Red handed (Hyunjin)

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None of Stray Kids got angry easily but there was one that rarely ever got angry. It took a lot to get to him. So, when Changbin walked into the dorms, dragging Hyunjin behind him by his ear, the six members that were already sitting were very surprised. 

"Go sit on the steps!" Changbin finally released the younger man and gave him a, not so gentle, shove towards the steps. 

"Hyung!" Hyunjin whined, he hated being secluded from everyone else. Of course the stairs were still within hearing distance of the living room but Hyunjin would be unable to see his team, even though they could see him. 

"Go" Changbin patted the younger on the butt to get him moving. Hyunjin grumbled something under his breath and walked over to the stairs, sitting down and pouting. 

"Why there?" Chan wondered. Changbin easily picked Minho up, who squealed at the sudden movement, and took his spot, dropping the smaller man on top of him. Lee Know took a moment to get settled but eventually relaxed with his head on Changbin's chest. 

"Because he'll get distracted in his room and I want to keep an eye on him.  I don't trust him to be on his own right now." Changbin answered, heaving a deep sigh. 

"So, mind telling us what's going on and why Hyunjin is in trouble? With you, of all people?" Chan demanded to know. Changbin glanced at Hyunjin again before answering.

"We went to the store and he was asking for this candy bar but I said no cause he didn't need it. We went to checkout and as we walked out, the alarms started going off. He snuck the bar into his jacket" Changbin explained, disappointment flooding his voice. Chan stood up, going over to Hyunjin. A hand on his arm stopped him.

"Let me. I'm the one who told him he couldn't have it. I'm the one that he disobeyed" Changbin pointed out. Hyunjin felt tears brimming in his eyes at the thought of Changbin being the one to punish him. 

"Binnie, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to" Hyunjin began to sob when Changbin came into his line of sight. The older grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him to stand. 

"Don't give me any of that. You knew exactly what you were doing and your going to pay for it. Now we can either do this right here in front of everyone or you can go upstairs and behave so we can do this in your room" Changbin gave him a choice and waited. Hyunjin looked at Chan and Minho.

"Please don't let him do this, hyungs!" Hyunjin pleaded. Minho ignored him and got on his phone. Chan shook his head. He was not going to interfere.

"If Changbin says that your getting a spanking, then he has every right to be the one to give it. I am extremely disappointed in your actions, Hwang Hyunjin" Chan scolded, going down the hall and closing the door of his room. 

"No, no!" Hyunjin began to cry harder, struggling against Changbin's hold.

"Enough" Changbin lowered his voice, making Hyunjin pause. That wasn't good. His closest hyung was starting to sound a lot like Felix when he was singing. He didn't think anyone' voice could ever get as low as Felix's did. 

"Please" Hyunjin begged but it was no use. Changbin was unable to be moved by any pleads or tears. 

"I said, that's enough" Changbin sat down, keeping a big enough distance from the second oldest that if Hyunjin were to kick, there was no chance of him hitting Minho. 

"I'm sorry!" Hyunjin cried as he was guided over his closest hyung's lap.

"I'm glad" Changbin remarked, aware of what his dongsaeng was trying to do. Hyunjin could see he was getting nowhere so he tried a different approach: silence. He was not going to make a single sound, that was going to make it harder for Changbin to know if he as getting through to Hyunjin or if he was going too far. It was one of Chan's worst pet peeves and it worked on Changbin as well. 

"Hwang Hyunjin! If you think this is going to work, you are mistaken. We can stay here as long as you want but that's up to you" Changbin stopped spanking his younger brother and waited. Hyunjin tried getting up a few times but Changbin was a lot stronger than him so he gave up after a while. 

"I'm sorry for stealing" Hyunjin said after a while. He realized he wasn't going to get up any time soon so the best course of action was to just take the punishment and get it over with as quickly as possible. 

"Good" Changbin responded. Finally they were getting somewhere.


"Now tell me why you did it?" Changbin waited. Hyunjin clenched his teeth for a moment, not wanting to answer.

"I was being selfish and didn't like that you said no" Hyunjin responded quietly, feeling ashamed. Minho choked on a laugh and hid it. Changbin had almost forgotten that the dancer was even there. 


"Are you going to steal and throw a tantrum again?" Changbin wondered. Hyunjin shook his head quickly, tears streaming down his face and staining Changbin's pant leg. The rapper didn't mind, he wasn't used to it like Chan and Minho but he had done the same thing several times over his hyung's knee. 

"No! I won't ever again" Hyunjin answered. 

"I'm glad to hear that" Changbin ruffled the younger's hair, feeling a sense of protectiveness towards his younger brother. 

"We're done now if you want to get up" Changbin waited. Eventually, Hyunjin wiped at his tears and stood up, looking anywhere but at his hyungs. Changbin stood up, just short enough to look at Hyunjin, even with the dancer's head down.

"You took that well but never do it again or I will turn you over to Chan-hyung" Changbin threatened. Hyunjin turned pale.

"Yes" He nodded. Changbin frowned at that.

"Yes what?" He prompted. Hyunjin looked at him. He had rarely ever called Changbin hyung, since they were the same age.

"Yes hyung" Hyunjin sneered his nose at the older, unhappy to be handing such a title to someone his own age. Again, Minho laughed and failed to hide it. Hyunjin learned all the snarky comments and responses from him. Changbin gave him a dirty look and turned to Hyunjin.

"Go find the others and have some fun. And take this with you" Changbin held out the chocalate bar that was the cause of the whole ordeal. Hyunjin stared at it like it would catch on fire if he looked long enough. 

"I don't want it" He slowly backed away and went to find Felix. Changbin laughed. He had guessed that would be Hyunjin's reaction and that might have been part of the reason he even bought the candy. Looking over his shoulder, he tossed the sweet to Minho. It hit the older in the face.

"Hey!" Minho glared at Changbin. 

"Next time, don't laugh in a serious situation" Changbin shrugged and walked away, ignoring the angry comments thrown after him that to him, sounded more like a hissing cat than anything else. 

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