Interrogation(00 line + I.N)

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Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, and I.N stared at Minho, Changbin and Chan with their arms crossed and pissed off looks on their faces. Chan knew they weren't happy and they had every reason to be but not at him. Okay, maybe a little at him. He knew they hated being interrogated but he had to get this out of the way and then let it be forgotten, which Chan could hopefully do depending on how this conversation went. 

"How many of you knew that I.N was going for unsupervised walks at night?" Minho cut right to the point. If there was one thing he hated, it was skirting around an issue. He preferred to just get right down to it. Hyunjin, Jisung and Felix's entire postures changed in a second. So that's what this was about? It took them a second longer than it should have to realize that they had just indirectly given a signed confession without saying a word. 

"Are you serious?!" Chan raised his voice.

"We're sorry!" Felix responded quickly. 

"Yeah and we didn't let him go alone all the time! Sometimes we went with him!" Jisung added in, as if that would help. Hyunjin's mouth dropped open a little and he slowly turned to Jisung. Felix did the same. 

"Really?" Felix blinked slowly.

"Damn and I thought I was the leader of paboracha" Hyunjin muttered. Jisung's face turned red; he hadn't meant to dig them into a deeper hole. 

"I cannot believe you guys! Does the word sasaeng mean nothing to you!?" Minho yelled. Chan put a hand on his oldest dongsaeng's arm to calm him but Minho pushed him off and Chan didn't try again. Jisung hung his head, curling into himself. Felix put his head in his hands and Hyunjin rested his head on the palm of his hand, turning to look the opposite way. Minho took a deep breath, calming down. He didn't want them crying...yet. 

"I am very disappointed in you. All of you" Chan added, directing a stern look in the maknae's direction. I.N didn't respond or even falter. He just kept staring straight at Chan, scaring the oldest just the tiniest bit. It was strikingly obvious right then that I.N was not a little kid anymore. Chan had been distantly aware of that but it became more clear right then. 

"Yeah, you guys know better. You three and Seungmin need to start taking responsibility more as I.N's hyungs instead of his friends" Changbin nodded in agreement. No one looked very happy at that declaration. 

" you mean by that?" Jeongin asked nervously. He didn't want to know but he had to ask.

"It means that I will not be punishing you. This time. I'm giving you guys another chance to get your act together. If I find out this happens again, I won't be lenient" Chan explained.

"Yes hyung" Hyunjin hung his head. Felix nodded too, echoing his friend.

"Jisung? Seungmin? Anything to say?" Minho warned.

"Yes hyung. It won't happen again" Seungmin nodded.

"Yeah, what he said" Jisung added. Jeongin was still sulking but no one paid him any mind. He would get over it.

Jisung, Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin knew they shouldn't be awake but it was only hours after their last performance and, even though they were tired, they weren't tired enough to sleep. Apparently, their maknae had the same idea.

"Where are you going, Innie?" Hyunjin put down his phone, staring at their maknae. I.N jumped and slowly turned to his hyungs on the couch.

"I didn't think you would be up" I.N admitted.

"Clearly" Seungmin mused. I.N blushed. There was no getting out of it now. He knew that.

"You... don't have to tell" I.N tried. The older four stared at him with matching frowns.

"Your right. We don't" Felix agreed.

"Felix! We can't" Hyunjin shook his head.

"We can. I mean come on, Innie has always been careful. You know we can trust him to be careful no matter what happens" Felix pointed out. He was right. I.N had never gotten in trouble when he was walking. Even when his hyungs went with him, he was very reserved and cautious.

Hyunjin was quiet, thinking about it.

"Hyunjin! You can't actually be considering this" Seungmin waved his hand in front of Hyunjin's face.

"He's got a point!" Hyunjin argued. I.N took advantage of their momentary distraction and slipped out the door unnoticed while tje 00 line continued arguing. It wasn't until the door closed that the arguing stopped and everyone froze. Hyunjin still had his foot placed against Seungmin's stomach, trying to push him off while Seungmin grabbed for his long tangled hair. Jisung had ended up pushed into Felix's lap, who was trying to pull Hyunjin away also and failing.

"We're so dead" Hyunjin muttered. Nobody disagreed with him.

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