Run away (I.N. ft Jongho)

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I.N. got nervous around his hyungs. He was always glad that he had someone else to go to. Someone that he did not have to worry about scolding him or getting angry. At least, that's what he used to think.

"I'm surprised to see you here" Jongho stated. I.N. kept his arms crossed, not looking up at the other maknae.

"I am talking to you, dongsaeng" Jongho stated. I.N. flinched and closed his eyes. He sometimes couldn't believe that Jongho managed to be so scary of a hyung, considering he was the maknae like I.N. was.

"I'm sorry hyung" I.N. shoved his face in his arms and let the tears fall. He felt like such a disappointment. Jongho looked around but there was no one in sight so he crouched down in front of the younger maknae and tapped him on the head.

"Your not a disappointment" Jongho stated. I.N. lifted his head and looked at the older singer. I.N. hadn't even realized he said that out loud. He sure felt like one and it was all because he had woken up that morning. He wish that he hadn't woken up that morning.

"I ran away" I.N. reminded Jongho.

"Hmm. You did that, yes" Jongho nodded. I.N. thought that was a strange thing to say considering I.N. had just admitted that he ran away.

"Yeah, hyung. That's why I said that" I.N. snipped, looking up at Jongho.

"Yah! Watch yourself, dongsaeng" Jongho slapped I.N. on the neck, making the younger flush and hang his head again. He had always taken comfort in the fact that Jongho would never use his hyung status on I.N. but that was now exactly what Jongho was doing and I.N. couldn't help feeling betrayed or helpless.

"Your hyungs are probably looking for you" Jongho stood up, putting his hand out for I.N., who took it after a moment and let his fellow maknae help him up.

"I just want to know one thing?" Jongho said after a moment of silence. I.N. hummed in response, waiting for Jongho to say what he was thinking.

"Why did you come to me?" Jongho stopped I.N. from walking away, turning the Stray Kids maknae to face him.

"I didn't think you would scold me" I.N. answered honestly.

"You mean you didn't think I would act like a hyung when my friend and dongsaeng came to me and ran away from his group members because he got upset instead of doing the responsible thing of talking the problem out?" Jongho corrected. I.N. turned even more red and felt his ears burn in shame.

"Maybe" I.N. shrugged. Jongho frowned at him and did something he never thought that he would.


"Ow" I.N. pouted, putting his hands behind him to keep Jongho from smacking him anymore. Jongho, however, was not finished.

"Move your hands" Jongho was actually surprising even himself. He did have younger siblings but he had not been a hyung in years and he had to admit, it was easy to get used to being the maknae.

"Hyungs are already going to spank me! Why do you have to do the same?" I.N. complained. Jongho didn't say anything and just turned I.N. under his arm. He was going on autopilot but the motions were familiar, like he had done them before.

"I am your hyung!" Jongho reminded him, slowly lighting I.N.'s butt up.

"I know!" I.N. didn't mean to make that sound as rude as it did. Jongho shook his head and kept his hand going, even faster than before.

"Ow! Ow, okay. I'm sorry!" I.N. whined. Jongho ignored him.


"What is this even for?" I.N. wondered.

"For running from your group! They are worried about you" Jongho answered, letting I.N. stand up again. Jongho kept a firm hand on I.N.'s arm as he walked the younger idol back to the Stray Kids' waiting room.

"Ah, this is unexpected" Lee Know watched Jongho and I.N. walk in. Jongho bowed to the older members before taking his leave.

"We'll talk about this later and you will explain to Chan-hyung what happened" Lee Know promised. I.N. nodded, not even bothering to argue. There was only one thing he had to say.

"Jongho-hyung spanked me" I.N. blurted out, a little embarrassed but confident that he wouldn't be judged.

"I know" Minho responded. I.N. was a little shocked; was it that obvious that he had recently been punished?

"You can't hide anything from us kid. Your left hand is rubbing your bottom, your eyes are red and your favoring your right side a little more than your left. Not to mention that your ears are redder than a fire and I can see the tear stains on your face. I've known you too long to not recognize the signs" Minho didn't look up from packing his bag as he talked. I.N. felt more embarrassed now. Did he always show signs of being punished?!

"Yes. Yes you do" Hyunjin walked in, overhearing the conversation. I.N. hid his face. I.N. just pushed Hyunjin a little, making the older laugh and ruffle the maknae's hair.

Well this one was a little different but I still hope you enjoy

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