Adjustment (Felix)

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Felix struggles to adjust to life in Korea

Chan tried to help his members as much as possible, especially Felix. He understood what it was like being in a new country that you didn't speak the same language as and he tried to make it better for the younger aussie. 

Minho was a help as well, taking the time to teach Felix Korean in exchange for Felix and Chan teaching the others English. But when Minho was eliminated, no one was really able to help Felix, though some of them tried. 

And then Felix was eliminated and he watched everything he had worked for and achieved crumble in front of him with one sentence. He wasn't able to hold it together like Minho had and began to cry. He booked himself into a hotel and never left the room. 

He wanted to go home but he knew he couldn't, not yet. There was still the chance for them to come back and he was not going to waste a trip to Australia and back just because he was homesick. He talked often with his sisters and parents but it didn't amount at all to seeing them in person. He regretted his decision now to come to Korea. He couldn't speak the language, making things ten times more difficult for him. 

And then he was called back and Felix took the chance, despite how angry he was. He would admit that maybe he had taken things too far but he was angry that JYP eliminated him and Minho just to bring them back not long after. He would feel sorry for taking things out on his new team but he didn't say that if he could go back, he wouldn't do it again because he probably would. 

"Would you just leave me alone?!" Felix snapped, looking over his shoulder at Hyunjin. It wasn't uncommon for some of them to fight but Felix and Hyunjin never even argued. 

"Whatever. I was just trying to help!" Hyunjin responded just as annoyed, walking away. I.N. went after him to make sure his hyung was okay.

"What was that?" Chan stood over Felix, his arms crossed. He didn't want to have to scold the other australian kid but he knew that he would have to if Felix's behavior continued. 

"It was nothing. He was in my space" Felix rolled his eyes. Chan saw that and was not pleased at all. He looked at the others, unsure if he could even do this. The look that Minho gave him solidified his decision; he wasn't going to do it yet but if Felix continued pushing, then he would. 

"Watch your attitude. You do not talk to me or any of the members like that. I expect you to apologize to Hyunjin before we get home" Chan stated, walking away. Felix rolled his eyes again and continued doing what he had been. He was not going to apologize; he didn't do anything wrong. 

Chan kept a close eye on him, making sure Felix didn't snap. He knew the others were getting fed up with the kid's behavior and he was going to have to do something soon.

"Felix, come with me" Chan pulled the kid aside, taking him to the bathroom for some privacy.

"What's gotten into you?" Chan pulled Felix to stand in front of him. Felix scoffed, looking away. His hands were trapped in Chan's hold and he didn't even dare try to pull away, it wasn't going to work. 

"Nothing's gotten into me. I'm just tired, hyung" Felix admitted, heaving a deep sigh. He knew it was going to work to get him out of whatever Chan was planning.

"Alright. Just try and not get upset anymore. I understand this is all new, it is for all of us, but that is no excuse to behave the way you have been. If you continue like this, you know what I'm going to have to do" Chan hinted. Felix did know; he had been filled in on the customs when he came to Korea and had even experienced it firsthand. Not on him, he managed to stay out of trouble through his trainee days, but on others. 

"Yes hyung" Felix agreed, even though he was now even more upset than before and was going to be taking it out on the others. They deserved his anger; he wanted everyone around him to be as miserable as he was. 

He did fine for a while but eventually, everything blew up. Chan was waiting in their room with the older members. The maknaes had left a while ago, asking to look around. This place was new to them and they wanted to explore so Chan agreed, with the exception that they had to take one of the older members with them. I.N. chose Felix without a second thought. Chan was a little nervous letting the younger aussie out of his sight but he agreed. Maybe Felix was better now and nothing would happen. 

His hopes were dashed as soon as the door opened and Seungmin said something about I.N. and Felix. He had tears in his eyes and actually looked scared; Chan wasted no time in running down the hall to look for his younger members. The others followed him, Hyunjin staying behind with Seungmin. 

"Lee Yongbok! What is the meaning of this?" Chan turned the corner to find Felix yelling at the maknae. His words stopped in a hurry, but he didn't turn away from the maknae. 

"I.N., step away please" Chan spoke calmly. I.N. looked one more time at Felix before slipping away, running to Changbin who held him close. 

"The rest of you, apologize to our staff for the inconvenience and inform them that I had something to deal with. Felix and I will be back shortly" Chan kept his eyes on Felix, judging his body language. He was angry and tense. He knew that he was in trouble but Felix was going to fight it with every fiber of his body. Chan heard the members walk away, talking lowly to I.N. and asking what had happened. 

Chan wanted to know that as well but he didn't think he was going to get a straight answer. Not from Felix. 

"What was that all about? You promised me that you weren't going to get upset again" Chan kept his voice low and calm. He did not want to scare Felix. 

"It was his fault! He started it" Felix snapped. His fists were clenched as if he was going to punch something. Chan hoped it wasn't him.

"Don't give me that. What did he do to make you so angry?" Chan wondered.

"He...he wouldn't shut up! I told him to be quiet but he just kept talking so I..." Felix trailed off again. He seemed to be in another world altogether. He wasn't himself and even Chan could tell, despite the short time they had known each other. 

"So you hit him?" Chan guessed. Felix was still for a moment before nodding.

"And was that an appropriate way to respond? If you were upset, you could've told him that. Or you could've told Seungmin and I.N. that you needed a moment and gone somewhere quiet" Chan pointed out. Felix seemed to realize this because he curled in on himself.

"I'm sorry! I'm a terrible hyung" Felix crumpled to the floor, holding his head in his hands. Chan knelt down beside him, knowing that it was safe to do so now. 

"Your not a terrible hyung. What's been going on, huh mate? What's bothering you?" Chan rubbed a comforting hand over the kid's back.

"I'm just so stressed. I miss home and I want to see my parents and Olivia and Rachael. I want my family, Chris" Felix began to sob uncontrollably. Chan held him close. He knew what it was like, for the first couple of years he had missed his family too. He still did sometimes but it got easier after a while. 

"I know how you feel. But it is not okay to take that out on your friends. I.N. didn't even do anything wrong and he did not deserve your anger" Chan hardened his voice. Felix nodded, knowing this now. He was willing to take whatever came to him. 

"You will apologize to I.N. for yelling at him. And you will apologize to Seungmin and I.N. for scaring them" Chan listed. Felix nodded again; he would do anything. 

"And your getting a spanking" Chan added after a moment. Felix had figured as much but that didn't make it easier hearing those words aimed at him. He wanted to fight and scream that it was unfair but that would only get him in more trouble and that was the last thing he wanted. 

Chan walked him back to the group after they were finished. Felix was red in the face and teary eyed but he felt better than he had all day. He 


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