Lee Know

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Chan turned in his seat when he heard the door open and Lee Know walked in, hopping a little to keep pressure off his right foot. Being the lead dancer and being unable to dance was taking a toll on the second oldest but the whole group was making do with the circumstances. Besides, it was only temporary until Minho's sprain healed.

"Did you do your exercises?" That was another thing that Minho struggled with: keeping up with his exercises everyday.

"Yes" Lee Know mumbled, plopping down on to the couch behind Chan's desk.

"Lee Know" Chan turned his chair around fully, facing his oldest dongsaeng.

"I did!" Minho insisted but it was clear he was lying. His ears and neck were turning red.

"Don't lie to me. But since you want to lie to me and skip your exercises, you can do them right here" Chan decided, waiting.

"No" Minho shook his head.

"Lee Know, do your exercises. You're never going to get better if you don't" Chan was trying to be understanding and calm but it was not working.

"I said no! I already did them and even if I didn't, what's it to you? Why do you care if I do them?! I'm useless to the team anyway" Lee Know tried to get up but he ended up just falling back on the couch, biting his lip to keep from voicing his pain.

"LEE MINHO!" Chan's voice echoed in the quiet room. Minho took a deep breath, as if he was drowning, and slowly dared to look at his hyung. Chan's eyes were thin and dark, staring at Minho as if able to see through him. Lee Know curled in on himself, not liking the way he was being looked at.

"Come here" Chan had thought plenty while the two of them were sitting in silence and he had made up his mind.

"Noo!" Minho knew exactly what that meant and he didn't want that.

"Excuse me?" Chan quirked a brow at him, surprised at the defiance. Minho pushed his knees together, his hands resting on them. Chan reached forward and caught his arm. Minho struggled and finally resorted to hitting Chan's arm just to get away.


"You do not hit me!" Chan scolded, raising his voice.

"You just hit me!" Minho screeched, still pulling away. Chan got a sudden burst of strength and used it to tug Lee Know closer, pulling the younger over his knee.


"Are you done yet? Your being annoying!" Lee Know snapped. Chan rewarded that with several rapid smacks to Lee Know's undercurve. 

"Ow!" Minho twisted around to glare up at his only hyung. Chan returned his glare with an even worse glare. 

"Done being a brat?" Chan questioned, his hand still raised in the air. Minho was quiet and then he let out a small sniffle and quickly wiped away his tears. Chan hadn't even realized that he had started crying. The leader quickly brought Lee Know to stand, then pulled him to sit on his hyungs lap to keep from putting pressure on his foot. Minho squirmed a little but he made no move to stand up. 

"I'm sorry" Lee Know mumbled, avoiding looking at Chan. 

"I know. It's okay" Chan gently scratched his dongsaeng's scalp and Minho relaxed. Just like a cat. A few minutes later, Chan realized that Minho was feeling asleep so he gently patted him on the leg to keep Lee Know awake. 

"Come on, do your exercises" Chan instructed. Minho whined a little but he did sit down and start exercising. And it helped that Chan did it with him even though he didn't have to. Minho stayed in there a bit longer while the oldest worked. 

"You still awake, baby cat?" Chan didn't turn around but he could hear Lee Know moving and then he was being hugged from behind. This caused him to turn around and Minho climbed onto his lap and went to sleep. This was completely unlike the second oldest but Chan did not mind; he actually liked it when Lee Know was clingy instead of being his usual cold, tsundere self. 

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