Adult party (Maknae line)

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"You were gone late" Hyunjin crossed his arms, staring at I.N. as the maknae snuck back into the house. I.N. grinned, knowing he was caught. He wasn't supposed to get caught but things happen.

"It was Jisung-hyung, in case your wondering. He told me about this place and said it only opens at ten" I.N. sat down in front of Hyunjin at the table.

"I didn't ask but okay. We're not talking about Jisung though. We're talking about you and how you can't seem to keep track of time. What time is it right now, Jeongin?" Hyunjin leaned forward.

"Its eleven, hyung. So what if I'm late? You've never been late a day in your life?" I.N. made a good point but Hyunjin was in no mood for arguments.

"I'm not underaged and I at least have the decency to call if I am going to be late. Something you did not do" Hyunjin responded. I.N. had nothing to say to that so he gave up.

"Your not going to tell hyungs are you?" I.N. pleaded. Hyunjin had thought about that but he didn't see any reason to.

"No. I'm not but your grounded for two weeks. Give me your phone and go to bed. It's too late for you to be up" Hyunjin held his hand out on the table. I.N. gave up and went upstairs to Seungmin and Felix's room.

"You got caught?" Felix guessed. I.N. flopped face down on Seungmin's bed.

"What do you think? Hyunjin-hyung just had to be waiting up!" I.N.'s voice was muffled by his face being shoved in the blankets.

"Do you think someone told?" Seungmin wondered. I.N. couldn't be sure but it was possible. Lots of people would tell if they saw an underaged kid out past curfew.

"Maybe. It doesn't really matter. You all will have to lay low for a while, pretend you don't know anything. He promised not to tell Channie-hyung or Lee Know-hyung and I'm only grounded for two weeks so I don't want to make it worse" I.N. finally sat up.

"Got it. Does Han know?" Felix nodded once. I.N. shook his head; he had not seen Jisung since that morning. Nor did he really care if Jisung knew or not. The youngest rapper was very good at keeping things a secret even if no one asked him to.

"How was it?" Felix wondered.

"It was good. There was this really nice girl and we hung out all night. Well, she was nice until she found out that I'm eighteen and then she left me for the rest of the night" I.N. answered. They talked for most of the night like gossiping school girls. The next morning, Jisung burst into the room, looking very panicked.

"Chan-hyung knows!" He whispered loudly.

"Shit!" I.N. got up, and ran downstairs even though that was a bad idea. He needed to convince Chan that whatever the leader heard was wrong.

"I.N., your clothes!" Felix tried to warn the maknae but it was too late. I.N. was still wearing the same clothes he had the night before when he snuck out.

"Hello, Jeongin" Chan, Minho and Changbin seemed to be waiting for I.N. Hyunjin was sitting on the couch next to Changbin, his head down. I.N. knew right away that Hyunjin was in trouble for trying to keep I.N. sneaking out and breaking curfew a secret from the oldest three.

"Nice outfit, maknae" Minho stated. I.N. looked down and cursed under his breath. He was done for.

"Okay! You caught me but Hyunjin-hyung took care of it! I promise, he did. Just ask him" I.N. defended himself.

"Your hyung's attempt at taking care of it just got him in trouble as well. By complete accident, he just mentioned that Han, Felix and Seungmin knew too. Go get them" Chan motioned to the stairs. I.N. turned and went upstairs. I.N. closed the door behind him hard and punched the air.

"That bad?" Seungmin teased. I.N. glared at him.

"Hyunjin told on you three so hyung wants us all downstairs" I.N. responded. Seungmin's face fell and he got up with a huff. Felix and Jisung followed the youngest two downstairs and they sat down on the couch.

"We knew nothing until he came home" Seungmin stated, lying clearly. Chan knew this and decided not to comment on it.

"Hyunjin, go to Changbin. Felix and Seungmin, you come here and Jisung, go to Minho" Chan motioned the younger two over to him. Seungmin went first while Hyunijn and Han walked over to Changbin and Lee Know. I.N. sat back to wait, knowing it would be his turn soon enough.

One hour later (I can just hear Felix's little 'one hour later')
"So, did you at least have fun?" Chan walked into the living room, handing I.N. a bowl of food.

"Yeah, I had my first, second, and third kiss last night" I.N. nodded, proudly.

"Geez, that's more than me. But be careful, your still underaged" Minho warned. I.N. nodded.

"I know but she did ignore me the rest of the night after finding out I'm only eighteen" I.N. added, not realizing what he had accidentally revealed. Chan, Minho, and Changbin stared at him. The other four looked away, knowing what was about to happen.

"It was an adult party!?" Chan yelled. Hyunjin got up and walked out. Felix ran for the window and climbed out, going down the fire escape and Seungmin and Jisung followed Hyunjin out the door. Changbin and Minho were right behind them.

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