanted him to give me space" I.N. repeated. Hyunjin almost rolled his eyes; all of this over wanting space?

"You could have been nicer about it though, couldn't you?" Hyunjin scolded. 

"I guess" I.N. admitted. He knew he could have been but he was missing his oldest hyungs, and he loved Hyunjin, but the dancer was not like the oldest three. 

"And Seungmin, your older. You should have asked if something was wrong instead of retaliating" Hyunjin turned to the other man. Seungmin hung his head, ashamed. He was older and he should have recognized that something was wrong. Instead of asking I.N., he had made things worse.

"And you, do not lay hands on our dongsaeng. None of us are allowed to hurt each other so what made you think that pushing our maknae was a good idea?" Hyunjin turned finally to Felix. 

"Your not going to.... are you?" It was Felix who asked, after several minutes. Hyunjin knew what he was asking and he just stared at the other idol.

"What do you think?" He knew that all the members hated having a question returned with a question, which is why he did it. 

"I guess you are. You don't have to though" Felix admitted defeat. 

"I already talked to hyung. He gave the go ahead, as long as I was comfortable" Hyunjin pointed out. All three pairs of eyes were on him.

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