Drunk reconciliation (I.N. and Hyunjin)

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Chan was tired. Really he wanted things to be over. He thought they were but he was mistaken. Hyunjin was in a bad mood mentally and Jeongin's anger was overflowing.

The dorm was tense, like a bomb waiting to go off. Felix and Seungmin spent most of their time outside the dorms, at the company or the park nearby. Changbin and Han would throw themselves into their producing and Chan would do the same if Minho did not beg for his attention.

As for the other two, Hyunjin and I.N. didn't talk a lot and only interacted on camera if they had to. Until one night, before anyone else had retired to bed, Hyunjin burst into the maknae's room.

"I'm going out. Come with me" He stated quickly. I.N. didn't even say no, but he sat up in bed, looking confused. Hyunjin had barely said two words to him in the past week so this was entirely unexpected.

"Where?" He wondered.

"Well, your old enough to drink now. No one has to know" Hyunjin held his hand out to the youngest. Momentarily forgetting his anger and the problems between them in favor of a taste of soju, I.N. accepted and they snuck out the window.

I.N. sobbed as he picked up his phone, glaring when the bright light hit his eyes. Squinting, he clicked on Chan's contact and waited for the leader to pick up.

"Innie? Why are you calling me? Just come to my room if you want to talk" Chan was really confused. Above him, Minho stirred and Changbin breathed heavily on the other side of the room. They always shared a room and there was always a bunk bed and a single bed. Minho preferred being on the top, saying that if anyone were to fall, he wanted it to be him. Chan didn't know why but he didn't question it. He had learned to stop questioning his member's weird statements and habits long ago. 

"Hyung, I did something terrible" Jeongin hiccupped, biting back more tears. Chan left the room, closing the door so as not to disturb Changbin and Minho. The older of them sat up, throwing a pillow at Changbin to wake him up. They followed Chan out of the room and the three oldest sat on the couch.

"What is it, I.N.? Where are you?" Chan waited. 

"I....don't know" Jeongin admitted, being completely honest. He was tired, and drunk and very disoriented. And he had no idea where he was or how far from the dorms he was. Worst of all, his companion of the night was passed out beside him.

"Jeongin, be completely honest with me: are you drunk?" Chan questioned. Minho looked up from his phone, not expecting that question. I.N. sucked in a breath, not wanting to answer that. 

"Hyung, I..." Jeongin knew that his silence was already answer enough. Chan already had his answer.

"Yang Jeongin, where are you?" Chan's tone was harder this time. 

"I don't know! I'm lost hyung" I.N. sobbed, feeling down. He just wanted to go home and he didn't even know why he left the dorms in the first place. It had been a stupid idea. Curse Hyunjin for suggesting this.

"Turn on your location. I'm coming to get you" Chan put his shoes on, motioning for Changbin and Minho to follow him. They did so reluctantly, both feeling tired still but not willing to argue. 

"Wait, hyung! One more thing" I.N. interrupted.

"What is it?" Chan feared the answer he was going to receive. I.N. looked at once more at the unconscious form of his hyung before answering.

"Jinnie-hyung is with me. He passed out" I.N. admitted. Chan didn't know whether to laugh, cry or just lay down and hope the earth swallowed him.

"What's wrong?" Minho smacked Chan's arm.

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