Adulthood (I.N)

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The older seven members had been more than aware that their maknae was growing up. It was part of life and not something that they could stop, even if they wanted to. He was still their maknae, but he was no longer a child and that was a hard thing for them to come to terms with. 

I.N. seemed to realize that he was growing up as well and he began to have more freedom to o things that he would not have been allowed to at one time. He was still in school when he joined Stray Kids and held the mentality of a child. Now that he was nearing his twenty first birthday, he had been asking for more and more freedom to do things. Of course there was limitations, like there was for all of them, but for the youngest, there weren't as many as there had been five years before. 

"Hyung! Can I go out to the skate park?" I.N. wasn't sure which of his hyungs he would find in the dorms but he was glad that it was Felix. It made it easier to get permission. It was really no secret that Felix was the softest with I.N. The younger australian was not as strict with the maknae than some of the others were.

"You should take someone with you" Felix was busy building something at the table.

"Hyung! I'm twenty, I think I can go to the park by myself!" I.N. pointed out. Felix looked at him. 

"Innie, you asked me a question and I gave you my answer. If you wait a little bit longer, I'll go with you or you can go find one of the others but if you continue with this attitude, you won't be allowed to go at all. Is that what you want?" Felix explained. I.N. sighed.

"No hyung. I'll go see if one of the others is around" He turned away sadly. He knew none of the others would want to go with him or were too busy to go. He would just have to wait. Felix did feel bad for him but there was nothing that he could do. It was a common rule that none of the members, especially the younger ones, go anywhere without a partner. It was just a safety precaution. Anything could happen and Chan was very strict about the buddy system when going out. He wasn't very hard about the rules but that was one that was nonnegotiable. 

I.N. couldn't find any of his other hyungs so he made up his mind. He was going to the park with or without his hyungs. He was almost twenty one! Why did he need supervision? None of the middle kids needed to have someone older with them when they were his age. Of course, he forgot that most of the 00 line members went out with each other so they didn't need to take Changbin, Minho or Chan with them.

"Innie, did you find someone to go with?" Felix called from the kitchen/dining room when he heard the door open.

"Yes hyung! Seungmin-hyung will be meeting me at the park. I'll be careful until he gets there" I.N. lied without thinking. He needed to get out and he didn't care what rules he broke to achieve that. 

"Okay. Just try not to be seen and if anything happens, call me" Felix didn't think anything about I.N.'s lie. He seemed to forget that Seungmin had a full schedule that day and was going to be staying with 3RACHA until they finished their producing. 

"I will hyung" I.N. left before Felix could realize he was lying.  I.N. didn't even seem to realize how bad his actions were until he made it to the park and a heavy guilt settled in his stomach. He had been taking skateboarding lessons from some of his Ateez hyungs for a short while and he just wanted to try out some new tricks but now he wished that he had never left the dorm. There was no way he could go back either, that would be like admitting he snuck out without permission or a partner. He did not want to see Felix's face when he walked in, knowing that he went behind his hyung's back. He just tried to relax and have some fun while he could. 

Seungmin sighed contentedly as he walked into the dorm, dropping his bag by the door and slipping his shoes off before entering the house. Felix was in the same spot as before, having not moved for quite some time now. He looked rather busy, now playing a game on his switch. 

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